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May 30, 2024
Enough Chinese Nationals Illegally Crossed The U.S. Border Since 2021 To Make A Large Army And Are Positioned Strategically Throughout The Country - China Also Owns Large U.S. Businesses, Farmland In 29 States, One of The Largest Meat Suppliers In America
We have discussed in detail how Chinese, mostly military-aged men crossing the U.S. border, has increased 8,500% from March 2021 to March 2024, but that is just a small part of the bigger picture when we consider how much of America is literally owned by the Chinese, who with their close alliance with Russia, are hostile to the U.S.
The chart provided in the above-linked ANP article, shown below again, offers a visual of what we are up against as the Biden regime allows more and more foreign nations, including from countries highly hostile to the U.S., into the country.
Caudle further stated, This is Russian, Chinese. This comes from all these different nations. Were seeing an uptick in it.
Then yesterday, we see a piece on MSN first published on New York Post, asking "Are Biden officials covering up an attempted terror attack by illegal immigrants?"
This time it was theQuantico Marine Corps base, where two Jordanian illegal aliensdrove a box truck to the gates of Quantico.
They claimed to be Amazon delivery drivers, and tried to access a site that houses the FBI training academy, military officer training schools, and military criminal investigations and intelligence commands.
Quick-thinking military police stopped the truck, and charged the men with trespassing before turning them over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
No one knows what happened after that because the government refused to answer whether these men were on any terror watchlist, and in fact, covered up the entire story for two weeks until a local news outlet broke the story and forced them to finally admit it had happened.
According to the local reported that broke that story, one of those men were on our terror watchlist.
A mysterious shooting in North Carolina north of Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, not far from where some of Americas most elite U.S. Special Operations forces live and train is under investigation by the Army Criminal Investigation Division as well as local police. The shooting in Carthage, North Carolina occurred May 3 at 8:15 p.m. following a phone call about a suspected trespasser near a Special Forces soldier's property.
Two Chechen men who spoke broken English were found near the soldier's home. The family alleges the suspected intruder, 35-year-old Ramzan Daraev of Chicago was taking photos of their children. When confronted near a power line in a wooded part of the property, an altercation ensued and Daraev was shot several times at close range. A second man, Dzhankutov Adsalan, was in a vehicle some distance from the incident and was questioned by authorities and then released. The Moore County Sheriff's office is leading the investigation.
The Biden regime is also refusing to "reveal the nationalities of people on the FBI terror watchlist arrested at the border by Border Patrol, citing "privacy interests" of those involved," according to Fox News.
The privacy interests of illegal aliens, on the FBI terror list, is more important that telling us where the terrorists entering the country illegally, are from.
Instead of protecting Americans from the terrorists, they are protecting the terrorists from Americans.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
China is also buying up U.S. companies. The most concerning would be Smithfield Foods,the largest-ever Chinese acquisition of a U.S. company.Smithfield Foods is a leading pork producer. (Source)
Other U.S. companies, include AMC Theaters,General Electric Appliances, Motorola Mobility, Strategic Hotels & Resorts, Legendary Entertainment, Ingram Micro, Nexteer Automotive, Ironman Triathlon, The Cleveland Cavaliers, Riot Games, Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, Universal Music Group (minority stake), Fisker Automotive, WeWork, and Brookstone.
Another disturbing fact comes from a link over at Steve Quayle's website on May 29, with a note saying "LOOK AT THE MAP," is a piece from the Daily Mail, with said map showing how much U.S. farmland the Chinese own, and a bill by a Republican congresswoman trying to prevent foreign entities from buying any more U.S. farmland.
Chinese entities own farmland in 29 out of the U.S.'s 50 states. A total of 40 million acres of U.S. farmland are owned by foreign entities.
The map in question, for those who don't want to click over, is below:
Countries hostile to the U.S. including Russia and China, are crossing the border illegally, testing the security of our military bases, with reports listing the Navy, Marines and air Force as targets, one of which a reportedly on the FBI watchlist, but wasn't admitted to until a local news reporter broke the story.
This leaves the very pertinent question of how many other foreign nationals on the terror watchlist have not only crossed over the border illegally, but have been trying to breach our military bases? If they kept the one incident secret for two weeks until a reporter broke the story, Americans can have no confidence whatsoever that the Biden regime would be forthright with the nation about the others.
A military branch-sized Chinese force of military-aged men, are already in the U.S. illegally, with an 8,500% increase from March 2021 to March 2024, along with the Chinese owning farmland in 20 of the 50 states, as well as owning and many U.S. companies, and stakes in many others, should be a huge red flag to all Americans.
We don't have to wait for Russia and/or China to nuke us, all they have to do is activate the forces they already have in America, refuse to allow food from any of the farmland they own to be bought by Americans, and they have already won half the battle.
We also have no way to know what they have on the farmland, for all we know, they could have an arsenal, bombs, and other weaponry, just waiting for China to activate the cells within America.
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