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May 3, 2022

Looming WW3 Will Feature 'End Of The Planet Weapons' Like 'Scalar Technology': Nikita Khrushchev Said 25 Years Ago Russia Had A Fantastic Weapon That Could Destroy Life On Earth

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

Because I am fascinated by such things as geo-physics including earthquakes and volcanoes and the like, I often have the Dutchsinse Twitch channel running in the background to see if I can catch his live updates. I am often not on the computer when he does go live, but I do catch some here and there. And while he does put some of his shows on YouTube occasionally, lately it seems to be maybe once a month or less so I do still check there every once in a while. Not a big deal, I can just go to the Mediafire earthquake update app and watch them anyway but without Dutchs very informative commentary. That is easy enough, and one thing I have learned from him is he has shown directed energy weapon beams until maybe a year and a half ago when he stopped doing so with the explanation that he fears he may be in danger if he continued to do so. His initial reports on it can be found still on his web page with both still photos and video of these weapons caught in action by weather satellites. The first image above is one example of those directed energy weapons either being tested or perhaps used against the US or by the US that was caught using the shortwave infrared capable GOES 16 bird. No, I have no association with him or his linked tools; I am just informing you of a proven source for more great information on todays topic. You can watch a video of these beams on this YouTube link.

Also that link to his web page shows an earthquake swarm on the New Madrid Seismic Zone after many days of thermal hotspots showing up on it. I will not go over that more than just mentioning it for now, but we did cover directed beam weather modifications, HAARP and weather warfare in our July 2nd column here on ANP titled These Weather Headlines Are NOT Normal! . for you to brush up on these things. What I do want to get into a bit further are the many other ways that these energy weapons are used and a bit more about just what they are. Last month, Sarah Westall had a two part interview with Celeste Solum (part two is here), a journalist and researcher that has a background in photojournalism, medicine, government, and military. It takes awhile to get through them both (maybe an hour and forty minutes together, but you can fast forward through a lot of it or do as I do, listen with the speed of playback at 125%) and there is a lot of information if you desire to do so. She claims to have direct experience with directed energy weapons, and it is interesting, but I might suggest listening to her with a bit of skepticism. Her experience seems to be more closely related to the Havana Syndrome more than anything else.

Seven years ago the Daily Mail spoke of Russia has claimed to have built a revolutionary new weapon system that can render enemy satellites and weapons useless.Its Russian makers say it is a 'fundamentally new electronic warfare system' which can be mounted on ground-based as well as air- and sea-borne carriers. The then claimed that It is described as 'a fundamentally new electronic warfare system capable of suppressing cruise missile and other high-precision weaponry guidance systems and satellite radio-electronic equipment.'.'The system will target the enemy's deck-based, tactical, long-range and strategic aircraft, electronic means and suppress foreign military satellites' radio-electronic equipment' Again, that sounds like scalar type weaponry.

In our December 18th column here on ANP, we discussed a bit about Tesla and Scalar Wave technology and it applications in various warfare scenarios. Again, you may want to go back over that one for a better background in understanding where we will go today. On April 30th, just a few days ago, Dutchsinse had a great video titled Secret Super Weapons That Drive Disarmament Negotiations - Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden and is our first video listed below that was filmed in 1988, and has additional information up to sometime in 2011 according to the descriptions on the YouTube page. This video goes much deeper in the theory of scalar directed energy weapons than the very basic or generic overview in my December article but is well worth the time to study it if you are of a technical mind. Notice how he describes the methodology used against humans in our embassies by the Russian offensive attacks against us.

It is the effects on nuclear weapons, on radioactive materials that are the most concerning component to me, but as he says, perhaps it is so dangerous that it may not be used as such, but there are other very deadly effects that may be sought after by the enemy. Remember when watching this video that this lecture was given way back in 1988, it is important that even since then the US is not involved anywhere near as much as the Russians appear to be. But there may be other factors that are involved, and some of those may be of great importance as well. Please note the possible use of the Russian HAARP style woodpecker transmitters may have been at least in part responsible for the Chernobyl reactor failures. He says that if the safety systems had not been activated immediately and the fuel rods withdrawn immediately there may well have been a nuclear massive explosion rather than the meltdown as it did happen. That old type carbon block reactor is not a very safe system, and experts say it would have been impossible for it to have exploded but with scalar weaponry as the energy source it would be almost impossible to stop it from doing so. Just afterworlds, Ukraine got rid of all of its stocks of highly enriched uranium and the thought is that it was out of fear of Russia using those scalar weapons against Ukraine to have their own materials explode and render them radioactive for centuries.

