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August 18, 2024

When Dems Tell Us Who They Are, Believe Them: They Are Civil Arsonists And Cannot Build A Kamunist State Without First Razing Whats Left Of America To The Ground

By J.B. Shurk -All News Pipeline

I saw a t-shirt design shortly after Kween Kamala selected Chinese Communist Party stooge Tim Walz to join her on the vote-free Dim-Dem ticket.It showed the pernicious pair standing in front of a city on fire with this campaign slogan:Harris/Walz Mostly Peaceful.Boy did the anonymous creator get that one right.

Walz lazily watched as Black Lives Matter and Antifa arsonists burned parts of Minneapolis and Saint Paul to the ground during 2020s summer of love riots.(His wifeenjoyed the carnageso much that she spent her nights getting high from the smell of incinerated businesses.)Not to be upstaged, Harris encouraged people to donate to sketchy groupsbailing out criminalswho had been arrested for vandalizing property, looting stores, torching police precincts, and attacking citizens unfortunate enough to reside within Walzs Twin Cities.This is what the Democrap Party sees as stand-up leadership these days: a couple ofterrorist sympathizerswilling to promote violence against Americans for personal political gain.

Call me crazy, but I dont think politicians who fail to protect cities should be put in charge of protecting nations.On the other hand, if the goal is to let America burn, Walz and Harris make perfect sense.Walz is an out-and-proud Maoist who enjoys vacationing in China (includingcelebrating his nuptialsin Tiananmen Square).Harris not only supercharged inflation by casting the deciding vote for the Green New Deal boondoggle but also plans on usinggovernment forcetofurther manipulatefood, fuel, and housing markets.If Tim and Kam get the chance, they will do everything they can to transform the United States into Maduros Venezuela.They will light the whole country ablaze and leave America in mostly peaceful ashes.

What else would you expect from a political party that hates America?That question is hardly hyperbole.Can you imagine Tim Walz, Kamala Harris, or any other prominent Democrat saying, I love America, today?Their voters would eat them alive.How dare you love this patriarchal, imperialist, white supremacist, evil place!Even Joe Biden who has been in government for half-a-century and would surely be the poster boy for the so-called white patriarchy has learned that he must start every speech by slandering America as irredeemably racist.Its lunacy.Could Vladimir Putin lead Russia if he told Russians how awful they are every day?Would Xi Jinping control China if he took every opportunity to complain about Chinese supremacy?Yet here in the United States, Democrat Party leaders rise only by first expressing their antipathy for this place and its inhabitants.

The propaganda press is right now obsessed with painting Tweedle-Harris and Tweedle-Walz as happy-go-lucky friends bursting with joy.This contrived portrait is supposed to contrast with all the dark imagery those same propagandists use to disparage President Trump.But if youve ever been to a Trump rally, you know the exact opposite is true.MAGA voters are true patriots who love their country.They are quick to welcome newcomers.They are genuinely happy warriors who wish to include people from all walks of life.When President Trump takes the stage, he speaks about what Americans can dotogether.He talks about how Americans can turn their country around and build a better future.He reminds Americans that they come from hardy stock.He encourages listeners to honor heroes of the past while inspiring new heroes today.

None of that would fly at a Harris/Walz rage-fest.Any political party that runs on racial and cultural divisiveness must always havesomeoneto blame.Who that someone is doesnt really matter; what matters is that Democrats have some new oppressor to vilify and some new class of oppressed to defend.

To be sure, this kind of exploitative politicking means that Democrats are spasmodically shifting gears every few years.In the 90s, Bill and Hillary Clinton called black men super-predators and defended mass incarceration.Joe Biden, a defender ofsegregationearlier in his career, was still friends with at least one Exalted Cyclops of the KKK.Thirty years later, and Democrats demand racial reparations, no-cash bail, the end of prisons, and amnesty for most misdemeanors.Biden tells black audiences thatRepublicanswant toput them in chains.Similar flip-flops abound.Democrats once supported Israel and warned about the threat of Islamic terrorists.Now they support Islamic terrorists and warn about Israeli occupation.They once supported womens rights and womens sports.Now they support a mans right to define what it means to be a woman.They used to demand border security and protection for Americans blue-collar jobs.Now they demand that illegal immigrants have all of Americas blue-collar jobs.Today, Democrats rail againstwhitey.Tomorrow, theyll be railing againstsomeone else.

One thing will never change: Democrats will always isolate some unlucky group for expedient political gain.What they will never do is acknowledge that theirdivide-and-conquerpolitics destroys everything.A party that separates citizens into distinct categories of oppressor and oppressed depends on creating policies that exacerbate social misery.Unity is its enemy.When Democrat foot soldiers chant, No justice, no peace, those are two separate promises.

Right now people are wondering whether the Democrats will have a fiery but mostly peaceful convention in Chicago this week.Will the Hamas-lovingJew-hatersturn Kam-Kams coronation into a public relations nightmare?Will Chicagos army of illegal immigrants and collection of criminal gangs target the partys well-to-do?Will the climate change fanatics glue themselves to the United Centers entrance doors?Will the communists tolerate the oligarchs in their midst?Will local cops defend defund the police agitators from security threats?

So many oppressive and oppressed clans forced to share the same space.Democrats are a potpourri of adversarial misfits bound chiefly by two things:angerandhate.That leaves Democrat leaders with one essential job: to make sure all that anger and hate are directed somewhere outside of the party.Its okay if America burns, so long as the party lives.In fact, creating the conditions to ensure thatonlythe party lives is the idea!

What happens if Democrats get their way?They showed us during the COVID lockdowns of 2020.We get a nation where politicians decide whether we may go to work, pray at church, or visit friends.We get a closed society in which the Bill of Rights is suspended for every declared emergency.We get Democrat mayors threatening to jail dissenters for their speech and Democrat governors siccing National Guard troops on communities that resist.We get mass surveillance, civil fines, and quasi-martial law.We get food and fuel shortages, business closures, and housing crises.We get one-party totalitarianism that glorifies fraudulent expertise.In other words, we get endless division, intimidation, misery, anger, and hate.

As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz closed schools, shuttered small businesses, and isolated neighbors from each other.He opened COVIDsnitch linesstraight out of East Germany.He threatened citizens forexercising free speech.He ordered riot cops toshoot paintballs at residentsstanding just outside their homes.Along with other Democrat tyrants, he caused irreparable economic and social harm.Then he took advantage of George Floyds death in Minneapolis to foment racial violence that caused a billion dollars worth of damage.Not once has he apologized for all the destruction under his watch.He believes he has done nothing wrong.Thisis the person Kamala Harris wants for her second-in-command.

When Democrats tell us who they are, its best to believe them.They are civil arsonists, plain and simple.They cannot build aKamunist Statewithout first razing whats left of America to the ground.

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