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May 3, 2024

Democrats Trying To Rewrite Recent History, Now Claim They Never Tried To 'Defund The Police,' Or 'Abolish Ice,' Video Evidence Says Differently With Seven Minutes Of Liberals Saying Defund The Police

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

More than a year ago, somebody put my name into an email group, one aptly named the "Email List From Hell" aka ELFH. This is a list you cannot unsubscribe from and no matter how many times someone asks to be removed, the emails, dozens and dozens of them, keep coming into the inbox every single day.

There is one.... I would say man, but that isn't accurate, who spends his days calling any conservative woman that dares offer an opinion a "c*nt," and that is after doxxing them, spreading lies about them and basically trying to shut them up by insulting them on a daily basis.

After blocking ten, yes TEN of his emails he uses in that group, I finally never see anything he says anymore, but there are others, just as bad, the only difference is they don't go around calling women that name, but they love the word moron, stupid, etc...

The reason I am bringing this up now, is because Democrats, in this group and outside of the group, with the help of their sycophants in the media, are trying to rewrite history, recent history, and they must not be allowed to get away with it.

This time the history they are trying to rewrite is from just a few years ago, as if no one would remember what they said, or how many of them said it.

First claim: Democrats didn't push to "defund the police."

On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 08:02:45 AM EDT, Sarge Freedom wrote:

The only people on the hill voting to defund law enforcement, and that of course would be the federal portion of contributions to policing in the states have been Republicans. They called for, and voted for cutting federal funds to states of law enforcement.

Then then lie and say Dems call for it, while Dems vote against it, and they do.

It boggles the mind the shit they believe.

Another posted a CNN link, falsely claiming that when Joe Biden said some police funding "can be redirected to social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing," he wasn't encouraging "defunding" the police, just taking money away from them.

On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 10:37:31 PM EDT, Mike Vito wrote:


While some Democrats have joined calls for a radical shift in police policy, including a reduction in police budgets, top congressional Democrats and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have not supported calls to "defund the police."


Biden's published criminal justice plan called for a $300 million investment in community policing efforts -- including the hiring of more officers. Trump's campaign has seized on a single comment Biden made to a progressive activist in a July video chat. In that conversation, Biden repeated his opposition to defunding police. When pressed, he did say he "absolutely" agrees that some funding can be redirected to social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing, but he immediately transitioned to his previous proposal to deny federal funding to specific police departments that do not meet certain standards. Biden said in early June that decisions about funding levels should be made by local communities, since some have too many officers but some don't have enough. Sounds like "The Hill" agrees with Sarge!

Side Note: While I show their email addresses above because I never asked to be on this list to begin with, and unsolicited emails have no expectation of privacy, I will warn readers, if you even send one email to them, you take the chance of them spitefully adding you to the "Email List From Hell" and you will never, ever, be able to get off it.

There are many more, but the gist of the argument, or the attempt to rewrite history by these people, is their claim that Democrats, including top Democrats and Biden, never campaigned to "defund the police."

A video titled "7 Minutes of Democrats Saying Defund The Police," was created by GOP to make sure the attempts by far left radical liberals to rewrite history, doesn't work.

More claims found around the internet, where Democrats and the liberal MSM are trying to rewrite history, discussed below.

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Another claim we see all across the internet, from liberal comment sections (those that still have them), Democrats on social media, the MSM, etc... is that Joe Biden didn't encourage, even welcome the surge at the border that has inserted millions of illegal aliens into the U.S. since Biden took office.

First, here is the liberal media's attempt to protect Biden, and please note none of the headlines, from the front page of the search, mention that Biden told illegal immigrants to "surge" the border if he was elected President.

Here is what they don't tell you.

Joe Biden and his regime wanted illegals to surge the border, told them to do so if he was elected, and only after allowing the invasion, and it became clear Americans were not pleased with him over his border policies, did he claim he wanted to take action, yet in 2024 alone, hundreds of thousands illegals have crossed the border.

Another attempt to rewrite very recent history is how Joe Biden, Democrat politicians and liberals all across the media, including the Email List From Hell, continue to claim that Republicans killed the "bipartisan" border "security" bill the Senate negotiated.

Yes Republicans killed a bill, but despite being labeled "border security," it was an "immigration" bill, that codified allowingtens of thousands encounters a day during seven consecutive days, before a President would have "emergency authority," to bar more.

Anyone that calls that border "security" is not only trying to rewrite recent history, but are outright liars.


Since we are on the topic of illegal immigration, Democrats also began a campaign in 2018, which some deny now, to Abolish Ice, which is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Now that Trump is no longer in office and the Biden regime has let illegal immigration get completely out of control, we hear nothing but silence on the "Abolish Ice" front.

Of course, similar to the "Defund The Police" campaign by Democrats, the media has twisted themselves into pretzels to explain that Abolish Ice, didn't really mean they wanted to Abolish Ice.

I find it extremely interesting how many articles, like the one linked above, headline with "Abolish Ice Explained" as if the phrase alone wasn't crystal clear.


The Biden regime claimed it was Democrats that pushed to have schools reopen after closing during Covid, yet "schools in states that voted for former President Trump in 2020 reopened 75% of the time while those that voted for Biden reopened 37.6% of the time during the 2020-2021 academic year, according to education nonprofit The 74. "

However, states and local districts have spent less than $15.6 billion, or about 12.7%, of the funds awarded to them under the ARP's ESSER program, according to a Fox News Digital analysis of Department of Education data. It is unclear how much of the spent funds were actually given to COVID-19 mitigation efforts since the ESSER program required schools to also use the money for "equity" programs.

In a Fox News article from September 2022, titled "Parents slam Democrats' 'laughable' attempts to rewrite history on school closures after test scores fall," it shows how Democrats attempted to rewrite history and backpedal on their own policies.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten was up in arms after a Wall Street Journal op-ed accused her of "flunking the pandemic," joining the chorus of leftist voices attempting to shift the blame for pandemic-era school closures away from Democrats in charge and onto former President Donald Trump.

Parents Beth Ann Rosica and Rob Kutner along with child educational advocacy non-profit founder Dana Hensley took exception Wednesday on "Fox & Friends First" and slammed the notion that blue states and cities should be let off the hook for slipping test performance among students nationwide.

"I'm not a big Trump supporter, but I can tell you definitively that President Trump, in the summer of 2020, made it very clear that schools should reopen, and that is not what happened in Democratic states," Rosica told host Todd Piro.

Related:False advertising: How the Democrats attempt to rewrite history


As the related article above from 2017 shows, attempting to rewrite history is nothing new for Democrats, but in the age of the internet, where once on the internet, nothing can be memory-holed, independent media websites should be calling them out, every single time.

The first video is a flashback.


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