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May 29, 2023
We're In The 'End Game' Of The 'Overthrow Of America' We Were Warned Of Long Ago: The Subversion Of America As We're Being Invaded Before Our Destruction And The Final Violent Takeover
- The World Has Gone Mad As Corporations Meet WEF Global Govt Initiatives
If it seems to you like our world has gone completely mad, particularly over the past several years, (and judging by comments not only in comment sections but by listening to people talking all over the country, you're definitely not alone in holding that sentiment but are part of the huge majority,) we can trace much of that 'lunacy' back to three 'global govt initiatives' being heavily pushed by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum as well as by the mainstream media.
While most 'normal,' every-day Americans may have never heard of CEI, DEI and ESG, by the time you're done reading this story, you'll understand why huge corporations like Target, Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Anheuser Busch and many others to come are quite literally 'committing suicide' in 2023.
With the Washington Post putting out this September 26th of 2022 story titled "If Companies Really Want to Do Some Good, They Should Unbundle ESG and DEI," while Forbes published this December 8th of 2022 story titled "ESG And DEI: Why They Matter For Long-Term Sustainability" and the Harvard Business Review published this April 5th of 2023 story titled "Why Business Leaders Must Resist the Anti-ESG Movement," we see the insanity perfectly in the opening to this story.:
The business world is in thrall to six letters or, more accurately, to two groups of three letters ESG and DEI. These stand, respectively, for environmental, social and governance and diversity, equity and inclusion. Taken together, they constitute the ruling business ideology of our age.
And when we add CEI into that mix of insanity, with CEI standing for the Climate Education Initiative, this Harvard Business Review story from April 5th laid it all on the line for us, propaganda-style.:
The culture wars in the U.S. continue to rage, and theyve come for business. Companies are being dragged into issues that stir emotions, such as abortion, gay and trans rights, racial and gender equity, and climate change. In particular, business is facing questions about its stance on societal issues mainly from the right side of the political aisle.
So with 70% of Americas top execs calling themselves Republicans, business leaders now find themselves in an odd position: accused by high-profile members and pundits from their own party of being part of a woke or ESG progressive agenda.
For many companies, it may seem smart to stay out of anyones crosshairs. But try as they might, theres no avoiding taking positions on the big issues of the day major stakeholders, particularly young customers and employees, expect it.
Yet notice that HBR story attempts to blame 'the right side of the political aisle' for these 'culture wars' that are raging in America, rather than the TRUE SOURCE of all the strife, the World Economic Forum and globalist politicians, who've been pushing this madness upon us and upon the business world. If the WEF and globalist politicians never launched ESG, DEI and CEI, America wouldn't be 'warring' over them. Notice how the globalists love throwing crap in our faces, then blaming us as being 'monsters' for throwing it right back at them.
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And as we'll hear in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story from Andy Frisella on his 'Real AF' show, what we've been witnessing in these 'woke wars' will lead to the collapse of society if we continue down the road we're now on. Warning that it's clearly not just a 'coincidence' that all of these companies are taking nearly the exact same steps in unison, steps that they've all clearly seen are crushing their businesses, Frisella goes through the three initiatives of the WEF we told you about above while warning that if these corporations DON'T PUSH the WEF agenda, they'll actually lose their 'global government funding.'
As we hear in the 1st video below from the Hagmann Report titled "CEI, DEI, & ESG The Acronyms of Takeover,"all of the corporations seen in the graphic above have sold out America for the WEF's global government initiatives, so if they don't push CEI, DEI and ESG, they'll get 'canceled' by the globalists.
But as we're seeing on the other hand, by pushing these global govt initiatives, these massive corporations are getting 'canceled' by their own customers 'en masse,' leading to companies like Target and Anheuser Busch losing billions of dollars in sales in no time at all, thus establishing a vicious cycle.
