July 9, 2022
The Catastrophic Consequences Of Bidens Open Borders Are Being Seen All Across America With Fentanyl Overdoses Now The Leading Cause Of Death For Americans Aged 18 To 45
- The Democrats And The Media Want You To Ignore This
By Justin O. Smith of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
There isnt any American parent, who should be made to suffer the pain, anguish, and grief of burying one of their children, but theres a perfect storm of criminal activity and evil found in the coordination of the China fentanyl crime syndicate, the Mexican drug cartels and the Biden regimes criminal abandonment of their lawful charge on the southern border to defend America from such activity, thats resulting in thousands of Americans being poisoned each year by fentanyl. Many so-called safe drugs are being laced with fentanyl by the Mexican drug cartels, who are doing Chinas dirty work to kill Americans and subvert our society with this poison, and its costing us the lives of too many of our children, due to what is too often just a one-time mistake and a youthful indiscretion by a young person who fails to understand their own mortality properly and the fact that real evil exists.
Never before in the entirety of American history has it ever been more important than today to just Say NO to Drugs, as the old phrase from the Reagan era takes on new meaning and significance, as the best advice one can follow in a time when so many Percocet, oxycontin and Xanax pills are laced with deadly fentanyl and one-time experimentation may be ones first and last.
On June 20th, 2022, in an online conversation about fentanyl, as it pertains to Americas drug problem, in part, I suggested that poor parenting was one segment of the problem, although I went on to state that kids being kids just sometimes mess up no matter how well theyve been taught.
Tragically, Alexandra Capelouto, a twenty-year-old resident of Temecula, California, and a sophomore at Arizona State University was found dead of fentanyl poisoning in her bedroom by her parents, Matt and Christine Capelouto, on December 23rd, 2019, after she had taken half a pill she had purchased from someone on Snapchat that was supposed to be oxycodone. And with part of their hearts ripped from their chests and a void left in the family, Alexandras death moved both her parents to ensure that this would never happen again to anyones child, as Christine and Matt Capelouto and many others worked tirelessly in attempting to pass legislation, Alexandras Law, in California, that would authorize drug dealers to be charged with manslaughter or murder when their drugs resulted in the death of any person; unfortunately, Alexandras Law failed to pass in Californias state legislature on January 11th, 2022.
As Mr. Capelouto explained to me last month:
[Poor parenting] is not always the case in why many turn to drugs. There are often underlying issues or backstories that are out of parents control. My wife and I raised four beautiful daughters. We never condoned drug use, we are a two parent family, [and] we are strong in our Christian faith as was Alex. All of my kids are doing great things to contribute to society. Alex is just doing it from Heaven. The real evil here is those responsible for making and distributing this poison. They bear the burden of the blame. We must cut off the supply of these deadly man-made chemicals which only serve a purpose to addict, fuel greed, and kill.
But its more than just kids that are dying from fentanyl poisoning. The demographic ranges from the ages of 18 to 45.
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Yes. There is so much more to Americas current malaise of drug abuse and addiction, whether we speak of the Hollywood film and music industries propaganda that glamorizes drug use or simply the immoral men and women who prey on the most innocent and vulnerable people in society to perpetuate this evil trade as a means for them to accrue great wealth, or those in authority elected officials and police officers who violate the public trust to profit from the drug trade. And in as much as this problem has reached epidemic proportions in our country, all knowledgeable, decent and caring Americans must do better to teach our countrys children to reject all illicit drug use and never accept anything for ingestion that they havent received from a trustworthy family member or doctor, to relieve whatever ails them, whether the ailment is mental or physical.
And Alexandra Capeloutos death is one of many thousands of similar cases, becoming increasingly a common and horrible scene put before many other parents and loving family members, like Jaime Peurta who found his son, Daniel, dead in his bedroom from a fentanyl poisoning. These parents will never completely heal from so tragic an event and a person they loved meeting their end far too soon, especially when the life they were seeking was filled with so much potential.
Defying any true logic and all powers of reasoning, somehow judicial commissioner Mickey Verissimo, of the Tulare County Superior Court in California, recently deemed it just fine and proper to release two Washington men without bail, after they had been caught transporting 151,000 fentanyl pills worth $750,000 and two kilograms of cocaine worth approximately $60,000 through Tulare County on June 24th, 2022. A furor was raised after the Sheriffs Department discovered they had been released on June 27th, and although Judge Nathan Leedy soon rescinded their release and issued arrest warrants for the two Washington men, who face a minimum of 14 years each in prison, they are now nowhere to be found, long gone and most likely not to be found for a long, long time, if ever.
Can anyone see just how deep this problem now runs through the very fabric of our society and our very institutions? Is it any wonder that we have so massive a drug problem in our country with such gross negligence or outright vile and evil complicity, whichever the case may be?
As noted by Fox News in 2021, by April of that year America had witnessed a 233 percent increase in seizures of fentanyl at our southern border, currently left wide-open by the Biden regime. In south Texas alone, fentanyl seizures increased by 1066% in Bidens first year of holding the country and the southern border hostage to his demented, delusional policies.
The danger of the situation posed to our nation, on the whole, prompted Senator Tom Cotton to state:
Fentanyl analogues kill thousands of Americans each year. To protect our communities from dealers pushing this poison, President Biden needs to keep them off the streets, not let them off the hook.
