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April 28, 2024

Communists That Infiltrated Colleges as Professors Are To Blame For Out-Of-Control, Whiny, Bratty Students Blocking Roads And Infesting College Campuses With No Regard For The Law

-45 Communist GoalsWarned Of Takeover Of Schools

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

By now everyone has seen the campus protests all across the country, and frankly, these collectively narcissistic students and non-students which shouldn't even be on campus, setting up tents on campus, demanding an end to Israel's war in Gaza against Hamas, is the perfect example of what is wrong with higher education today.

Let's be very clear here. This article is not about the war, in Gaza or Ukraine or anywhere else, so please keep the hate to yourself, not infecting the comment section, because we are talking about our college campuses,and those blocking roads, and how students and others are refusing to disperse when campus officials, or police, tell them to, as if they own the campuses and are the ones in charge.

They are not, but so many communist educators have infiltrated America's educational institutions over the past decades, they have created generations of uncontrollable little brats that once graduated, go out into the world and becomes narcissistic, entitled, liberal Kens or Karens'.

Karen is a slang term used as an antagonistic female character in memes. "Karen" is generally characterized as an irritating, entitled woman, and Ken, I am using to describe the same type of male, and I use the terms male and female very loosely here.

These entitled students, and others, some supposedly adults, are also blocking roadways and basically being pains in the butts to everyone around them, especially those that need to get to work, or pick up their children.

While this piece is not about the 45 Communist Goals read into the 1963 congressional record, it does bear noting that fomenting communism in America's educational institutions were listed as part of those goals, hence my reference earlier to communist teachers/professors.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

These out-of-control protests we are witnessing today, whether on college campuses or blocking roadways, is a symptom of a much larger disease which is destroying America from within.

The video below is just one of dozens floating around the internet, and shows not only how college campuses are being turned into protest zones instead of institutes of education, but also makes it clear that the professors, the supposed adults, are part of the problem, if not the instigators.

The first woman put on the ground by law enforcement that were called in because the students refused to disperse when ordered to by college officials, is a professor.

And for anyone reading this, feeling sorry for any of these protestors, they are also spouting hatred toward white people.

'We Don't Like White People': Here Are Some Highlights From the Pro-Hamas Protests

A couple of the lovely (snark) sentiments from the little communists:

Theres only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.

Youre just a white person, says a racist pro-Gaza protester at @ucla. We dont like white people.

Anyone still feeling bad for the little brats?

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Showing once again that the "experts" are just as bad as the behavior they are attempting to justify, we see a report from the New York Post, which provides two headlines for one story, one on their front page, and one slightly different on the article page itself.

Both are laughable.

Front page: "Long-withheld rage from COVID shutdowns, isolation to blame for pro-Palestine protests, experts say."

Article page, same thing, just shorter: "COVID shutdowns, isolation to blame for pro-Palestine protests, experts say."

Below are some quotes from the article.

The pro-Palestinian cause allows discontented youth to express long-withheld rage, said forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman. It gives them an opportunity to identify with the oppressed against oppressors.'

The worst example of ignorance is that the protesters do not know that terrorists want global jihad not just to destroy Israel, Lieberman added. They also dont know what they are saying, when they chant, From the river to the sea, the psychiatrist said of the death-to-Israel phrase.

Two Columbia students participating in an anti-Israel rally at NYU went viral when footage was shared by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani late Wednesday. They admitted they had no idea what the protest was about, and wished they were more educated.

So-called "expert, psychologist Jennifer Gittleman:"The protesters may feel angry for the pandemic taking away pivotal, highly anticipated experiences for them for example socialization in college and missing graduations and, thus, they are using protesting as a way to release their anger."

I could have sworn the "experts," were the ones that recommended the lockdowns and school closures to begin with!

Why can't the experts just admit that activist "educators," and parents previously taught by communist, activist educators, have created out-of-control, whiny, communist brats?

Same goes for those blocking roads, whether protesting against the war, or those that the media has terrified using the climate change hoax. We have a generation of people that seem to think they have the right to commit illegal actions in the name of protesting and free speech.

Newsflash: The First Amendment does not refer to illegal actions, such as blocking roads, or refusing to disperse when college officials tell them too.

Even Bill Maher, talk show host, liberal and a man that despite finding moments of sanity, will still most likely vote for Biden again because he is a die-hard Democrat, is calling out people blocking the roads as a form of protest against the war.

Seriously, when your liberal cause is called out as BS by a die-hard liberal like Maher, you may want to rethink the manner in which you are acting.


Another excuse for the whiny and bratty behavior of college students, comes from anNYU professor, once again proving without a doubt that college professors are part of the problem, and definitely should not be anywhere near our nation's students.

Headline, again from the NYP: "College students arent having enough sex so theyre turning to anti-Israel protests: NYU professor."

We need to enjoy sex, Galloway offered to some initial confusion during an appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher Friday.

I think part of the problem is young people arent having enough sex so they go on the hunt for fake threats and the most popular threat through history is [antisemitism].

Shouldn't college professors be more focused on, I don't know, maybe EDUCATION, instead of thier student's sex lives, or lack thereof ?

Just spitballin' here.


The bottom line here is that there are no excuses for what we are seeing, whether on college campuses, or the blocking of roadways, or throwing soups or other liquids on priceless pieces of art.

This type of behavior did not start all by itself, it is by design. Educational institutions were infiltrated by communists and socialists decades ago, and what we are witnessing play out on the national stage, all stems from their influence on students, who then go on to become whiny, communist adults after graduation.

The video below was created and published five months ago, and is supposed to be satire or parody, yet it appears that life truly is satirical after all.

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