And while we won't feel sorry at all for Target and Kohl's and Anheuser and all of those other mega-corporations losing billions of dollars because of their incredibly stupid decisions to push satanism for children and the insane trannie agenda in our faces every day, leading to more and more anger not only here in the USA but all across the planet, as Andy Frisella explains in that 2nd video, these companies driving their own businesses into the dirt is a huge part of the entire 'communist process' taking place across America called 'demoralization,' the intentional undermining of American values and identity.
The excerpt below comes to us from Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov's classic "Love Letter to America,"which we have embedded in full for you to read at the very bottom of this story, with this excerpt describing the 'four stages of subversion' Communist nations use to take down other nations, warning that these stages don't happen overnight but are stretched out many years, and even decades.
What many of you do not see, is the second "chain" of events which I graphically represent in the following chart (ANP: see image below) of the FOUR STAGES OF SUBVERSION: I) DEMORALIZATION, 2) DESTABILIZATION, 3) CRISIS, 4) "NORMALIZATION".
What has all this to do with the KGB? Very simple: these are the 'most favourable conditions' listed in any Marxist textbook of revolutionary struggle. I have simply placed them in chronological order and divided them into three vertical columns: the areas of application, the methods of subversion and the expected (or achieved) results.
In the context of the United States, most of these nasty things are done to America by Americans. . . with the IDEOLOGICAL help of the Communist subverters. Most of the actions are overt, legitimate, and easily identifiable. The only trouble is - they are "stretched in time". In other words, the process of subversion is such a long-term process that an average individual, due to the short time-span of his historical memory, is unable to perceive the process of subversion as a CONSISTENT and willful effort. That is exactly how it is intended to be: like the small hand of your watch. You know it moves, but you CAN NOT SEE it moving.
The main principle of ideological subversion is TURNING A STRONGER FORCE AGAINST ITSELF. Just like in the Japanese martial arts: you do not stop the blow of a heavier more powerful enemy with an equally forceful blow. You may simply hurt your hand. Instead you catch the striking fist with your hand and PULL the enemy in the direction of his blow until he crashes into a wall or any other heavy object in his way. Yuri Bezmenov (1939-1993)
And with the subversion process of America now going just as the globalists planned as our economy is destabilized by covid lockdowns and corporations going woke, leading to a countless number of them then 'going broke,' while most Americans have not only NOT 'resisted' the subversion process but our so-called 'leaders' helping it along, we see what Bezmenov warned us of long ago has been carried out smoothly and effectively before the blinded eyes of most Americans now for decades and decades.
And because of that, as we see in the next image below, America has quickly been transformed from an 'open' to a 'closed' society, just as Bezmenov had warned would happen, with America now in the 'end stages' of that move before we become a truly 'closed society,' 'replacement,' with only 'civil war, revolution, and invasion,' to follow.
And as we've all seen in what's now happening at our Southern border, 'replacement' of Americans is now being carried out before our eyes, with a massive 'invasion'being brewed up by the freedom-hating globalists 'right on time,' all that remains is 'civil war' and 'revolution' with Steve Quayle having long warned us that Communist Revolutions are never completed without gun confiscations and the violent deaths of 10's of millions, with all commie revolutions purging their enemies through violent means.
So with everything that's happening now to America being warned of long ago, and the 'end result' of the subversion of America being a 'closed society,' aka 'totalitarianism' or 'full-scale tyranny,' we can see in the chart above from KGB defector Brezmenov just how close America is to our final overthrow.
With all of the other steps, including discontent, productivity down, recession, inflation and unemployment, social unrest, instability and radicalism, and a power struggle, having already taken place, and 'replacement' taking place right now with the mass influx of illegal aliens into the country being aided by globalist politicians like the 'biden crime family,' as Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News warned in this May 18th story we republished on ANP titled "As The Full Implementation Of The 45 Communist Goals To Overthrow America Near Completion, America's Last Days Close In With Demonic Forces Having A Stranglehold On Our Land,"we are living in 'America's final days.'
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