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December 15, 2024

Drones: The Big Hubbub Of The Month -I Have Seen Videos, Still Photos And Read Many Contradicting Stories, Thereby Proving That The Truth Is Being Covered Up Big Time
Alan Barton -All News Pipeline

Lets start this one off with one of my favorite openings by using Merriam-Webster, ok?

hubbub hubbub ˈhə-ˌbəb

1: noise, uproar

2: confusion, turmoil

The Cambridge Dictionary adds an important qualifier, or rather, more implicit meaning, and that is a loud noise, especially caused by a lot of people all talking at the same time and a mixture of continuing noises producing a feeling of busy activity or confused excitement.

I like that definition as it hits square on target of what this column actually covers; a huge hubbub of noisy voices with confused excitement. You will see what I mean as we continue with this one; it is actually funny in many ways.

The current story de-jour is all about some damned drones. Or is that unidentified aerial phenomena hard to say I suppose. After having read through a few dozen stories and watched nearly as many videos on them, I have come to the conclusions (note the plurality of conclusions) that first, there are many different UFOs that they are combining into one unknown mystery, and second that it seems to be a planned story getter to distract from what disastrous schemes are being pursued that must be kept from the masses to keep them from total panic mode. Not to say that the drones themselves are causing any panic; nay, that seems the whole point of their exercise (whoever the hell they are).

Lets tackle the first item to begin with, and that is what drones or UFOs or UAPs are they really talking about. Looking at the descriptions and photos and video clips, there are far more than one thing knocking about I almost said up there but then remembered that they also fly around underwater. There are obvious commercial sized drones such as the one that was shot down that was a Walmart delivery test vehicle with its package drop link hanging down. Those fly around in a number of test markets making deliveries of product with others being tested and considered by other companies for things like small food deliveries, pharmaceutical deliveries, and so forth as they are quick, not dependent on roadways, and seemingly safe from traffic accidents (but not from being shot down).

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An Introduction To Commercial Drones

Then there are the smaller commercial versions that are used for hobby, sport, aerial displays (think July Fourth) and such. And then some are military observation and even weaponised versions already used in a few areas of this world today. We are speaking primarily of the basic multiple rotors that keep them aloft and also used for propulsion style drone, but can also include remote controlled helicopter style and winged drones. They are all fairly commonplace and have been since radio controlled model aircraft have been popular since the 1950s. Various law and peacekeeping agencies form local cities to federal intel agencies use them and have used them for a number of years now and do not forget the intelligence surveillance balloons have been used for even longer.

The greater confusion exists because they are grouped together or not even delineated as differing systems by the so-called news or propaganda outlets including the conservative or independent outlets. Much of that seems to be because so many of the reporters or propaganda agents have no understanding of what they are, even if they may use one for remote camera access for covering whatever story they are on. B role footage is often that usage, and they are strictly covered under FCC regulations. Even the local teen with his little drone has to file a flight plan if it is flown over 50 feet in altitude, plus the requirements for visual lighting systems much like aircraft are required to use. Plus, most of them have very high noise levels and that is often a dead giveaway that some drone is pursuing you for surveillance for whatever reason, even if by just some nerd stalking you.

The military and some of the intel agencies (even if just the local cops) often ignore those requirements as they do so many other legal mandates, and that adds to the confusion. Add in the federal agencies with their higher budgets and more sophisticated systems and the waters get muddied far more. Then the military gets involved in their flight testing of prototype upcoming systems and testing payload packages and such and the waters get downright thick muddy.

The categories above appear to cover so much of what is in the news but by all means not all of the sightings and stories whether real or faked (do not leave out faked stories). Next comes the military (and perhaps intel agencies) black craft, the super secret concepts and even production series exemplified by the long in service F-17 prior to its official debut in the Iraq mass warfare event. Then there are the secret programs like the A-12 and its even more secret cousin the Blackbird SR-71 and the still secret SR-72 or whatever its replacement is termed. The B2 Stealth bomber was in that category as well so do not discount that many of these unknown sighting may be related to these types of projects.

The fairly recent released videos of the so called TicTac UFOs after a couple decades under cover and many more modern clips showing them in action may or may not be accredited to secret military craft whether of our nations doing or the product of foreign nations. Many thousands of reports exist of them and other types and styles of UAPs (UFOs) with some being explainable and other not. Whether displaying unnatural or physically impossible (to our understandings anyway) of movements or just appearing or disappearing instantly along with instant hypersonic speeds and sudden stopping or starting and darting off in other directions in a manner that would obliterate any physical construction let alone any life for inside of the seems to indicate that not all of them are from known sources and that means off or on world sources.

