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July 29, 2023
Support For Political Violence Doubles Among Democrats, Much Higher Than Republicans, As Liberal Research Publication Falsely Claims 18 Million Trump Supporters Are 'Violent'
We constantly hear how the "right" is violent, while they show images of the January 6 protest the MSM dubbed an "insurrection," despite the fact that not one person has been convicted of actual insurrection.
We're told, almost on a daily basis how the right supports political violence, yet now we have actual numbers and percentages from a recentUniversity of Chicago study,Dangers to Democracy, and support for political violence has more than doubled among Democrats.
In fact, of all the issues listed in the publication results, the support for violence among the right is less than than of the political left.
As issues go, the ones listed in the graph above can clearly be separated by party. Republicans understand that blacks have the same voting rights as whites, so feeling force is justified to protect their rights is a manufactured, leftist issue.
Same with feeling violence is justified to force Congress to do the right thing. The left and the media will screech "January 6!!!", yet not one member of congress was hurt on January 6th. Restoring "federal right" to abortion is most definitely a leftist issue, as is preventing Trump from becoming president, although there are some Republican NeverTrumpers that would likely join Democrats there.
Two of the others, preventing CRT in schools and preventing political prosecution against Trump, are rightwing issues, the support for violence to preserve the rights of whites is more a fringe issue.
Look at the numbers, the support for force or political violence is far higher on leftwing issues than support for force on rightwing issues.
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Some key points from the 25 page PDF that caught my eye, but readers as always are welcome and in fact encouraged to share points they find as key in the comment section.
Public support for the use of force to coerce members of the US Congress grew from 9 percent in January 2023 to 17 percent as of June 26, 2023, effectively doubling. While increasing across the political spectrum,the rise was sharpest among Democrats where it grew by about 2.5 times.This growing anger parallels the Republican rise to power and proceedings in the House of Representatives.
Radical, expressly violent support to restore the federal right to abortion grew from 8 percent in January 2023 to 12 percent as of June 26, 2023, a modest but significant rise beyond the margin of survey error. The increase was sharpest among Democrats, doubling over the past 6 months from 8 to 16 percent. This likely indicates growing anger over the Republican controlled supreme court.
This next one is interesting as we remember how often the left accused Tucker Carlson, while he was still at Fox News, of radicalizing Republicans who in turn were becoming more willing to be violent. None of which was true, but it because the attack the MSM and liberals used against Tucker.
Well, his removal did not reduce support for violence. Republicans knew it wouldn't because Tucker never actually encouraged violence, that was just the overactive imagination of the left.
For example, the growth of support for political violence between early April and late June shows that the firing of Tucker Carlson and removing his Monday-Friday hour-long show on Fox during prime time did not, at least net, reduce support for violence.
The publication clearly has a Trump hate/obsession, but they were also able to separate left/right issues, so we could see which political group supports violence more.
Why do I say those that wrote the publication have a Trump hatred/obsession? Well they refer to 18 million Trump supporters as "violent" in one of their graphics.
Authors refer to Trump supporters as "violent" without proof
When was last time we saw a news report about conservatives looting while protesting? When have we see reports of Trump supporters lighting cars on fire, burning buildings, vandalizing minority owned, or any, stores?
If 18 million Trump supporters were violence, shouldn't they be able to provide examples, even one, other than their favorite term "Jan 6th insurrection lies??!!??
As of June 26, 2023, 17 percent of the American public which equates to an estimated 44 million adults agreed with the statement, Use of force is justified to ensure members of Congress and other government officials do the right thing. This percentage has grown by nearly double since January 2023. The increase is sharpest among Democrats, more than doubling over the past 6 months. The most obvious reason is growing anger over the Republican controlled House of Representatives and the hearings that they have held painting a disparaging picture of democrats.
We certainly didn't see anything suggesting support for violence doubled among Republicans when Democrats, who controlled the House, hired a production group to turn the January 6th investigations into a political circus, so attempting to excuse the more than doubling of Democrat violence by blaming Republican control, would be laughable if the inherent bias in this survey weren't so obvious.
As of June 26, 2023, 12 percent of the American public which equates to an estimated 31 million adults supports violence to restore to the federal right to abortion. This percentage has grown since January 2023 significantly beyond the margin of error in our surveys. The increase is sharpest among democrats, doubling over the past 6 months. The most obvious reason is growing anger over the Republican controlled supreme court.
The entire report embedded at the end of this article.
What this survey tells me is that when things go wrong for Republicans, other than their example of the protest on January 6, 2021, conservatives do not generally go out and protest, they work for change, focus on protecting elections, and vote for change.
When things go wrong for Democrats, buildings like the one shown at the very top of this article are vandalized with threats saying "If abortions aren't safe neither are you."
We see riots, buildings burning, cars flipped and/or set on fire, vandalism, looting and law enforcement attacked, and more.
Make no mistake, I am in no way suggesting no right-winger is violent, but to suggest that 18 million Trump supporters are violent, when it is the left that consistently riots when they do not get their own way, shows the authors and researchers at the University of Chicago, have bought into the MSM fake news claims.
The data itself, without the author or authors spin, show a massive amount more Democrats support political violence than Republican do.
This last video is from three years ago during the 2020 riots, and I challenge anyone to find me this type of violence from any conservative protest, including January 6, 2021.
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