(ANP FUNDRAISER:Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' on ANP articles, we'rerunning a fundraising drive.We also want to thank everybody who hasdonated to ANPover the years. With donations and ad revenueall that keep ANP online, if you're able, please considerdonating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Scalar waves - R/T waves visual help

An article The Guardian Australia mentions that by 2040 or so new technologies may make the oceans transparent to submarines, torpedoes and the like making their under construction fleet of new nuclear submarines a moot point. They mention systems like satellite based lasers, webs of listening devices, and other non specified new technologies for that uncovering of submarine locations and identifications, but the lecture by Lt. Col. Bearden states that the Russians already have that technology using scalar weapons systems and that the man claimed to have brought the Soviet navy up to the rival US Navy, Admiral Sergey Gorshkov (1910 1988) who is claimed to be the father of the Soviet Ocean Fleet, said that we have made the oceans of the world transparent. Note when he died and that he retired in 1985. Now, how much of that is actual fact and how much might be speculation or deception I cannot answer, but it must be acknowledged that there are more claims to Russian advances in Tesla Scalar weapons systems than jut this one lecturer. Many more.

This technology also means our missiles and bombers can be attacked on the ground or in the initial launch phases when they are still of low velocity to make them easy targets. And the shipboard nuclear power plants of our submarines and capital ships, the aircraft carriers? Well, listen to that first video to get the susceptibility to their nuclear systems to go critical even when there is only enough nuclear fuel to heat up steam for drive power. He is claiming that the USS Thresher was attacked and the electronic control systems destroyed to sink it in April 1963. He also claims that an early test model of the Scalar wave generator was used to down Gary Powers U2 rather than the claimed anti aircraft rocket. Again, I have some skepticism, but neither do I discount the claim but remember the Sun Tzu admonition that it is easier to fight an enemy when his will to fight has first been destroyed. That is the very basis for massive disinformation, propaganda and psychological warfare that we are now witnessing so vividly in the nonstop and increasingly outrageous claims put forth by all sides in the Ukrainian invasion. Those early Soviet claims may be just more of that, or they might really have those weapons systems perfected.

But on the other hand, as explained in the video, there are many examples of documented sightings of probable scalar weapons activity as listed in the included table printed below but the links do not work as the original website is not available anymore, nor can I find cached versions. Searches for scalar causes in the examples only turns up the official explanations and not those of Tesla scalar weapons being used; so either it is all a fraud or it is something that is so incredibly dangerous and secret that it is being withheld from any web searches.

Examples of Sightings of
Probable Scalar Weapon Activity
as cited by Tom Bearden

Mushroom clouds from "cold explosions," Tesla domes sighted, taking over a pilot's mind. All quotes byTom Bearden.

1.Endothermic exhaust plumes on Soviet island
"The right picture shows the "puff" of an explosive emergence of the exhaust. In other words, this one is the exhaust from a "dumping transfer" howitzer used in the pulsed exothermic mode. Since it did not have so much energy to dump, it could dump it in a pulse. Again, the primary howitzer, of course, was activated in the endothermic mode."

2.More probable howitzer plumes
"These exhausts from Bennett Island are euphemistically called plumes by U.S. weather analysts."

3.Location of many anomalous exhaust plumes
"This slide shows the location of three areas of interest relative to Soviet scalar EM weapons testing."

4.Site of Mystery Mushroom cloud, seen by several pilots
"The location of the "cold explosion" off the coast of Japan on April 9, 1984. The site of the explosion was only about 200 miles from downtown Tokyo. It was seen by the crews of several jet airliners, including Japan Air Lines Flight 36."

5.Giant mushroom cloud erupted above the ocean south of the Kuril Islands
"It also was a direct "stimulus" to the Japanese and the rest of the world: That is, stimulate the system and see if the scientists recognize what happened. If they do, then they know about scalar EM weapons. If they don't, then their countries know nothing of scalar EM weapons, and those countries are defenseless against them."

6.April '84 Cold explosion
"Indeed, this highly anomalous cloud was due to a cold explosion -- a test of a Soviet scalar EM howitzer in the pulsed endothermic mode."

7.Cold explosion signature
"Indeed, we know it was a cold explosion. As I've stated previously, a colleague has in fact produced the basic effect over a dish of water in the laboratory, using a small scalar interferometer in the endothermic mode."