Perhaps that means visitors from another planet or star system, or perhaps from this area but from another dimension or state of existence. I will not declare one or the other because I think both are possible. Some say there are no other life forms out there but I will not presume to arbitrarily put limits on Gods creations nor will I try to control God by saying He cannot have other realms in place where ours exists and offer proof in the form of what is heaven or hell or the spirit world if not right here with us. That is pure blasphemous in nature to think otherwise.

UFO sighting: 'Remarkable footage' reveals a 'cloaked triangle UFO' over New Jersey - ARCHALIEN.TV

The next possibility bandied about is the idea that many may be faked by light projection systems or the like and really do not exist but are just phantoms, or perhaps better said lets call them holograms, are 3D projected images that look real but do not actually exist. This idea has been spoken of as a method of fooling the public into believing some alien race is invading us and frightening them into submitting to some sort of totalitarian nightmare. That is not some fly by night scare tactic but seems to have some real legs to support its usage, so buyers beware. One other instance that may be interesting is I do know our Navy uses light and RF systems to make an aircraft carrier look like a cruise ship or container carrier or fishing vessel or the like to virtually disappear, so keep that in mind when considering UFOs.

Lets take the recent New Jersey drones as an example. I have seen videos, still photos and read many stories describing them as any of the above systems mentioned thereby proving that the truth is not out there or is being covered up big time. They cover many types from obvious large commercial drones to military types to supposed not from here ideas. One recent TGP story describes one crashing into a New Jersey residential area as a hobby drone and stating that it may have been a copycat flight of the unknown drones for some publicity or foolish ego related stunt. The variety of stories of what they are doing, what they have done and what they are supposed to have done are tremendous and, to be honest, very weird and unbelievable. A recent WLT Report article showcases a few of these claims and the wide spectrum of claims either discredits or belittles the events or shows just how poorly many people describe what they think they may have seen. This all makes them the more suspect.

Another Gateway Pundit article covers similar ideas close to those I am covering and gives the impression they may be military in nature and also has a photo showing the red, green and white lights like those in FCC mandated usage as so many other photos and videos do. This seems to be proof that they are indeed man made and flown but the idea has also come out that they may be deep fakes similar to what I described the Navy does with our aircraft carriers. One idea that has all but zero credit is the one from a NJ Congressman that they dome out of the ocean just like the Navy and others has stated many times and some reports say the Feds are sending drone specific radars systems to NJ to investigate.

Ideas from private enterprise to secret government testing to surveillance flights against US citizens to foreign powers spying for an attack on us to aliens or other than humans readying for war to fabrications by the media to distract us from something else to stories of the ME TOO syndrome, they all are up in lights shining their version of what the hell is going on. No, I do not have an answer but I do state that first things first the various sightings must be sorted out as to what category they are in. Proven hobby drones, commercial or military drones or the very different aspect of space aliens or supernatural or suspected not of this known world phenomenon. Talking about a normal drone and assigning alien tech to it or looking at something that is seemingly alien and saying it is just some secret military project are self defeating; there must be a better description and assignment into categories to make any sense of it at all. Of course, our federal government has zero credibility on the matter as Trump calls for them to be shot down while the shithead administrations says they do not have the authority to do so. What a pile of putrid crap that idea is coming from the White House.

Some of the unidentified objects appear to be globes of light, others are shiny cubes with some kind of spherical field around them, others look like a wheel inside a wheel just like Ezekiel's Wheel within Wheel Vision in Ezekiel 1:1-3 and other places in scripture to the camping van sized Tic-Tac shaped craft to the standardized flying saucer to the flying small triangle to the giant triangles, all of this type seem to be alien craft of some sort with a few people claiming they are our own advanced craft which may be the case with many of them. Many of these weird craft can be seen in this linked video.

I might suggest that the massive increase all of a sudden may be linked to the looming massive civil war that is being brought about by our own government or the secret societies behind our government. Or perhaps a prelude to full on World War Three if some of the reports may be believed. Or perhaps just a great scam.

So, finally note that I am not giving an answer but I might put forth one more idea that is fairly weird but may have some truth to it in the end. If you are familiar with the Book of Enoch you should know of the idea that the lost ten tribes of Israel may be behind these alien ships and that possibly they may be the method of return just before Christ returns. The other end of that theory is that they are a government concept to fool all of us into thinking just that as the antichrist is revealed. Whatever, keep your eyes open and your minds sharp and carefully analyze the claims to see what category they fall into.

Time will tell.

God Bless

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