December 26, 2023
False Flag Red Alert! They're Playing For All The Marbles In 2024 As Globalists In Govt Prepare Barbaric Acts Of Terror Upon Americans - CBS News Talking Head Warns Of Black Swan Event
- We're Warned It'll Be A 'National Security Crisis With Unpredictably High Impact
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
In the latest bit of alarming evidence that the globalists who've been working to destroy America are preparing for something huge as we arrive in just days at 2024, during their year-end CBS News correspondents roundtable, analyst Catherine Herridge predicted a major national security crisis for the United States in the new year.
With Herridge, who isCBS's senior investigative correspondent, making that ominous prediction for 2024 as heard in the video directly below, warning of a potential Black Swan event dead ahead, as we've long warned here on ANP, we must remember the history of the United States government planning and carrying out acts of terrorism upon the American people if it helps them to meet their political goals as documented in this description of the 'Operation Northwoods' events of 1962, planned false flag acts of terror that were going to be carried out by the CIA and US military upon the American people, acts of terror that would be blamed on those other than the US government terrorists who carried them out.
And while President John F. Kennedy shot down the Operation Northwoods terrorist acts that would have been carried out by US government 'operatives' upon Americans, only to be assassinated himself soon after, the top-voted comments onthis Gateway Pundit story reporting on Herridge's remarks about a national security crisis with unpredictable high impactcoming in 2024 show the American people there fully understand who'll be responsible for the terror coming in the year ahead. Some of those top-voted comments from the GP story sum up our own thoughts completely.
NobodyImportant: My prediction is the event will be coordinated and carried out by our own current sitting government.
Pray for America: Under the direction of the UN.
Bright_Day: I would add the event will be coordinated and carried out by CIA, FBI and our own government. These are evil people, and slowly are destroying the supremacy of the USA and allowing enemy countries to flourish. Globalists are shooting their own feet.
Gex: That's why sippycupjoe is bringing 200,000 illegal aliens (mostly military age males) into our country every month......and after all sippycupjoe is just obama's third term.
Mike365:More like a FALSE FLAG event staged by the USA government....either .....right before the 2024 election OR if Trump wins.....right after the election.
1) EMP,
2) another 911 event,
3) another man made disease let loose (or just saying their is a killer disease but lying)
4) maybe a large MAGA group will be accused of some big terrorist attack (but really done by FBI/CIA/Antifa types) and either be framed for it or it was staged to look real.
Wesley Alexander: It will be something where WE THE PEOPLE will need to look to the government to 'save us' and 'give up our rights' in the process.
What we must understand is that THEY THE GOVERNMENT THE DEEP STATE will orchestrate these events to bring about the outcome they want. We MUST be aware of their manipulation.
NSB on the Beach: The only way the Dems can stay in power. Start a big war.
FC Rob NOT: Followed by martial law therefore no elections.
T eye double grr: All she did was repeat what she was told to repeat. We all know its coming, do your best to be prepared. If you can get out of the cities, now is the time.
Mrs. Sunshine:
The 2024 black swan event:
The U.S. government will attack the population within the U.S... The attack will consist of one or a combination of: Shut the internet off, shut the electricity off EMP, nuclear strike in red states targeting republican voter counties, and activate all the foreign invaders military aged men from the open border to murder citizens and burn down everything they can. Unlikely there will be a 2024 election.
The only thing for sure is: The U.S. government will be the entity attacking the population and will have a plan to try to place the blame elsewhere. It will happen because all the predictive programming is coming from all media.
So is this just more'predictive programming' coming from another CBS talking head as heard in the brief video above? As we've discussed previously in several different ANP stories, the predictive programming for an event that takes down the internet are HUGELY right now in our faces, evencoming directly from the Obama crime cabal, and such a nationwide internet outage would allow the globalists to retain control of the little tiny bit of information that is flowing out to 'the People'.
As the movie "Leave The World Behind" clearly showed, most people who are wired to their devices, along with everybody else who still watches TV News, wouldn't have a clue what was going on around them if the internet were to go down, for an extended period of time or even permanently, and as that movie showed, it wouldn't take long at all for things to go completely insane.
