a August 30, 2024
Dem Hypocrisy Decoded: Democrats Have Corrupted And Prostituted The Chastity Of Their Minds By Professing Things They Do Not Believe In Preparation For The Commission Of Every Other Crime
By Rajan Laad -All News Pipeline
A few months back, a Democrat PR agent masquerading as a member of the press published a sting operation on President Trump where he was surreptitiouslytaped on the golf courseof Mar-a-Lago.
Sting ops only work when theyexposehypocrisy.
The news didn't cause much of a sensation because President Trump was saying during the secret recording exactly what he says during public appearances.He was critical of Biden, Harris, and the Democrats, the only difference was the smattering ofprofanity.
This has been the case for all of Trump's 'secret recordings', he says, and conducts himself identically both in private and public.
This is why he survived the leakedAccess Hollywoodtape. Trump never claimed to be a monk. He's had a colorful past and it's well known. Nobody was surprised by utterances from his past.
This is one of the reasons why Trump and his supporters have an unbreakable bond. He doesn't pretend or pander. He is comfortable in his skin.People appreciate authenticity even if they disagree.This explains howTrump has often won over hostile audiences such as therecent Black journalist event.
We now look at the opposite end of the spectrum.
This is a bottomless swamp of doublestandards, self-righteousness, and duplicity that hosts venomous chameleons who change color and accents based on whom they are addressing
If there was a recurring theme during last week's DNC, it was hypocrisy. Here are some of the claims made.
Most speakers claimed that President Trump is a threat to democracy.
They were doing this while standing on the grave of interparty democracy.They were about to install Kamala Harris, who hasn't won a single primary vote while Joe Biden was unceremoniously dethroned despite winning 15 million primary votes.
This isn't the only assault on democratic values by the Democrats.Under the Biden administration, agencies have been politicized and directed toward opponents. Biden himself attacked his foremost opponent President Trump and his supporters calling them extremists.
There were attempts to set upbodiesthat monitor citizens' online claims. There wereFBI raidson the homes of pro-life activists.
This isn't a new ploy by the Democrats --the systematictargetingof political opponents began during the Obama years.
The Democrats also had anti-democratic mandates for vaccines and punishing lockdowns that restricted the right to movement and employment. These mandates destroyed the lives of working-class individuals and those running small businesses. The Democrats ordered mask mandates for all, including schoolchildren, doing the opposite in public.Former House speaker Pelosi while attending a lavishweddingand at ahair salonin San Francisco. AOC was spotted maskless onmultiple occasionsduring the COVID-19 era. At the peak of the lockdown, California Governor Newsom was seen diningmasklesswith friends at a Napa Valley restaurant, flouting his own 'safety protocols'.
Some speakersat the conventionattackedcapitalism. Yet we know how eager the Democrats are to enjoy the fruits of capitalism upon leaving office via high speaking fees and other lucrative deals to bolster their wealth.
Next, some DNC speakers spoke about income inequality
They happened to be multi-millionaires, such as the Obamas.It has to be stated that the Obamas didn't earn their wealth by creating a superior product or a service. The multimillion-dollar deals for films, books, or podcasts weren't because there was any merit. They received fundsmerelyfor being 'celebrities' and perhaps in exchange for the work done during the Obama presidency.
Most top Democrat leaders are multi-millionaires for similar reasons as the Obamas.
Even 'socialist' Bernie Sanders who cannot stop babbling about the evils of millionaires and billionaires is a millionaire himself, he is said to be worth$3 million.Also complaining about income inequality were billionaires like Oprah Winfrey and Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker.
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These very wealthy individuals could do their bit to resolve income inequality. They could calculate the amounts they need for the rest of their lives and donate the rest to the U.S. government or the needy.But we know such acts will never occur.
The Democrats are known to be proponents of defunding the police. Yet there was a vast army of police protecting the convention.
Some media outfitscoveredthe police brutalizingPro-Palestnian 'protesters'. These 'activists' requested time to speak at the convention but were denied.It's not that the Democrats don't agree with these 'protestors,'they just don't want the poison to be spewed in public and from their stage, especially during the coronation of Kamala.
The Democrats often talk about the confiscation of arms from regular people.Yet the convention was protected by armed bodyguards and Secret Service agents.It's not just the convention, most anti-gun Democrats never leave their mansions without armed bodyguards. What's worse is that taxpayer money funds this security.
Guns are the only affordable means of protection for regular people, especially in crime-infested Democrat-run states. But the Democrats want to seize this capability from the citizens.
The speakers at the convention attacked Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance for going to Yale Law School despite multiple Yale alumni such as Hillary Clinton and Sen. Amy Klobuchar being present.
Kamala Harris claimed that she "prosecuted sexual predators."But the Democrats have a record of enabling predators such asBill Clinton who was at the convention. In the past, the Democrats have also supported the likes ofHarveyWeinsteinandJeffery Epsteinwho are convicted sexual predators.
The hypocrisy was also presentin the actions at the convention.
The Democrats claim to be proponents of the Green New Deal. They pass stringent environmental regulations that often target small businesses.But all top Democrats arrived at the convention viaprivate jets. It is common knowledge private jetsproduce significantly more emissions per passenger than commercial flights.
The Democrats are proponents of open borders.They vehemently oppose border walls and even claim that America is a nation of immigrants i.e. anyone who crosses the border should be given rights.
Yet their private properties are always guarded by imposing walls.
Texas Governor GregAbbott exposed the Democrat hypocrisy here. Abbott dispatched illegal aliens to their localities such as Martha's Vineyard where the Obamas reside or to Democrat bastions in NYC.
The response was far from welcoming.The aliens were given a token welcome and then they were summarily dispatched elsewhere. Theresettlement of illegal aliensis strictly to working-class neighborhoods. The result is the working citizen sees wage reduction, potential job loss, infrastructural facilities overrun, a rise in crime, and erosion of culture.
The Democrats claim to be advocates of minorities. But when any members of these minorities identify as conservative and join the GOP, Democratvenomstinks of bigotry. If one looks at the history of the Democrat party, it opposed everyanti-racistmeasure from ending slavery to ending segregation in America.
The Democrats claim to be the champions of the working class, but their disdain for the working class is always apparent.
Their mockery of Trump supporters with pejorative epithets such asdeplorableis rooted in hatred for traditional working-class citizens. Even in the pre-Trump era, they used phrases such as fly-over country, reflecting their prejudice.
During the Bush years, the Democrats claimed to be anti-war, but we see them cheering and funding the war in Ukraine despite it having no benefit to anyone.
If the Democrats believed in their agenda they would be severely criticizedbut the disagreement would be respectful.
The reason they are the recipient of disdain and ridicule is their hypocrisy.They don'tbelieve in the claims they make, they are merely attempting to deceive voters for political gains.
They are no different from actors who are reading from a prepared script. But when the camera is turned off, they do the exact opposite.
This is why none of the issues they claim to care about have been remotely resolved. Abortion rights, minority rights, income inequality, and poverty are some of the problems they claim to care for but none of these issues have been remotely resolved. They use these issues to scare voters into submission.
The hypocrisy also shows that the Democrats don't want to suffer the consequences of their bad policies. The suffering is strictly left to the working class be it gun confiscation, the flooding of illegal aliens in localities, lockdowns, mask or vaccine mandates, punishing environmental laws, etc.
Thomas Paine famously said, "Whena man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to [profess] things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime."
This quote isa lenient assessment of where the contemporary Democrats are.
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