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March 15, 2023

Democrats Doubling Down On Their Insanity - 'Women's College' Accepts Men Pretending To Be Women, Rejects Women Pretending To Be Men While Left Claims Men Can Have Babies

Insanity: Claims that "men" can have babies

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

On Tuesday Alan Barton highlighted how the American military is being destroyed, and how Biden is busy funding transgender treatments for veterans, China and Russia are spending their money on military readiness, and along that same theme we note some recent stories that show nations doubling down on crazy.


We'll start with the claims that "men can have babies," which to any normal man or woman is absolutely batcrap crazy.

LGBT activists have spent years working to create a gender confused world. Claims that being born with XY (male) or XX (female) chromosomes doesn't determine a person's gender are being pushed by the mainstream media and many countries have allowed themselves to become just as gender confused as the LGBT activists themselves.

An example comes from the website Healthline, which headlines with the question "Can Men Get Pregnant?"

Their answer is yes. Seriously, this is not a hoax or satire but they claim "men" can have babies if they have a uterus and ovaries.

Think about that for a minute. Men are not born with a uterus or ovaries. Period. Stop. End of discussion.

Transmasculine is used to describe an AFAB [Assigned Female At Birth] individual who identifies or presents toward the masculine side of the spectrum. This person may identify as a man or any number of other gender identities including nonbinary, genderqueer, or agender.

Yet they are trying to convince people that a woman born with a uterus and ovaries, simply because they claim to be men, and have taken enough testosterone in their lives to grow beards, are actually men, so when they get pregnant they can claim a man is having a baby.

That type of twisted logic truly makes my brain hurt.

Related:Tampons for men: Numerous schools have installed menstrual products in mens restrooms

They have even created pregnant "men" and pregnant "person" emojis.


This next story is completely out there, just so insane it boggles the mind.

Before detailing it, lets try to explain what they mean (not me cause it is all crazy to me) by transgender women and transgender men.

In their completely whacked out minds, a transgender woman is someone born a man but pretends to be a woman, and a transgender man is a woman that wants to be a man and pretends to be one.

Your head hurting yet? Just wait, it gets worse.

The Canadian Cancer Society was asked if "as a trans women" (Note- a man pretending to be a women), "do I need to get screened for cervical cancer?"

Their answer shows that gender confusion crosses borders.

It can be difficult to make cancer screening a priority, especially when there's not a lot of information out there about cervical cancer risks for trans women. You may also be concerned about things like experiencing transphobia during the screening process.

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Hard to know where to start here.

A transgender "woman" is a man. No cervix, and no amount of estrogen, makeup, women's clothing, or anything else can give man a cervix.

How is one supposed to screen for cervical cancer on a patient with no cervix??????????!!!!!???????

Worse, they are labeling a doctor that acknowledges that a man, pretending to be a woman, does not have a cervix and cannot be tested for cervical cancer, as transphobic.

So, not only is the Canadian Cancer Society encouraging mental instability by telling this gender confused person to get cervical cancer screenings, but they are forcing doctors to go along with this madness by targeting them as transphobic if they do not conduct a screening that is impossible to conduct!


One of the most recent, and egregious, stories that came out this week is about Wellesley College in Massachusetts, a well known women's college.

Seems they have decided to start accepting men that "live as a woman and consistently identify as a woman, according to their website.

What does it mean to live as a woman and consistently identify as a woman?

Wellesley invites applications from all those who live as women and consistently identify as women and who are prepared for a rigorous academic environment that challenges them to achieve at their highest potential.

Consistently simply denotes a students commitment to her gender identity.

Are trans men eligible for admission?

No. Wellesley is deeply committed to our mission to educate women and the College is proud of its history of graduating women who demonstrate the value of womens leadership. Wellesley does not accept applications from men. Those assigned female at birth who identify as men are not eligible for admission.

Are trans women eligible for admission?

Yes. Wellesley accepts applications from women. Those assigned male at birth who identify as women are eligible for admission.

It is a world gone mad. Why even call it a "women's" college when they allow men (XY) to attend?


When the LGBT agenda has infected schools and colleges, the media, and corrupted politicians and even world leaders, how do we fight against it other than separating ourselves from their craziness.

Many red states, run by Republicans are working towards passing laws to prevent schools from "grooming" children, to ban mutilating surgeries on minors, and to stop teachers from indoctrinating children into the LGBT lifestyle.

Parents who understands that the public education system is pushing children into gender confusion, need to start homeschooling their children unless they want their male child to come home one day wearing a dress, or their female child coming home to declare they are now a boy and using a boy's name.

Related:Parents sue school officials for helping their kids transition without their knowledge

Those pushing gender nonsense such as being "non binary" or transgender, have infiltrated schools, the media and parts of the medical community, although many in that community are speaking out against the dangers of pushing transgenderism and gender confusion on children, so the only way to fight back now is separation.

Do not comply with their pronoun demands. Keep your children far from anyone pushing this gender nonsense. Homeschool your children if possible, or research private schools if homeschooling is not feasible. If neither is an option, research the teachers, or anyone at school that has contact with your child.

Most importantly, teach them early about basic biology so they aren't susceptible to peer pressure which is causing a serious amount of "rapid-onset gender dysphoria," where "Declaring oneself transgender carried social benefits," as reported in a must read piece at Wall Street Journal, titled "Peer Pressure and Transgender Teens."

Those that refuse to speak out against this for fear of being called transphobic are part of the problem.

We need to speak up whenever we can, fight back and fight hard.

WARNING: The video below shows some of the books being blocked from being shown to children, and some of the scenes are graphic. Not appropriate for children.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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