8.April '84 cold explosion: seismic activity ruled out
"Dr. Walker and his colleagues performed a comprehensive analysis of the data recorded by the hydrophones in and around the time of the incident in question. The data shows the absence of any natural seismic or volcanic event that could have caused the April 9th phenomenon off the coast of Japan."

9.What is a "Tesla shield?"
"Such a shell may be several hundred miles in diameter at the base. The enormous energy required to form such a defense shell is obtained by a "scalar power tap" into the molten core of the earth itself, as previously explained."

10.Tesla shield sighted, Mar. 20, 1969
"This is directly indicative of a test of the Tesla shield, first as a small, more intense shield and then expanding to greater size for a less intense shield whose primary destructive mechanism is EMP. Note that the EMP in a Tesla shield islocally containedin the energy-bottle shell. It isnotan ordinary EMP of energy radiatedout of the shell."

11.Mar. 24, 1977 sighting of Tesla shield with two smaller orbs
"Here is a second instance of apparent Soviet testing of the hemispherical Tesla shield over the ocean. This time it is combined with simultaneous testing of two smaller scalar interferometers creating Tesla globes of EM energy."

12.Large Tesla shields seen in Soviet Union from Afhanistan, 17 August 1980
"In short, with these systems an essentially 100% ABM and anti-bomber defense is possible. Further, the Soviets have possessed such an effective defense for two decades, just as they have openly stated."

13.Another Scalar Weapons test observed, CIA report
"However, note the date --mid 1966! The Soviets have therefore been testing such scalar weapons of enormous size and power for at least two decades. This implies that development must have started at least a decade earlier, or in the mid '50s"

14.Another dome observered by pilots, June, 1982
"The diameter of the ball was estimated as at least 18-27 kilometers by the pilots. Depending upon the actual distance to the sphere, it may have been of much larger size."

15.June 22, 1976 Dome observered over North Atlantic
"By 2140 hrs the sphere had faded and disappeared. The sphere was sufficiently thin that the stars could be seen through it at all times."

16.Intense continuous Tesla fireball witnessed Sept. 1976
"Here is another incident that represents a stimulus to the British government, to see if the British are aware of scalar electromagnetics."

17.Giant arcs in sky observered in 1961, test of earliest scalar weapons system
"This was probably a test of an early research and development prototype, since Khrushchev had only announced his new "fantastic weaponry" in development in his January, 1960 speech to the Soviet Presidium"

18.Other indicators of Scalar Testing
Anomolous cloud formations betray scalar action on the Woodpecker grid; electrical strikes and power grid phenomena; seemingly "paranormal" phenomena

19.Photograph of scalar marker beacon near shuttle launch site
Did the Soviets sabatogethe Challenger?

20.Possible Mind-control event, and current status of electromagnetic WMD
"When was the last time the "talking heads" national news media --- or our own government --- alerted us to the growing Yakuza threat in heartland U.S.A.? They already have scalar interferometers, including smaller portable ones they have made in their own facilities in Japan, taking back the technology they leased from the KGB at the end of 1989."

21.EM missile practice, example

22.Scalar Tesla dome sighted, 1969

23.Another Tesla dome sighting, 1977
"Disappeared after two minutes."

24.Dome seen by many residents, Virgin Islands

25.Yugoslav Earthquake, Followed by Cold Explosion
"At Kamenari Adriatic sea mushroomed up like atomic bomb explosion, signature of a cold explosion"

26.Probable scalar mind-control, the mysterious flight of Capt. Button

27.Another scalar induced mind-control crash
"Psychoenergetic strike induced an instant hynogogic trance, shifted pilot's sense of up and" down.

28.Unprecented failure of all four engines of an HC-130 aircraft, all at once

29.Kill of Arrow DC-8, Gander AFB, Dec. 12, 1985
"Eyewitness observed beams form in the sky."

30.Strange Iran quake of 1978
"Anomalous depth, no aftershocks, strange epicenter."

31.Russian attempts to ban "frightful new weapons."
"On July 2, 1975, Brezhnev repeated his proposed ban on development of frightful new weapons, to a group of U.S. senators... No one had the foggiest notion of what the Russians were talking about!"

32.Microwave Radiation of U.S. Embassy in Moscow
"Two Ambassadors died, another sickened."

33."Bright Skies" Evidence of scalar weapons testing in the Australian outback
from Nexus Magazine: "The massive, high-altitude, blue-white light energy flashes are possibly due to Tesla EM wave emission coupling briefly with the upper atmosphere, whereas the ground-level flashes are possibly due to the operation of a Tesla Magnifying Transmitter (located either in Australia or overseas) that is transmitting EM energy through the planet to the antipodean target site where electrical arc energy is being violently released"

34.Probable current status of Scalar Weapons
"Five nations now have it: Brazil, Russia (KGB), China, and two nations friendly to the U.S.

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union's economy, lots of things got available for lease or purchase that would never have been under the old system. That happened in the resulting economic chaos. The Russian Mafia rose to prominence, as did some wheeling and dealing entrepreneurs who played both ends against the middle.

"In that atmosphere, and in the need for money, the KGB allowed leasing of the earlier longitudinal EM wave interferometers to a consortium of the Yakuza and Aum Shinrikyo."

35.Overview of the powers of Scalar Weapons
"The Woodpecker transmitters can carry scalar components which, in addition to biological strikes, can be used for many other purposes

There are, however, other explanations given for many of them. For instance number five, the Giant mushroom cloud erupted above the ocean south of the Kuril Islands is listed as a volcanic explosion as seen in a photo below. But regarding those mysterious globes of bright light, there remains much mystery and even the New York Times said NOT since the great Siberian blast of 1908 or the flash recorded over the South Atlantic by a Defense Department satellite in 1979 has there been an explosive event as stubbornly mysterious as the mushroom cloud that appeared over the sea 200 miles east of Japan shortly before midnight April 9, 1984..

It was so close to cargo-laden Flight 36 of Japan Airlines that the plane's commander, Capt. Charles H. McDade, swerved away from it, began a rapid descent, ordered his crew to put on oxygen masks and radioed a ''May Day'' distress call.

''Looks like a nuclear explosion, only there was no fireball,'' he told flight controllers in Alaska. His plane was slightly jostled. ''I turned tail and ran,'' he said later.

The crews of KLM and Flying Tiger airliners, also headed toward Alaska, saw the cloud too. All were flying above a 14,000-foot cloud deck from which a bulb appeared, soaring at an estimated 500 miles an hour. The bulb rapidly expanded to a diameter of 200 miles - the distance between New York and Washington - then thinned and disappeared above 65,000 feet.

The Soviet Union had warned of impending weapons tests, but far to the north. Still, the planes, and others passing the area on their way to Alaska, were diverted to Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage to be examined for radioactivity. None was found. Nor did any of the pilots see a flash and other telltale effects of a nuclear blast were lacking.

Nor was there any disruption of aircraft electronics, such as that to be expected from a nuclear explosion. Meteor? Volcano? Tanker? They failed to list the possible effects of a Tesla Scalar weapon aimed at that spot in the atmosphere, but did conclude that the Defense Intelligence Agency was reported to have decided that a nuclear explosion was the most likely explanation. A panel of experts convened by the White House, however, concluded that the absence of other supporting evidence, such as fallout and atmospheric pressure waves, seemed to rule that out.

And therefore some of the Domes of Light and Tesla Fireballs indicated in some sources as being factual, and even attributed to the scalar weapons testing of the Soviet Union. One of those is from an old 1988 Omni magazine story reprinted on the Tesla Universe website with some very interesting details and their descriptions of Bearden and his claims that among those trying to revive Teslas ideas are some whose claims stretch the borders of the credible. A typical member of the radical fringe is Tom Bearden, a retired lieutenant colonel who works as a weapons analyst for an aerospace company. For years he has been collecting reports of unexplained explosions such as a 1976 sighting in Afghanistan of gigantic, expanding spheres of light emanating from deep within the Soviet Union. Bearden claims there has been a Soviet weaponization of one of Teslas pet notions, which he himself has dubbed scalar electronics. By combining and focusing electromagnetic and gravity waves, he says, one can make incredibly potent weapons. He is certain this is what Nikita Khrushchev was referring to 25 years ago when he announced the Russians had a fantastic weapon that could destroy life on Earth. So, Omni didnt buy it but that is not surprising to me and I remain on the skeptical side even though there are other reports that it may be true.

