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February 13, 2024

Next Attack Against Food Will Be Your Back Yard Home Gardens As Climate Hysteria Crowd Claims That Growing Your Own Food Increases Carbon Footprint

Protest: Farmers in France dump tires and waste

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

All across Europe we see reports of farmer protests, tractors blocking traffic, dumping used tires on the roads, protesting in front of parliaments throwing eggs and other things at politicians, just to name a few ways that farmers are protesting red tape and regulations being implemented against growing food, to the point to where farmers are losing their livelihoods.

While some of the most dramatic protests have been in France, similar action has been taking place in a host of countries including Italy, Spain, Romania, Poland, Greece, Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands.

Now, we have also seen the climate hysteria crowd attempting to destroy priceless works of art, such as the latest example of young protesters throwing soup at the Mona Lisa. The Stop Oil crowd has often sat in the streets, blocking traffic, etc...

Museum officials say that security quickly intervened in the protest, according to CNNs Stephanie Halasz, Chris Liakos and Oscar Holland. Staffers placed black screens around the painting, attempting to block spectators view of the scene, and temporarily evacuated the Salle des tats (Room of States), where the Mona Lisa is kept.

One protester wore a T-shirt bearing the name of her organization, Riposte Alimentaire (French for Food Response). The group is part of the A22 movement, a coalition of climate activism organizations, such as Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil, known for similar stunts.

The painting only survived unscathed because there is bullet proof glass protecting the priceless work of art.

What is the difference between the different types of protests?

One is a protest against blocking the growing of food, which isn't only the livelihood of the farmers, but also feeds the masses, while the others are by groups that have been terrified by failed predictions by the climate hysteria crowd (50 years worth), and are destructive, and the younger they are, the more obnoxious they are with their antics.

These are the type of rules, regulations and red tape that are coming to America, the only question is how soon. Should we elect another climate freak Democrat as president in 2024, it will be sooner than later. should we elect a Republican, the attacks against farmers here in the U.S. will be delayed, at least for four more years.

While I fully admit to a conservative bias, the statement above doesn't stem from said bias but rather the fact that it is the Democrats that are all panicking about the climate, and pushing "green" legislation. Only Democrats are arrogant enough to believe that mere humans could possible destroy the earth that has been here before us and will be here long after humanity goes extinct.

Politics aside, we have already seen the push to eat "bugs" rather than meat. Aside from the "green" push which hinders the production of food, both meat and big farm produced vegetables, all in the name of global warming climate change, we are now seeing the initial push against our ability to grow our own food in our back yards.

(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)


The Telegraph, despite being an outlet from the UK, has recently published an article discussing astudy from the University of Michigan, which claims the impact on the environment is almost five times higher for individual gardens, such as vegetable patches or allotments, than it is from rural farms or by mass production.

The headline itself tells us where the next attack against food will focus on: "Carbon footprint of homegrown food five times greater than those grown convention."

A study from the University of Michigan looked at how much CO2 was produced when growing food in different types of urban farms and found that, on average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07kg of CO2.

The impact on the environment is almost five times higher at 0.34kg per portion for individual gardens, such as vegetable patches or allotments.

The study included73 urban agriculture sites around the world, including Europe, the US, and the UK.

So yes, it appears that at some point in the future they will be coming after your home gardens, unless of course you only want to grow tomatoes and asparagus, which they claim produces less of a carbon footprint than when grown at larger rural farms.

They may not literally come into your yard to dismantle your garden, and they won't make growing food illegal. What they will likely do though is force "green" policies on your ability to grow. maybe forcing you to use GMO seeds, or forcing you to get a license to grow as suggested by a recent WND article.

That same article claims that the UN is working with banks to destroy America's farming industry.

..."A group of top officials representing twelve U.S. states has raised the alarm after discovering that the unelected globalist United Nations is secretly working with banks to destroy the American farming industry. The banks are using the U.N.'s Marxist 'environmental, social, and corporate governance' (ESG) criteria to score and penalize farmers. Traditional rural farmers who are not considered 'woke' enough, according to ESG scoring, are being 'de-banked' having their accounts shut down, without notice or explanation....

