March 14, 2024
With Millions Of Vax Deaths Confirmed To Be A '12-Sigma Event,' The Eugenicists Who've Carried Out The Greatest Crime Upon Humanity In World History Are Free To Murder More & More
- Apocalyptic Population Growth Fears Are Overblown And Draconian Controls Unnecessary
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
According to this June 20th of 2022 story at the Harvard International Review, the population of the planet Earth is rising faster than ever before with the number of human beings living on our planet never higher than it is now according to the United Nations, rising from approximately 1 billion people in the year 1800 to over 7.5 billion people today, with the HIR story claiming this 'phenomenon' is known as 'overpopulation'.
Stressing within the opening of that story that those who are pushing the 'overpopulation theory' believe our world's resource reserves will soon be outpaced by the planet's population growth, diminishing the 'quality of life' all over the planet, it also reported those people believethe worlds food supply will inevitably become inadequate for feeding the general population, whose numbers would continue to swell until famine, disease, epidemics, war, or other calamities took root.
Leading, that story reports, to the emergence of very real extreme reproductive control measures, which have taken center stage on an international scale,including forced sterilizations in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Indonesia, Bangladesh and India, as well as Chinas two-child policy, their story then took a different direction than we thought it might, reporting that ultimately, apocalyptic population growth fears are overblown, and as such, draconian population control regulations are unnecessary.
And while their story didn't bother to mention the very real 'depopulation efforts' being taken by globalist government's all across the planet, which as those who've been paying close enough attention have seen, are nothing less than mass murder by governments, including the US government here in the 'good ole USA,' carried out on a global scale, their story addressed the fact that as long as food production keeps up with population growth, everything would turn out fine in the long run.
But as we're seeing over and over again now, the production of food is definitely NOT keeping up with population growth, with this new Zero Hedge story reporting a whopping 140,000+ farms have been 'lost' in the last 5 years alone as also reported in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. Now THAT, when combined with population growth, is a recipe for disaster.
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As we had reported on ANP back on February 1st, with the 'globalists' firmly believing that 'overpopulation' is the greatest 'threat' that our planet Earth faces, actually claiming that it needs to be 'solved' by 'whatever means necessary' for the world to move forward into the future, including seemingly endless methods of 'tyrannical control' such as 'food control, energy control, smart cities and financial control,' by so few people having so much 'control' over the rest of the planet's population and resources, we've officially moved from being a 'free people' to living as 'slaves' under a 'genocide agenda.'
And as this new story over at Natural News reports, we've now got more proof the entire COVID-19 'op' was nothing less than'premeditated genocide', being carried out on a global scale.
With that Natural News story reporting thatthe COVID jabs are now considered to be a 12-sigma event, witha 12-sigma event being an event that has an almost zero percent chance of happening a black swan event if you will,as that story warns, besides all of the people across America and around the world who have passed away following taking the advice of 'eugenicists' and getting their jabs, millions more have had their health forever damaged, with 'turbo cancers' exploding across the planet.
Besides the many thousands who died not long after getting "fully vaccinated," there are also millions of cases of serious injuries caused by the shots that will never go away for the people who now suffer from them.
"Not only was Operation Warp Speed rolled out as a full-blown depopulation scheme, it was also designed to irreversibly debilitate and incapacitate as many 'vaccine' victims as possible," reports State of the Union.
"What this really does is that it ties up the great majority of U.S. citizens so that they have no time or energy to hold their murderous government accountable for the greatest crime against humanity in world history."
Keep in mind that it is not just the government that needs to be held accountable. The same is true of the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, Big Tech, corporate religion, the education system, and all other co-conspirators that played a role in unleashing this mass genocide on America.
Meaning that the very same institutions which the American people have long been devoting their own lives to, and have largely come to depend upon, are the very same outfits who have sold out Americans in the very worst of ways, there are NO SIGNS that they will EVER be held accountable for their crimes of genocide as we move forward into the future, leaving those eugenicists who've carried out the 'greatest crime in world history' free to murder more and more.
And we should listen to those people who live their lives within the insurance industry and who are noticing the ongoing trends to see what they're seeing. While we've reported numerous times on ANP about a seemingly unending line of Americans and people all around the world who've been dying suddenly and unexpectedly, quite often, bizarrely, the young and previously healthy, as we're witnessing now, it is precisely those people who have been dying in huge numbers. As if 'the shots' were weaponized to kill those very people.
Thus targeting not only the people who would have been America's front line of defense should we get into another devastating war but the very people who were 'next in line' to have children, thus allowing these globalist psychopaths to 'double down' on their 'depopulation agenda,' just think about how much worse it will get if they're 'allowed' to continue getting away with mass murder! We clearly haven't seen anything yet. Once again, from this critical Natural News story.:
A COVID jab genocide
A retired underwriter says the evidence is clear from insurance data. Ever since COVID jabs were unleashed in late December 2020, serious injuries and deaths from "unknown" causes have skyrocketed with no end in sight.
"As I write in February, 2024, hardly a day goes by without more damning information being revealed about the tragic consequences of these injections," the retired underwriter says.
"The evidence can be found everywhere, except of course in the controlled mainstream media which continues pushing this fraudulent narrative; but cracks in the MSM narrative are now everywhere, and the truth is slowly but surely coming to light."
Though not an actuary, the retired underwriter says he worked with them daily and can clearly see from the data that the situation is catastrophic in terms of the widespread and prolific health damage caused by COVID injections.
One serious issue is the growth in "turbo cancers," or cancers that develop and spread in a person's body much more quickly than normal. The fully vaccinated are succumbing to turbo cancers at an increasing rate.
Dr. William Makis, a renowned Canadian oncologist and radiologist who has diagnosed 20,000 cancer cases throughout his career, told The People's Voice recently that he and his colleagues suddenly feel like "kindergartners" trying to explain this new phenomenon to the world.
Some of the turbo cancers that Dr. Makis and his colleagues are seeing spread so quickly that patients are dying within days of being diagnosed. Many of the diagnoses are also showing stage 4 status right off the bat, which is something he says he has not seen before throughout his career.
"Just to give an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200 year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic, so 40% is just unheard of," commented Scott Davidson, CEO of OneAmerica Life Insurance, which at the start of 2022 reported a 40 percent increase in death claims compared to the prior two quarters covering the second half of 2021 when most people were getting COVID jabbed at the height of Operation Warp Speed.
With Presidential candidate RFK, Jr. quite literally declaring these deadly jabs are bioweapons created by the United States military as heard in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, meaning 'We the American People' are quite literally paying for our own murders and the murders of countless other innocent people across the planet that are being carried out on a global scale, it's become more and more clear that these mass deaths will only be stopped if we put a stop to them.
In the 3rd video at the bottom of this story, Dr. William Makis MD addresses these exploding numbers of 'turbo cancers' that he as a Doctor has been witnessing, with his Substack blog documenting the trends that he's been witnessing for several years now, an alarming number of deaths and injuries that to this day remain unpunished. Yet with our own 'woke' military leading the way in mass murder, and the global eugenicists still believing in their warped minds that the planet is 'overpopulated,' thus they think they must 'do something about it,'it's clear we'll continue on this path towards destruction until the American people step up and do something about it.
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