Kuril Islands volcanic explosion

On The Drive website there is an interesting article by The Warzone that has a much higher respect for the Russian works in scalar weapons with the headline of US Spy Plane Pilots Account Indicates Soviet Russia Tested a Dome of Light Superweapon. In it they quoted the pilot as saying Sometime during late 1988, most likely October or November, my crew from the 24th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, 6th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Eielson AFB, Alaska, was at Shemya AFB, Alaska, for a routine two-week deployment. During a sortie in the sensitive area east of the Kamchatka Peninsula near the USSR, we were notified that the Soviets had launched an SS-20 Saber (RDS-10 Pioneer) missile toward theKura Test Range at Klyuchi..Using a variety of optical and telemetry sensors, the RC-135S collected measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT) and telemetry intelligence (TELINT) used to verify compliance with international arms agreements and to assess the maturity and development of foreign ballistic missile systems.

As our crew prepared for the re-entry of the SS-20s three re-entry vehicles (RVs), we climbed to our prescribed collection altitude and began our timing track to ensure that the right side of the airplanewhere all the sensors were locatedwas pointed toward the re-entry event to the west of our orbit.

As we looked for traffic, we noticed what appeared to be a translucent, milky white wall moving from the left, over the USSR, to the right, toward the Northern Pacific Ocean. It covered the entire sky from ground level to as far up as we could see looking out the front windows of the airplane. It moved very quicklyfar faster than crossing airplane trafficand rapidly approached us. The wall of light passed across our flight path and then continued eastward, leaving the empty and dark night sky in its wake. Our programmed turn time arrived and we began our bank to the left to collect on the RVs. Once we rolled out southbound the wall of light was no longer visible to the east.

After the mission, the other pilot and I discussed what we had seen and could offer no explanation. As we had both seen it, we concluded that it was not a hallucination and was likely some kind of auroral event neither of us had ever seen, despite their common presence at the high latitudes where we routinely operated. Interestingly enough, the same pilot and I saw the phenomenon again, behaving in the same fashion and, coincidentally, also prior to the collection for an SS-20 launch..

By this time there was official interest in this event, which had now acquired the name Dome Of Light. This accurately described its appearance as a flash of light that began at the SS-20 launch site and then radiated outward in all directions at high speed. Guesses as to the velocity of the Dome Of Light were determined by the time it took the SS-20 to travel from the launch site at either Drovyanaya or Kansk to Klyuchi. This yielded a back-of-the envelope speed around 6,200mph!

The wide array of sensors installed on the RC-135S's forward fuselage.,FAS.ORG

While researching the section on aerial intelligence related to ballistic missile launches . I came across two references to the Dome Of Light, but neither had any scientific or military explanation beyond what we had been told at the time. The best I have been able to determine was that in the post-Soviet 'glasnost' world, the Russians knew what the Dome Of Light was, but were not saying.

ALos Angeles Timespiecefrom January 24th, 1988 talks about the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treatycoincidentally,the same onethatwas just shreddedand the issues surrounding Russia's compliance with it. The article mentions specifically a Dome Of Light system used to mask a first strike launch, presumably at least in part by blinding America'sspace-based infrared early warning satellites.

Now that is one very interesting idea, and the descriptions of that dome of light still matches with Beardens descriptions of scalar weapons technology. There is so much more available on this, but I will curtail that portion for now. There may not be any more information forthcoming due to the massive censorship of anything that is not in the official narrative on anything, let alone such things as super weapons that are beyond the imagination of most people. Seven years ago

Another fascinating article explaining how these systems work is listed on Scribd and can be downloaded from there. They begin with this observation, Unlike Western universities, Eastern Europe and Russia have always included Tesla's scalar wave research openly in their curriculum and so they got a head start with multiple facilities built all over the Soviet Union to build scalar weapon transmitters starting from the 1950's. America, even though they had Nazi scientists working for them after the war at Area 51 on anti-gravity, didn't realize how advanced the Soviets had become with scalar technology until they found out they'd been secretly attacked during the 1950's undetected. In 1960 the Soviet premier Kruschev announced to the world, that they had "superweapons". In 1963 they deliberately destroyed a US atomic submarine undersea by Puerto Rico with scalar weapons. They next day over the Puerto Rico Trench the Soviets used scalar weapons in a different mode to produce a giant underwater explosion. US was defenseless against an unknown type of weapon.. and on they go for many pages. There are other stories saying that 9/11 was a scalar attack, and that the increases in earthquakes are as well, and many more but story length prohibits any more for the time being.

Scalar weaponry is far more than just weather modification; it could be an end of the planet weapon system and must be taken seriously as it appears that the Russians do have some capabilities even though they notoriously brag of far more than they have and are capable of, there is enough evidence out there that we should be taking this business very seriously. Very seriously indeed.

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