Some 75,000 people died of fentanyl poisoning between April of 2021 and April of 2022. And between 2019 and the present, approximately 12 tons of fentanyl has been intercepted by the Border Patrol and Drug Enforcement Agents, which begs the question of just how much has actually made it into America through all the undefended and unprotected areas of the border now that Bidens Open Border Policy and an invasion of Illegal Aliens has stretched the Border Patrol beyond its capabilities.
The solution to stopping the deadly fentanyl trade isnt going to be found in the touchy-feely do-gooder asinine drug programs of many leftist-operated cities that actually facilitate drug use within their domain, through well-meaning, misguided measures.
America and Her people are largely to blame for the current situation for allowing it to snowball from the 1960s to the present, as Americas subculture advocated drug experimentation, escapism, and free love through the decades. The mainstream folks didnt do near enough early enough during the first days of the drug culture to stem the demand and flow of illegal and new experimental, recreational drugs, probably due to the fact that too many policemen, government agents, politicians, and elected officials were getting rich from looking the other way, whenever shipments of these drugs appeared in their sphere of influence and jurisdiction.
On March 10th, 2022, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas essentially stated that he and others in the Texas state legislature would move to increase the penalties against those who deal deadly fentanyl on the streets. He and others like him are definitely on the right track and the right side of this issue.
Addressing fentanyls deadly nature, Governor Abbott stated:
Theyre taking a drug, a pill for the first time, and itll kill them. This is not a fentanyl overdose. This is poisoning by fentanyl, which we want to make a murder crime in the state of Texas.

Chemical compounds necessary to create fentanyl are shipped to Mexican transnational criminal organizations weekly primarily through the Port of Manzanillo and primarily from China crime organizations, like the one operated by Jian Zhang, although India is being courted by these TCOs as a new source too. TCOs are also increasing their production of fentanyl pills and fentanyl-laced M-30 pills, which have regularly been tied to the Sinoloa Cartel and Cartel de Nueva Generacion, two cartels that control drug trafficking corridors from Mexico through California and Arizona. And from this point, as well as the corridor through Texas, drug cartels manage to supply Americas street gangs with this illegal and deadly cargo for distribution throughout the interior of America, having already shipped more than enough fentanyl to kill every person in America several times over.
Much in the same manner that Great Britain weakened China through the opium trade in the 1800s, China is now weakening America. The top leaders of the Chinese Communist Party are benefiting from turning a blind eye to their criminal fentanyl dealers who ship this poison to Mexico, because their inaction against these criminals is a de facto not-so-subtle attack against America that doesnt risk any U.S. military response against China, as of yet. Pleas to Xi to stop the flow of illegal fentanyl have fallen on deaf ears, as this current situation tears at Americas moral underpinnings, values, and virtues and the foundation of American society.
Its time to make China pay a real cost through trade sanctions, much as President Trump was doing to halt a number of Chinese aggressions against the U.S. and the West during his term. But Biden wont do it. Thats pretty much a given if past actions by this regime are any indication, and this situation doesnt get corrected until a strong president with some real backbone takes the Oval Office.
If this isnt tantamount to a national security issue, pray tell just what is?
In the meantime, many on the Left cry that we must not be too hard on dealers, because they might be one of our family members one day, as they point out that many dealers started out as users; but there comes a time when the only thing that can work is a tough enough and a serious enough position to let these dealers-in-death understand it will ultimately cost their lives. Its past time to make dealing such poison in America a capital offense that will get one hung or shot in public for all to see. America had better recalculate their reluctance to execute those among us who commit the most heinous of offenses against humanity and quit making excuses for vile criminals who are nothing more than murderers.
Better yet, dose these fentanyl dealers with their own poison in public and let the people see just what they were selling to Americas children. Let the people watch as they die foaming at the mouth with bulging eyes and their body jerking as they go into a seizure.
In case anyone has forgotten, the 1994 Crime Bill signed by President Clinton authorizes the execution of drug dealers and smugglers. Under Title VI of this bill, the federal death penalty was broadened and focused on approximately sixty heinous crimes, including acts of terrorism, the murder of law enforcement officers, and large-scale drug trafficking, the very sort of drug trafficking we are witnessing with alarming frequency today.
And for the cartel members, when one is caught transporting the slightest amount of fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine, or heroin across our borders, they should be summarily executed on the spot and left to rot on the border with a sign placed on their dead carcass that explains this is the fate of drug traffickers in America from this day forward.
Do this and watch how quickly the illegal drug trade dies in America.
During her own familys fight to get tougher penalties against fentanyl dealers, Christine Capelouto was astounded by the number of other children who were killed by this drug on their first use of it and she sadly noted out loud, as if thinking out loud, that these are real people peoples children. Unsure at the time of whether Alexandras Law would pass or not, Christine further lamented:
It wont bring our daughter back, but we are adamant about saving lives. We can still laugh and joke, and things, but behind the smiles and behind the laughing, its an emptiness that there really are no words to describe.
This story was originally published here. Hailing from the Great State of Tennessee, Justin O. Smith is a patriotic American and regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative whose work has been published by American Thinker and The Rutherford Reader. He can be found on GETTR, Gab, MeWe, and Clouthub.
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