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February 22, 2024
NewScientist Claims Disgust Of Cannibalism Stems From Racism - Not Bad Enough Trying To Get Us To Eat Bugs And Insects, But Now We See Attempts To Normalize Cannibalism
That reason is because cannibalism is the practice of humans eating other humans, that was common for a variety of reasons in many regions until it became prohibited by modern civilization for reasons that shouldn't have to be explained.
Throughout the past couple of decades, not only has cannibalism been used to terrify the masses as "entertainment," but it has become a topic of many and article, and in most cases, other than medical pieces, it almost seems as if writers are attempting to normalize the practice.
The latest of which is from the NewScientist, which headlines its February 14, 2024 piece, with "Is it time for a more subtle view on the ultimate taboo: cannibalism?"
The article had this to say about the ethics of cannibalism; "Ethically, cannibalism poses fewer issues than you might imagine. If a body can be bequeathed with consent to medical science, why cant it be left tofeed the hungry?"
It isn't bad enough they are trying to get us to eat bugs and insects, but now questioning whether humans should be eating other humans to help with world hunger? Seriously?????
The kicker though, is the suggestion that racism was used to make cannibalism a taboo.
Our aversion has been explained in various ways. Perhaps it is down to the fact that, in Western religious traditions, bodies are seen as the seat of the soul and have a whiff of the sacred. Or maybe it is culturally ingrained, with roots in early modern colonialism, when racist stereotypes of the cannibal were concocted to justify subjugation. These came to represent the other to Western societies and revulsion towards cannibalism became a tenet of their moral conscience.
Alrighty then.
Racism and religion, the two things apparently being blamed for turning cannibalism into a taboo. Could the writer be more clear about their hatred for religion as to liken it to racism?
It is almost as if they are casting blame for the fact that human flesh is not being sold at the grocery store!
More disturbing to my mind, is that technically cannibalism itself is not against the law in the U.S. and only by the grace of other types of laws are the only reason mental ill people aren't eating Aunt Edna for dinner after she died.
Cornell Law School explains: "Cannibalism is defined as the consumption of another human's body matter, whether consensual or not. In the United States, there are no laws against cannibalism per se, but most, if not all, states have enacted laws that indirectly make it impossible to legally obtain and consume the body matter. Murder, for instance, is a likely criminal charge, regardless of any consent. Further, even if someone consents to being eaten and ends their own life, the cannibal may still be liable for criminal or civil actions based on laws governing the abuse or desecration of a corpse, which vary by jurisdiction."
Never before have I been happy about extra laws passed.
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It is generally understood why cannibalism is so often in horror movies and such, because they topic is horrifying, but the amount of articles attempting to "understand" why humans would want to eat other human beings, or why the practice became taboo, or "surprising facts" about cannibalism (Vox) pieces, makes us wonder why are outlets, the majority of them left leaning, and most, if not all, seemingly trying to normalize this dangerous practice.
The Atlantic in 2017, did touch on the dangers of cannibalism such as Kuru, but also had some very weird content in their piece about "How Cannibalism Became Taboo." With a touch of sarcasm added, the Atlantic stated the following.
Fewer species eat members of their own kind as you move through the animal kingdom toward primatesbut, according to the archaeologist James Cole, cannibalism seems to have been a reasonably regular part of early human behavior too. His question was: Why? Were ancient humans eating one another out of hunger, or for more complicated reasons that have to do with spiritual beliefs about the soul and the body? To find out, Cole determined how many calories a raw male would provide, and then compared that with the number of calories in early humans other dinner options, such as mammoth, boar, and deer. He reveals his findings on Gastropod, which include a macabre organ-by-organ guide to the human bodyuseful for anyone whod like to try cannibalism but is worried about their weight.
At least the writer admitted the organ-by-organ guide was macabre.
When you search the New York Times website using just the search term "cannibalism," more than a dozen pieces come up.
Same with Washington Post, except those results are interspersed with other types of stories. One op-ed from July 2023 likens eating animal meats with human meat, stating "People might look back on meat-eating much the way we view cannibalism....."
It isn't even just TV shows, movies, books, news articles and op-eds, but we see discussion groups asking "What are the ethical considerations regarding cannibalism?"
Showing how all the different forms of cannibal discussions are affecting young Americans, an answer was provided to the discussion group link to above from a 17 year old. The answer is kind of lengthy, but basically indicated that a body is a body, whether and animal or a human. The teen concluded his comment with the following.
If you take it down to the fundamental basics, we are all made out of the same material. I'm sure cows taste better than humans but they have the same basic structures from bodily structures (bones, skin, etc) down to molecular structure. If you disregard all social stigma, cannibalism is really not that big of a deal if you eat other meats as well.
This brings up the question of whether our nation's young are being desensitized to the point of accepting cannibalism as just another diet choice.
It is not bad enough that the powers-that-be aka the blob, are trying to get human beings to eat bugs and insects instead of meat, all the while declaring war on beef, and "coincidentlycattle inventories now at 73 year lows, but the sheer amount of movies, books, tv shows, and news articles, appear to be desensitizing younger Americans into thinking that cannibalism isn't that "big of a deal" for those that already eat meat.
Soylent Green was meant as horror film, not a freaking instruction manual.
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