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May 28, 2024

Creating A Mentally Ill Nation As Grooming Entities, Including Disney and Nintendo, Are Driving So-Called 'Transgender' Children, Teens And Adults To Suicide And Brutally Gruesome Murders

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Transgenders, mentally ill people who have been convinced by other mentally ill people, that they were born in the "wrong" body, where men pretend they are really women and vice versa, not only commit suicide at a much higher rate than average Americans, but they are becoming one of the most violent groups in the U.S.

in August 2023, it was reported that 1% of Americans self-identify as transgender, yet there have been four mass shootings, countless violent incidents, and most recently a mass stabbing spree, committed by those that are gender confused.

A knife-wielding madman, connected to a murder investigation, attacked four girls inside a Massachusetts movie theater before injuring two others at a McDonalds during his stabbing spree on Saturday.

The unprovoked attacks began around 6 p.m. inside the AMC Braintree 10 when the armed suspect walked into the complex, past the ticket booth and entered one of the theaters without paying.

The suspect stabbed the four girls, whose ages ranged from 9 to 17, without saying a word, Braintree police said Saturday night.

This is what happens when people are brainwashed into thinking they are "victims" of "misgendering," and an unimaginable amount of media stories claim that violence against so-called transgenders aka the gender confused, is spiking, without any of said MSM stories acknowledging the anger, tempter tantrums, and violence coming from those that have been mentally manipulated into thinking they were "born in the wrong body."

Below is just one example of the confrontational, violent nature of the gender confused that went viral a few years ago.

Said gender confusion can be laid at the feet of liberal educators and state leaders that allow public schools to tell children there is more than two genders, which there is not. We are born with XX chromosomes or XY, and that alone is determinative of what gender/sex we are.

A parent on Twitter posted images of the material that Edmonds School District is teaching children in the first grade. In a lesson taught to first graders, an image is shown that separates gender into three categories that are girl, boy, and neither or both. The image then explains the pronouns to use with each gender. Under the neither or both category, the image explains to use they/them pronouns.

What chance do these children have of understanding basic biology when schools start indoctrinating them with the LGBT agenda in first grade??!!??

This is why states like Florida have banned so-called "gender identity lessons" in schools.

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On May 11, 2024, we see another reported incident where another man pretending to be a woman, described as "transgender" ran over a man in Texas, then backed over him again before getting out of the car and kissing his body before stabbing him.

All caught on video.

The killer was eventually arrested and charged with murder, evading arrest with a vehicle, and assaulting hospital personnel, according to Harris County records.

In California, Democrats are trying to pass bills to prevent schools from notifying parents if a student identifies as transgender, making it almost impossible for parents to protect their children from being indoctrinated with the LGBT (mostly the T at this point) agenda.

Rocklin Unified passed a transgender notification policy at the beginning of the school year and was recently sued by the state over it.

Sued by the state.

Related:Im a teacher. Heres how my school tried to indoctrinate children

This is why I mentioned some state leaders are also responsible for endangering the lives of children, even when the schools do try to do the right thing. It is well documented that gender confused children/teens commit suicide at rates not seen in well-balanced non-gender confused children/teens.

It isn't only children and teens though as another report from May 24, 2024, finds that adults who undergo trans surgeries, whether castration or mastectomies, are 12 times more likely to commit suicide than those that did not have body mutilating surgeries.

Liberal state leaders, and many public schools are responsible for endangering children, but we also have entities such as Disney, and Nintendo, that are also attempting to indoctrinate and/or grooming children.

Even the liberal Biden regime is pushing transgender nonsense and the grooming of children.

Disney movies and television shows have LGBT characters, while Nintendo's Paper Mario remake has a transgender character named "Vivian."

Related:20 Times Disney Featured LGBTQ+ Characters In Movies & TV Shows

At the Disney Park in CA, a fairy Godmother apprentice named Nick, with a mustache and wearing a dress, that made waves in a viral video in mid 2023.


We are finally starting to see some fight back against the grooming of young children and teenagers.

Earlier this year, talk-show host Dr. Phil akaPhil McGraw, spoke out again the medical industry for backing transition surgeries for children.

And I have never seen those organizations sign off on anything with less information as to whether or not it does long-term harm of anything in my life, McGraw said in a guest appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience. And when I ask about that, when I bring that up, then they immediately label you as transphobic, and I thought that the deal was: First do no harm.'

The Washington Examiner, linked above, writes "Last year, musical artist Dee Snider, an LGBT ally, received pushback for stating that children do not have the mental capabilities to make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives."

The most recent celebrity to speak up and out is Richard Dryfus,best known for starring in popular films like American Graffiti, Jaws, Stand by Me, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Down and Out in Beverly Hills, The Goodbye Girl, Tin Men, Stakeout, Always, What About Bob?, and Mr. Holland's Opus, among others.

Dryfus attended "Jaws" retrospective, and came out wearing a dress over his clothes, and spoke about teenagers transitioning, stating "Its not OK because when the kids 15, shes going to say, Im an octopus.'

Of course the groomers in the media are ripping into him for speaking out, but we need more that have the guts to do so.

While conservative politicians have spoken out against the indoctrination aka grooming of children into the LGBT lifestyle before these children are even old enough to know right from wrong, what we need are more courageous celebrities, who have large fan bases, to risk cancellation by standing up to protect children.

The higher suicide rate alone should be enough to dictate a mass movement of people speaking out against what we are witnessing, but the increasingly frequent violence, stabbings, and mass shootings by so-call "transgenders," should be a huge red flag as to the damage this grooming is doing to children, teens and adults.


We are creating a mentally ill nation, and have quite likely done permanent damage to at least one whole generation, and if more do not start fighting back against the destruction of our children and teens, right now, many of those that have been groomed into the transgender lifestyle, will be dead by the time they reach 30, by their own hand.

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