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March 17, 2022
This Is The End Game For The Great Reset: How The 1% Will Control 100% Of The World's Wealth And 'You Will Own Nothing, And Like It' - Mitt Romney's Role In The Destruction Of America
It has been commonly stated that crypto currency is the Mark of the Beast for a handful of reasons including the fact that they can control what you can or cannot buy using a debit or credit card already if they wanted to and have done so to stop certain parties from operating openly such as mobs, people with non-approved views, those that are not politically correct and so forth even here in the good ol USA. Just ask the upright citizens that are being falsely accused and destroyed from the January 6th fiasco or those that supported President Trump against the wishes of the dictatorship in DC. Their lives, jobs, homes, families and incomes have been destroyed by our evil government and associated agencies. Crypto is based on computers and they can easily be manipulated and even shut down whether intentionally or not. With the fear of EMP knocking out our whole civilization, why would anyone put their trust in easily manipulated computer files as a virtual commodity like their wealth when simple land ownership and other tangibles would be superior and dramatically safer? Basic question we must also include is the increasing social credit score as implemented in Communist China against their citizens where you cannot go to the movies, buy a car or even watch TV without reaching certain levels of woke correctness. Yes my friends, it is going to become much worse in the very near future. The Central Banks and their cohorts have mandated it.
It has already been well covered here and elsewhere that the Great Reset also known as the New World Order covers many fronts with evil people like Klaus Schwab saying the purpose of the Covid farce is to help force that evil plan on the world. Among the many other forces are the looming World War even using nukes (that the WEF, CFR and others not only approve of but actually push for) in order to bring the worlds population way down and force a complete reset on everything. It will take a complete destruction to make it fertile ground for an actual Satanic cult to take over all controls of this planet. Mixed in with all of that is the destruction of many of the worlds economies including the destruction of the US Dollar (aka, Petro Dollar) completely replacing it with a world digital currency that can be easier to manipulate and removed from US control. China, the WEF, Russia and more are already well on their way to a successful completion of that goal and a reset of the worlds currencies into crypto or digital monies is a major factor of that scheme. Yes, Klaus Schwabs WEF has dumped many millions into that scheme along with so many others along with a well known political clown that gets a pass on so many other evil schemes; Mitt Romney.
As it appears that Ukraine is the sacrificial lamb to create war in Europe and escalate to WWIII in order to speed up the great Reset via eventual nuclear devastation and knock the USA down to their approved size and it is also a method to crash all of the worlds currencies to bring in a NWO digital currency to better control everyone and everything under the elitist Church of Satan or the Central Bankers or the Illuminati also known as the Beast of the End Times.
Just after the Second World War the worlds economies were in a total shambles so a group of the Allied nations and a few others met in a hotel in New Hampshire called Bretton Woods to discus and arrange a reset led by the British representative John Maynard Keynes and the US Treasury departments Harry Dexter White. It is in this setting that the worlds financial systems were overhauled and the World Bank groups and the IMF were founded. Because the US physically held over two thirds of the worlds gold at that time they decided that the US dollar and all of that gold would be the basis of the new worlds financial systems. Because there was a lot of inflation supposedly caused by that pact, in 1971 Richard Nixon removed gold from the system and that act was often referred to as the Second Bretton Woods system. As a massive fiat money system and the cause of the worlds petroleum to use US dollars as the exchange medium the dollar was then termed the Petro Dollar. We are now looking at the Great Financial Reset to go along with the social and political Great Reset and the move to eliminate all other currencies including the US Petro Dollar is now being called the Bretton Woods Three System as it is transitioned into crypto currencies. This is already happening with the recent Russian and Chinese method of China helping Russia find the Ukraine fiasco by instituting their own electronic monies concern, setting the stage for a world crypto currency.
This newest Bretton Woods system is how they will get the 1% to control 100% of the world and its wealth by automating everything. No small businesses, no independent actions, no private property, no owning anything. Remember Klaus Schwab saying you will own nothing and you will like it? The new Central Bank Digital Currencies is on the way and there is not really anything you can do about it. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has already held many meetings with various nations to get things organized and into operation. There has already been massive financial manipulations where the United States Federal Reserve has already moved over $9 TRILLION into trading houses on Wall Street shrouded in secrecy and supposedly protected by executive orders. William Middelkoop, the author of the book the Big Reset wrote Two major problems in the worlds financial system have to be addressed: 1) the demise of the U.S. dollar as the worlds reserve currency, and 2) the almost uncontrollable growth in debts and in central banks balance sheets. For all of these issues, central banks have only been buying time since the start of the credit crisis in 2007. But given how sensitive this issue is, nothing can be said in public. Any official comments about a new Plan B will crash financial markets (Plan A) immediately. Central planners know the only way to plan a reset is to do it in total secrecy. Thus far that total secrecy has been complete with not one release of how much money went to which Wall Street concern. The central banks never leave a stone unturned to print more money.
The tyranny that we have thus far witnessed during the Covid farce is only a small taste of what is in our immediate future. They want a one world government that they can absolutely control and that means a totalitarian, fascist government and they want a one world religion most similar to Luciferianism and along with absolute control of wealth and ownership of everything using digital currencies they believe they will get it all. The Rothschild Investment Corporation already is the worlds richest family group with Baron Jacob Rothschild apparently the worlds richest man; and yes he is the leader of the Church of Satan.