Again, this is a claim seen on multiple websites, but to which we have not been able to confirm as of yet, so take it with a grain of salt.

Related:Millions Of Americans Prepare For The Apocalypse As The Global Food Crisis Reaches Unprecedented Levels


Generally we suggest indoor gardening in the winter for those that live in cold climates, but now might just be the time to start thinking about gardening indoors year round.

For those in large homes, an entire room could be converted, a space in the garage, a shed, and for those with limited space, a grow light in a closet with potted plants on the floor, could make a great little grow room. Attics, basements, any place that has a little room not already being used, can be turned into a grow space.

The fact is, just by watching what is going on in Europe all in the name of climate hysteria, we know what is coming, we just don't know the exact day, month or year. Preparing for what is inevitable ahead of time, is just common sense.

So, for those that have grown food indoors, or an entire garden inside, a few books to learn and the right equipment, and you can start within a week.


How to Garden Indoors & Grow Your Own Food Year Round: Ultimate Guide to Vertical, Container, and Hydroponic Gardening (Creative Homeowner) Vegetables, Herbs, DIY Projects, Composting, Lights, & More

Indoor Gardening Bible: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Mastering Soil and Soilless Cultivation Techniques | Unlock the Secrets to Growing Fresh Produce Indoors all Year Round

Indoor Kitchen Gardening: Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden - Microgreens - Sprouts - Herbs - Mushrooms - Tomatoes, Peppers & More

Indoor Kitchen Gardening Handbook: Projects & Inspiration to Grow Food Year-Round Herbs, Salad Greens, Mushrooms, Tomatoes & More

Indoor Planters:

MEIWO 7 Pocket Wall Planter for Indoor Outdoor Upgraded Hanging Planters Vertical Planter

Koalaime 3 Sets of Wall Planters for Indoor Plants, Hanging Wall Planter with Black Metal Holder, Geometric Self Watering Wall Flower Pots, Wall Mounted Succulent Planter, 5" Black Plant Pot

Greenstalk Patented Large 5 Tier Vertical Garden Planter with Patented Internal Watering System Great for Growing a Variety of Strawberries, Vegetables, Herb

Grow Tents:

RichYa 4x2 Grow Tent Highest Density Diamond Reflective Mylar Oxford Fabric with Double Transparent Observation Window Extra Hanging Bars High CFM Kit & Floor Tray for Hydroponic Indoor Plant Growing

Grow Tent for Aerogarden Hydroponic Grow System,18.9''x13.7''x20.8'',High Reflective Mylar for Hydroponic Indoor Plants,Grow Machine Protective Cover,Black Indoor Hydroponic Anti-Light Complete System

CDMALL ALPHAPAR Grow Tent Room Complete Kit 48"x24"x72" Kit Hydroponic Growing System Indoor Plants Growing Dark Room + Five Hydroponics Growing Setup Accessories (48"x24"x72" Kit)

Grow Lights:

TYAGMAM Grow Light, 2ft T8,150W(6 x 25W, 900W Equivalent), Super Bright, Full Spectrum Sunlight Plant Light, LED Grow Light Strips, Grow Light Bulbs for Indoor Plants,Greenhouse,6-Pack

bseah Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum Plant Grow Lights, 10 Dimmable Levels Auto ON & Off with 3/9/12H Timer

LBW Grow Light with Stand, Full Spectrum LED Plant Light for Indoor Plants, Floor Grow Lamp with 63" Adjustable Tripod, 4H/8H/12H Timer, 6 Dimmable Brightness, Ideal for Tall Plants


Adding indoor growing to your prepping plans now, will make sure that when they eventually come for your back yard gardens, you already have enough growing indoors to beginning canning, dehydrating and freeze drying, to add to your stocks.

Watching the speed with which Europe has attacked farmers with rules, regulations in direct attacks against the very people that feed the masses, tells us that when they decide to make the move here in America, there won't be any warning from "official" sources.

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