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September 27, 2022

Calls For Violence Against Republicans Intensifies As Midterms Near - One Teen Already Dead As Liberals Continue Their March Towards A Hot Civil War

Liberals: History Of Calling For Violence

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

The violent rhetoric from the left, the media, the Biden regime, and Democrat politicians has increased exponentially over the past months, and we are noting an even bigger uptick over the course of the last few weeks since Joe Biden declared to the entire country that "MAGA Republicans" were a threat to democracy in his "soul of the nation" speech.

"Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic," Biden said. "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of the law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election."

Liberals wave the terminology away as campaign rhetoric, but make no mistake that was a call to arms by a desperate regime that fully understands that if the midterm elections are a referendum on Biden's job performance, which is still under water, they will lose control of congress.

Even former White House press Secretary Jen Psaki has admitted that if Democrats cannot make the midterm elections about Trump, or Republican "extremism," they will lose.

Biden's speech was what liberals call a "dog whistle," a call to arms that Republicans must be categorized as "extremists," "dangerous," and threats. True to form the propaganda arm of the Democrat party also known as the national media, took the ball and started running with it.

Before getting into the variety of examples and quotes, it does bear noting that after Biden's dangerously derogatory speech against Republicans, a 41 year old North Dakota man,Shannon Brandt, admitted to killing an 18 year old with his car, whom he claimed was part of a "Republican extremists" group.

According to court documents, Ellingson called his mother before he was hit, asking her if she knew who Brandt was. She said yes and told her son she was on the way to pick him up.

A short time later, Ellingson called his mother again to say that he or they were chasing him. That was the last time she heard from the 18-year-old.

If we play by the same rules Democrats and RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) do, as shown by attempting to blame president Trump's rhetoric for the actions of others on January 6, 2021, then we would point a finger directly at Joe Biden for "inciting" the killer with his rhetoric about "MAGA" Republicans being extremists.

We'll leave it to readers to decide if the same rules should apply or not.

The acts of violence against Republicans is nothing news, nor is the calls for violence against Republicans by Democrats, as shown in the direct quotes in the top image, as well as the "103 Acts of Left-Wing Political Violence During the Trump Era," list put together by Grabien News.

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Left: Hitler - Right: Biden 'Soul of the Nation" speech


Right on cue after being given their marching orders by the Biden regime, the media began their campaign to distract Americans from unchecked violent crime sweeping the nation, inflation, specifically food and gas prices (which are rising again), and illegal immigration, with rhetoric targeting "MAGA," Republican "extremists," while claiming their are a threat to Democracy.

Sounds a bit like Biden claims in his speech, yes? Anyone that think this is a coincidence, call me, I have some swampland in Florida to sell.

Journalist Tom Elliot aka Grabien, has put together a partial list, with video proof of the media toeing the Biden line.

Biden WH Advisor, Keisha Bottoms, goes on MSNBC to incite the network's liberal audience: 'MAGA Republicans' want to 'destroy the United States of America'

7 minute video at YouTube and for those that watch, count how many times this says the words "MAGA Republican Agenda."

Commentator Roland Martin on MSNBC to talk about Trump voters: "We are at war with these people. These folks are evil. They have allowed evil into their house with Donald Trump."

MSNBC's @TiffanyDCross: "Obviously Republicans are, I think, the biggest threat to democracy. We don't separate right-wing extremists and Republican Party anymore."

Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan on extremist Republicans: We have to kill and confront that movement

Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono:Fighting the pro-life movement "is literally a call to arms in our country."

MSNBC's Michael Beschloss: Trump "is basically saying to Americans that 'there should be Civil War; there should be violence, in case I get indicted.' Nothing like that ever in American history."


MSNBC's Michael Beschloss: Owing to insufficiently restricted speech on social media, threat of political violence today "could be more dangerous than 1860 or the 1930s"

We cannot have Democrats targeting "deplorable" MAGA Republicans without two-time failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton chiming in. Clinton likens Trump rallies to Nazi rallies.

MSNBCs @TiffanyDCross: These days it feels like were not just that the brink of Civil War, but that one has already begun.

Hearing the rhetoric here or there, individual segments, different people, one could think the violent and "war-like" rhetoric was from the liberal radical fringe, but as we see the liberal media an their invited guests consistently spew this angry, violent rhetoric, we are reminded that this is the rule, not the exception.

Image credit: Senate RPC


The Biden bounce is dropping down again. Gas prices are rising again after months of Biden's manipulating them by using the strategic reserves, which are now at the lowest level in decades. Food costs are already massively high and still increasing with no end in sight.

Crime levels, especially in democrat-run cities, is exploding.

Despite widespread efforts to improve the criminal justice system, cities like Los Angeles, New York and Chicago continue seeing a troublesome uptick in violent crime. This has led many law enforcement officials to believe that a selection of recent laws and policies may be doing more harm than good in the US. For Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney John McKinney, he has seen firsthand how policies promoting the defunding and abolishing of his citys public safety apparatus have created an environment where criminals can thrive. He joins the Rundown to discuss how he believes law enforcement officials can regain the trust of US citizens and what first steps local governments can do to make people feel safer in their communities. He also shares how speaking up against unjust policies has impacted his life and why he continues to stand up for justice despite the consequences.

Remember, it was democrats that wanted to "defund the police," which they are trying to deny now, but we have it on video!!

Thanks to the media's outrage at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott, and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, for transporting illegal immigrants from southern border towns to liberal "sanctuary cities/states," illegal immigration is now rising as a priority for American voters just weeks before the midterm elections.

Republicans should really send the media a Thank You basket because their outrage ended up forcing them to acknowledge the border crisis and put the issue front and center again for voters, right in time for midterms.


As the midterms get closer, the violent rhetoric from the left, high profile names, people from the White House, Biden himself, media personalities, and guest pundits, will continue to increase with every report of inflation, rising gas prices, illegal immigration, and as Biden's polling numbers continue to remain underwater, with more disapproving of the job he is doing than those that approve.

It is dangerous to be a Republican these days because the aforementioned groups, including Biden, continue to paint targets on the backs of conservative patriotic Americans.

Think about persona defense, because should Republicans take control of the House and the Senate, making Biden a lame duck, that violent rhetoric will turn into physical violence.

We saw conservatives, men, women, and even teenagers attacked by liberals during the Trump presidency, and we will see it again.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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