And now we hear that the white house is releasing an Executive Order out on crypto currencies. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are blockchain crypto currencies that have programmable features and can be used to stifle dissent because they are wholly owned and tracked by government so they will know if you prefer Snickers to Baby Ruths and the associated social credit systems will enable the government to control how, where and when you can spend anything. Health Impact News said the White House published the Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets that will pave the way to a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) while regulating, and possibly eliminating, all competing cryptocurrencies. This is the end game for the Great Reset, which started with the COVID Plandemic in 2020, and is being further advanced today with the war in Ukraine. The end goal for the Globalists here is the complete replacement of fiat currencies and hard cash with digital money that is controlled by the Central Banks.
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Mitt Romney and William Bain JR.
One of those players is Bain Capital, the Mitt Romney private equity firm that specializes in leveraged buyouts that destroys businesses, families and lives for his personal profit. Romneys Bain Capital Profited Billions by Bankrupting American Workers is how Breitbart put it a couple years ago, Sen. Mitt Romneys (R-UT) investment firm Bain Capital profited billions between 1992 and 1997 by collecting huge dividends for investors that eventually resulted in layoffs for thousands of American workers. His history of underhanded and evil moves reminds me of George Soros but far more two faced as he pretends to be a good Christian and great family man where Soros does not. He is exactly the type of man Christ ranted against when he was speaking of the Pharisees and their lying and theft of the poors ability to feed and care for themselves; acting pious while at the same time destroying lives. He pretends to be a big shot in the LDS church while breaking every known commandment and sacred oath just as evil idiots like Nevadas two faced hypocrite Harry Reid (also a supposed good Mormon) pretended to be a good Christian while breaking every possible law. This really gets my goat because all of the real Mormons I know are among the most kind and top notch people of the world. Kind of like the image Nancy Pelosi gives about being a devout member of the Catholic faith I suppose. They are truly the scum of the earth.
Bain Capital Launches $560 Million Crypto FundBenzinga headline states; Bain Capitals Crypto Fund I will exclusively focus on investing in early-stage cryptocurrency protocols operating in decentralized finance (DeFi) and Web3 categories. The number one priority is investing in the infrastructure. That would be layer 1 scaling solutions, privacy products, middleware, storage solutions, and the sort of components used to build the ultimate internet services we think well be interacting with in the future And that my friends puts him in the foundational structure of the central bankers world domination scheme, assembling some of the infrastructure that the Great Reset requires to fully control your lives. Bloomberg said that Bain has been investing in crypto for the last seven years, pouring money into crypto lenderBlockFi Inc., decentralized-finance lender Compound and Digital Currency Group, which runs a slew of crypto-related businesses.We have high conviction we are at the beginning of a multi-decade technology shift. Of course, like the Bidens, Pelosis, Kerrys, Schumers and other crooked politicians sons (or perhaps I should say mafia bosses sons) Mitts boy is also involved with things like $8 billion Stanford Financial Group Ponzi scheme, the second largest such scam in history and so many other scandals that like those other politicians, he fits right in with them.
I really liked the State of the Nation article on Romney because they called him just another corrupt Bush son and Mitts true history cannot be told unless the criminal milieu that he worked within is described beforehand. Only when you get the picture of this crime syndicate and their incredible power and political reach, will you see where Unfit Mitt fits into the puzzle of corrupt bankers, rogue CIA, and the underbelly of politics. Mitts crimes have often been aligned with the big dogs on the global block the Bush Criminal Cartel.George H. W. Bush and Mitt Romney were part of the team that fleeced the former Soviet Union through Riggs-Valmet Bank and then laundered the money through Romneys Bain Capital. And they said that the senior Bushes were grooming him to become president of America so that the CIA could maintain control of the White House through a Bush Criminal Cartel adopted son. When Mitt failed repeatedly to win the White House, they finally had to dip low into their gene-pool to put Jeb up for the job. To fully appreciate Mitts resume, one need only look at a short list of crimes that Bain Capital has been charged with and some of their many unethical deals.. After all this corruption, deceit, and economic terrorism, Mitt Romney walks free and continues to do the same greedy evil to this very day. how Mitt can commit so many economically unethical deeds and get off without prosecution, or without having the public know about his true nature an economic predator driven by corruption and greed. Mitt is protected by the Bush Criminal Cartel, just like Bill and Hillary and Barack Obama.
There is far more on Romney and especially the Bush Crime Syndicate in that article, and I recommend going over it for more information or refreshing your memory of how evil the whole damned government is and all the people in it. They are most definitely members in good standing of the Support Monkeys of the New World Order.
Now, with all of this under our belts, what the hell is Mitt doing with the Russian/Ukraine war? After much research it comes down to basically this the leftist rags love him and the more conservative sources are puzzled or dislike him. I am on the side of total disgust and hatred for him and his friends. His absurd treason charges against Tulsi Gabbard are insane; his ranting that Trump would start World War Three with Russia is bass-ackwards as it is he that is trying to talk everyone into going after Russia hard; after his criminal gangs raping of Russian assets he has the gall to say we need sanctions much tougher than we already put in place; he wants to send US fighters to put an air supremacy force over the Ukraine which would trigger a quick nuclear response from Putin. This man is INSANE and very, very EVIL there can be no compromise with people of this ilk.
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