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April 22, 2024

Highly Pathogenic Bird Flu Originated In China, Just Like Covid! Now That Avian Influenza H5N1 Has Mutated To Infect Dozens of Cattle Herds, We Have To Consider It A Bioweapon

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

It is a sad state of affairs when more accurate news reports about what is happening in America, can be found in foreign news than we find in national news.

National MSM reporters in the U.S. have become nothing more than stenographers for Democrats, and when a Democrat occupies the White House, they are happy to report exactly what they are told to report, like the good little puppets they have become for the party.

Let us take a look at an example: One from PBS in the U.S. on April 18, 2024, and the other foreign news website Daily Mail on April 19, 2024.

PBS reports that more than two dozen dairy cattle herds (26) in eight states have been confirmed to be infected with bird flu, but they claim their is very little risk in the milk in our food supply. They directly cite the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in a statement that said "At this time, there continues to be no concern that this circumstance poses a risk to consumer health, or that it affects the safety of the interstate commercial milk supply."

There are some very useful bits of information in that story, mixed in with some misleading information, including this statement: "The FDA and the CDC are less certain about unpasteurized, or raw, milk sold in many states, saying theres limited information about the possible transmission of the H5N1 virus in such products."

States where bird flu has infected cattle herds

Unpasteurized milk is not sold across state lines, so they claim they are unsure is bird flu is being found in raw milk.

One day later, the Daily Mail headlines with "H5N1 strain of bird flu is found in MILK for first time in 'very high concentrations,' World Health Organization warns."

The World Health Organization (WHO) said Friday that bird flu, also known as H5N1, has been found in raw milk, which is milk that does not go through standard pasteurization processes to rid it of bacteria.

While I am not a fan of WHO, especially after so much outright false information was spread by them, along with the CDC, in regards to Covid, it is important for Americans to know that bird has been found in raw milk.

All public officials seem to agree that once pasteurized, milk is rendered safe, but who really wants to bet their lives on it?

This brings us back to PBS, who downplays the dangers of bird flu in humans and lists two examples of bird flu in humans previously, both with very mild effects, and both recovered without any lasting damage.

Why then is other media blasting headlines about how bird flu can be "100 times worse" for humans than Covid was? Those so-called experts are once again "sounding the alarm" about

The H5N1 virus has historically exhibited a high fatality rate, with around 52% of reported human cases resulting in death since 2003, as per the World Health Organization. In comparison, COVID-19 currently has a significantly lower fatality rate, although it was much higher at the onset of the pandemic.

Who to trust? How about none of them! At least the Daily Mail let us know that bird flu has been found in raw milk, so they are one step above our national media.

They are all citing U.S. government officials, including the CDC, and WHO, all of which made such a mess in response to Covid it is unclear how anyone, including the MSM could trust them. Then again, the MSM helped them push fake news about Covid without doing the one thing that they are supposed to, which is to investigate, and instead they just mimicked what they were told to say.

Be safe, get your dairy products powdered, because infected dairy hasn't had the time to make its way into their products.

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Next up, what does Covid and the bird flu have in common? CHINA!

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The CDC says the bird flu originated in Italy in 1878, but highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus originated in China in 1996.

What none of the media are asking, and questioning the official narrative is what they are supposed to be doing rather than just repeating what they are told, is how did the bird flu suddenly mutate to the point where it is infecting cattle?

China should be a huge red flag, since that is where Covid came from. Covid is believed to have come from a lab leak in Wuhan, China, meaning it was bioengineered, and it infected Chinese citizens first before spreading to other countries, much like this bird flu.

According to Wiki, but confirmed with other sources, China has a long history of creating biological weapons, and is believed to have helped Iran and other Middle Eastern nations build their biological weapons programs

During the Cold War, the Chinese government weaponized large quantities of ricin, botulinum toxins, anthrax, plague, cholera, and tularemia.


China was reported to have had an active biological weapons program in the 1980s. Members of the US intelligence community heavily suspect that the state of China had, as of 2015, at least 42 facilities that may be involved in research, development, production, or testing of biological agents.

Since Covid originated in Wuhan, China, it is safe to say they still have research facilities that deal in biological agents.

The MSM should be investigating (since it supposedly their job) this highly pathogenic mutation of bird flu as a bioweapon because 1) It came from China just like Covid; 2) It has jumped from "avian" meaning relating to birds, to cattle, and; 3) It is now being found in high concentration in raw milk.


According to the same PBS article cited at the top of this article, "Only dairy cows, not beef cattle, have been infected or shown signs of illness to date, agriculture officials said."

Riddle me this Batman: How can a virus differentiate between beef cattle and dairy cattle?

After adjusting my tin foil hat, I have come to the conclusion that beef coming from the cattle at ranches that have seen infections in their "dairy" cattle, cannot be trusted. These herds have not yet made it to the grocery stores or butcher shops yet, but when they do, I can't imagine trusting the meat from those particular herds.

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Using multiple search engines and dozens of search terms, I have not found one MSM website that has even mentioned in passing the fact that Covid and H5N1 both originated in China.

If anyone reading this has seen any MSM article even mentioning the two together, please let us know at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected], and we will update this piece with a link.

The bottom line here is that while the MSM is busy screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, it may be China that takes the U.S. down without a shot fired, using bioweapons.

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