Seen in the scenes where large boats were running ashore, planes were falling out of the sky and driverless cars were driving off without drivers and creating gigantic parking lots on the roadways, just think what America and the world all around you would look like without an internet for people to get the least bit of information from. And with a long term internet outage, most banks and stores would be unable to function with them totally connected to the net as well, along with most of the media, both MSM and independent.
So think about this subject, pointed out in scenes throughout that movie: If the entire internet went down, where you get your information? Meaning both the mainstream media, now completely dependent on the web, and the independent media would be unable to reach their viewers and readers, it wouldn't be long before the phones and electrical grid went down, too, completely dependent on the web.
And as we've warned on ANP numerous times over the last many years, America having some kind of a 'long term grid down scenario'would cause absolute havoc all across the country with the huge majority of Americans completely dependent upon electricity to survive. Certainly in a long term grid down, it wouldn't be long before 330 million Americans were attempting to live in a 'new dark ages.'
As Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (may God bless his soul) had warned us in numerous stories on ANP over the years, the grid going down would quickly lead to the deaths of 90% of Americans, within a year to 18 months if that long. From this October 22nd of 2019 story on ANP written by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry in which he warned us "We should think about unimaginable forms of destruction never seen before".:
The biggest loss of life from natural or manmade EMP would be from starvation, disease, and societal collapse. EMP damage to the electric grid may not be repairable for months or years, or ever, if there is mass starvation and societal collapse. Almost irreplaceable equipment, like EHV transformers, require years to manufacture and replace and could require a decade or more to repair if destroyed in large numbers. And this is just one example of protracted damage to the national grid from EMP that could blackout electronic civilization.
The EMP Commission 2008 Report warns:
Electrical power is necessary to support other critical infrastructures, including supply and distribution of water, food, fuel, communications, transport, financial transactions, emergency services, government services, and all other infrastructures supporting the national economy and welfare. Should significant parts of the electric power be lost for any substantial period of time, the Commission believes that the consequences are likely to be catastrophic, and many people may ultimately die for lack of the basic elements necessary to sustain life in dense urban and suburban communities. In fact, the Commission is deeply concerned that such impacts are likely in the event of an EMP attack
The EMP Commission 2008 Report in the chapter Water Infrastructure warns:
Water and its system of supply is a vital infrastructure(EMP) can damage or disrupt the infrastructure that supplies water to the population, agriculture, and industry of the United States
By disrupting the water infrastructure, an EMP attack could pose a major threat to life, industrial activity, and social order. Denial of water can cause death in 3 to 4 days, depending on the climate and level of activity.
People are likely to resort to drinking from lakes, streams, ponds, and other sources of surface water. Most surface water, especially in urban areas, is contaminated with wastes and pathogens and could cause serious illness if consumed. If water treatment and sewage plants cease operating, the concentration of wastes in surface water will certainly increase dramatically and make the risks of consuming surface water more hazardous.
Demoralization and deterioration of social order can be expected to deepen if a water shortage is protracted. Anarchy will certainly loom if government cannot supply the population with enough water to preserve health and life.
The EMP Commission 2008 Report in the chapter Food Infrastructure warns:
"An EMP attack that disrupts the food infrastructure could pose a threat to life, industrial activity, and social order. Absolute deprivation of food, on average, will greatly diminish a person's capacity for physical work within a few days. After 4 to 5 days without food, the average person will suffer from impaired judgment and have difficulty performing simple intellectual tasks. After two weeks without food, the average person will be virtually incapacitated. Death typically results after 1 or 2 months without food."
Social order likely would decay if a food shortage were protracted. A government that cannot supply the population with enough food to preserve health and life could face anarchy.
Blackouts of electric grids caused by storms or accidents have destroyed food supplies. An EMP attack that damages the power grid and denies electricity to warehouses or that directly damages refrigeration and temperature control systems could destroy most of the 30-day regional perishable food supply. Blackouts also have disrupted transportation systems and impeded the replenishment of local food supplies.
Massive traffic jams are most likely in large cities, the very areas where rapid replenishment of the food supply at hundreds of supermarkets will be needed most urgently. Significantly, recent famines in the developing world have occurred, despite massive relief efforts by the international community, in large part because food relief could not reach victim populations through their underdeveloped transportation infrastructure. An EMP attack could, in effect, temporarily create in the United States the technological conditions in the food and transportation infrastructures that have resulted in developing world famines."
(ANP Emergency Fundraiser:If you like stories like these, PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.If you are a pro-Liberty, pro-America individual or company willing to sponsor us, we'd be more than happy to arrange something to highlight your company to ANP readers on our website if you can help us keep ANP online. You can donate here or reach us at [email protected] or [email protected] to discuss what kind of ads you might like to run on ANP. Otherwise, anything at allANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated. We thank you! )

With all of that excellent but alarming information from Dr. Peter Vincent Pry and the US Congressional EMP Commission proving to us a long term grid down scenario would see America returning to a time period of the 1800's, though a time period roughly 85% smaller than the 330+ million Americans sustained by our electronic civilization today, we should all beware a 'final false flag' in the days ahead with people like CBS's Catherine Herridge broadcasting a 'Black Swan event' in 2024.
And knowing for a fact just how quickly a total grid down event would do the trick for the globalists seeking to 'kill America,' and globalists such as Obama using 'predictive programming' through his movie "Leave the World Behind" to tell us of what is to come, we once again emphasize getting yourselves and your families prepared for such a long term, grid down scenario if you haven't already.
Because as we've warned on ANP several different times, according to an 'X' user called 'The Architect,' "All of this manufactured drama is leading to one inevitable conclusion. They will BURN IT ALL DOWN before we EVER have the chance to bring them to justice." And a future America featuring NO internet, NO phones and NO 'going back to normal' as seen in the Obama movie"Leave The World Behind" would definitely be an America where the globalist traitors, people LONG working to destroy the country, would NEVER be able to be held accountable for their terrorist and criminal actions.
So if you haven't yet prepared for such a long term grid down scenario that could easily lead to the deaths of over 90% of the US population, there is still time to do so with all of the items we've listed below able to be delivered to you within a few days to a few weeks and all of them, ultimately, being the possible difference between life and death.
Generators: Honda EU2200i 2200-Watt 120-Volt Super Quiet Portable Inverter Generator WEN 56203i Super Quiet 2000-Watt Portable Inverter Generator w/Fuel Shut Off, CARB Compliant, Ultra Lightweight A-iPower SUA2000iV 2000 Watt Portable Inverter Generator Quiet Operation, Lightweight Westinghouse WGen7500 Portable Generator with Remote Electric Start - 7500 Rated Watts & 9500 Peak Watts - Gas Powered - CARB Compliant - Transfer Switch Ready Champion Power Equipment 76533 4750/3800-Watt Dual Fuel RV Ready Portable Generator with Electric Start Champion Power Equipment 100692 2000-Watt Ultralight Portable Inverter Generator Extension Cords: Southwire 2588SW0002 Outdoor Extension Cord- 12/3 American Made SJTW Heavy Duty 3 Prong Extension Cord- Great for Commercial Use, Gardening, and Major Appliances ( 50 Foot- Yellow) AmazonBasics 16/3 Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord | Orange, 100-Foot
Items For your Power Outage Kit: Running Snail Solar Crank NOAA Weather Radio for Emergency with AM/FM, Flashlight, Reading Lamp and 2000mAh Power Bank (Green) Service Survival Emergency Radio & NOAA Weather Radio | 2000mAh Hand Crank Radio & Battery Powered Radio AM/FM NOAA Solar Radio Weather Radio Weather Radio LED Flashlight USB Power Charger GearLight LED Tactical Flashlight S1000 [2 PACK] - High Lumen, Zoomable, 5 Modes, Water Resistant, Handheld Light - Best Camping, