Argentinas President Javier Milei addressed the World Economic Forum in 2024 and 2025, criticising global elites and their policies, and warning that the Western world is in danger due to abandoning freedom for collectivist ideologies.
This year, he made a pointed dig at the UKs socialist government, led by Keir Starmer, for imprisoning citizens for exposing Muslim gangs that have groomed and raped white children.
US President Donald Trump also addressed the Davos crowd in 2025, stating that America is back and open for business and highlighting his administrations actions to fix economic chaos and promote freedom and sovereignty.
In 2023, Starmer said he chose Davos over the United Kingdom. Considering the socialist policies Starmer has been implementing at breakneck speed since July 2024, he is becoming increasingly isolated from countries in the free world.
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Socialism Has Murdered More Than 100 Million People
On 18 January 2024, President of Argentina Javier Milei addressed the World Economic Forum (WEF) audience at Davos. His speech was part of his first overseas tour since taking office in December 2023. His speech was a direct challenge to the traditional views held by WEF and the attendees of its annual meeting. He made bold statements, criticising the global elites and their policies, and criticised the forums radical enforcement of a global woke agenda.
President Milei, who is known for his libertarian and anarcho-capitalist views, warned that the Western world is in danger due to abandoning the model of freedom for collectivist ideologies and adoption of socialist policies.
Milei argued that collectivist experiments are not the solution to global problems, but rather the root cause, citing Argentinas experience of adopting a model of freedom in 1860 and becoming a leading world power, only to decline to 140th globally after embracing collectivism over the past 100 years.
He said that free enterprise capitalism is the only possible system to end world poverty and the only morally desirable system to achieve this goal.
He argued that the concept of social justice is in reality unfair and violent, as it relies on coercive taxation and restricts individual freedom, with higher tax burdens leading to lower freedom. And that the market is a discovery process where businesses succeed by offering quality products at attractive prices, and state intervention can destroy incentives and lead to a smaller economy. Collectivism, he said, hinders the discovery process and prevents entrepreneurs from offering better goods and services, ultimately harming society. He stressed that socialism has failed in all countries where it has been tried, resulting in economic, social and cultural failure, and has led to the murder of over 100 million people.
He pointed out that despite the success of free trade capitalism in lifting 90% of the worlds population out of extreme poverty, it is often demonised by academia, international organisations, economic theorists and politicians. He cited statistics that show countries with more freedom are 12 times richer, have lower poverty rates and longer life expectancy.
President Milei emphasised that sectors of the political and economic establishment in countries that should defend free market values are undermining these foundations, opening the doors to socialism and leading to poverty and stagnation. The solution to economic problems is not greater regulation but rather greater freedom and the downward spiral of regulations proposed by collectivists will only lead to poverty and dependence on bureaucrats.
Socialists have shifted their agenda to focus on new social conflicts that harm life and economic growth, he said. He highlighted two main conflicts presented by socialists: the fight between men and women and humans against nature, which have led to increased state intervention and the promotion of harmful ideas such as population control and abortion.
He criticised the appropriation of media, culture, universities and international organisations by neo-Marxists, which has led to the spread of these harmful ideas and the influence of socialism on political and economic decisions.
Milei argued that the West has started to adopt socialist ideologies, not just in the traditional economic sense, but also through the use of tools such as printing money, debt and regulations to control individuals lives.
He emphasised that various collectivist ideologies, including communism, fascism, socialism and populism, all defend a model that contradicts the one that led to humanitys progress and prosperity.
He invited the Western world to return to the path of prosperity by embracing economic freedom, limited government and respect for private property, which are essential for economic growth. A countrys wealth in natural resources, skilled population, education, and gold reserves does not guarantee prosperity if market-hindering measures are implemented, he said.
Libertarianism, on the other hand, already provides for equality of the sexes and that all humans are created equal with inalienable rights, including life, freedom and ownership. He defines libertarianism as the unrestricted respect for the life project of others, based on the principle of non-aggression, and defends the right to life, liberty and property. Milei advocates for a model based on libertarianism for the future of Argentina, where successful entrepreneurs are seen as social benefactors who contribute to the general well-being.
You can listen to President Mileis speech at Davos in 2024HEREand read a not entirely word-for-word transcript, as published by the World Economic Forum,HERE.
While incumbent Prime Minister Rushi Sunak did not attend, Keir Starmer was invited to and attended WEFs annual meeting in Davos in 2024.
Milei Slams UK Government For Jailing Citizens Who Call Out Muslim Rape Gangs
A year later, on 23 January 2025, President Mileu again addressed the Davos crowd. He eviscerated the WEF for its barbarity in radically enforcing its global woke agenda.
He believes that the winds of change are blowing in the West and called for a cure to the mental virus of woke ideology that has colonised institutions, urging the world to return to libertarianism.
A year ago, he said, he stood alone in speaking truths about the state of the Western world but now he feels less alone as the world. Milei has found allies in his fight for the ideas of freedom, including Elon Musk, Giorgia Meloni, Nayib Bukele, Viktor Orbn, Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump, forming an international alliance of nations that believe in liberty.
He criticised various institutions that uphold wokeism, including radical feminism, diversity, inclusion, equity, immigration, abortion, environmentalism and gender ideology, which he said are used to justify the states expansion and appropriation of noble causes.
He specifically addressed radical feminism, arguing that it is a distortion of the concept of equality and seeks privileges rather than equality before the law, and that it has led to the normalisation of unequal punishment for crimes based on the sex of the victim.
He condemned the abortion agenda, which he believes is based on the Malthusian premise that overpopulation will destroy the Earth, and instead sees it as a means of population control. He also criticised the promotion of the LGBT agenda, arguing that it imposes the idea that women are men and men are women based on self-perception.
He said the doctrine of diversity has led to regression to aristocratic systems, with quotas undermining the excellence of institutions and merit being cast aside.
He further argued that wokeism has perverted the idea of preserving the environment, shifting from a focus on human enjoyment to a fanatical environmentalism that sees humans as a cancer that must be eradicated and economic development as a crime against nature.
Milei emphasised the importance of defending equality before the law and the rule of law, and argued that those who raise counterpoints to wokeism are often discredited and labelled as misogynists or Flat Earthers.
He criticised WEF for promoting these woke ideologies for 40 years, and accused multilateral lending organisations of being instruments of extortion, while national governments and the European Union have acted as their armed wing.
Is it not true that right now, as we speak, in the UK citizens are being imprisoned for exposing horrifying crimes committed by Muslim migrants, crimes that the government seeks to conceal? Or didnt the bureaucrats in Brussels suspend Romanias elections simply because they didnt like the party that had won? he asked.
Wokeisms ultimate goal, he said, is to eliminate dissent, criticism and freedom, and to uphold a model in which its beneficiaries are the main winners. A society created by wokeism as one that replaces free exchange with arbitrary distribution of wealth, free communities with forced collectivisation, and creative chaos with sterile order. The privileged corporations, bankers, media outlets, universities and state bureaucracy thrive off the taxes paid by hard-working people and taxpayers. The political class, he said, is the main winner in this redistribution game.
You can listen to President Mileus speech below (which we have embedded to begin with his remarks about the UK government) and read an AI-generated transcript on WEFs websiteHERE.
Of course, subsequently, the British press rushed to the defence of Prime Minister Keir Starmers socialist government by accusing President Milei ofechoing the erroneous accusationsofElon Musk.
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The US is Now a Strong, Sovereign and Free Nation
The heading above will make any WEF or United Nations Globalist shudder. Yet this is what President Donald Trump unequivocally told a roomful of Globalists on Thursday.
On 23 January 2025, President Donald Trump addressed the WEF attendees in Davos, via a remote video link, where he discussed various topics including tariffs, oil prices and interest rates.
During his speech, President Trump stated that America is back and open for business and that his administration is working to fix the economic chaos caused by the failed policies of the Biden Administration, specifically mentioning the worst inflation crisis in modern history and sky-high interest rates.
President Trump highlighted several executive actions taken on his first day in office including terminating the Green New Deal, withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, ending the electric vehicle mandate and declaring a national energy emergency to unlock the USs oil and gas resources.
He emphasised that the US has the largest amount of oil and gas of any country on Earth and plans to use it to reduce the cost of goods and services, making the US a manufacturing superpower and the world capital of artificial intelligence and crypto.
He plans to pass the largest tax cut in American history, including massive tax cuts for workers, families, domestic producers and manufacturers, with the goal of further unleashing the US economy.
He said that businesses will be incentivised to produce in the US, with among the lowest taxes of any nation, but those that choose not to will face tariffs which will generate hundreds of billions of dollars for the US Treasury.
He has declared a national emergency at the USAs southern border. He has taken steps to restore free speech and the rule of law by signing an executive order to stop government censorship, preventing the government from labelling citizens speech as misinformation or disinformation; and, ending the weaponisation of law enforcement against the American people and politicians, restoring fair and equal rule of law.
His administration has abolished discriminatory diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)nonsense policies throughout the government and private sector. And he has made it official policy that there are only two genders, male and female. He has also restricted mens participation in womens sports and transgender operations.
The United States is now a strong, sovereign and free nation, he said.
His team has negotiated a ceasefire agreement in the Middle East, which has led to the return of hostages to their families, with more expected to follow. The US is working towards a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine, which President Trump described as a killing field with millions of soldiers being killed.
His administration, President Trump said, has accomplished more in less than four days than other administrations have in four years, and is committed to making the US greater, bigger, stronger and better than ever before.
You can listen to President Trumps speech below and read an AI-generated transcript on WEFs websiteHERE.
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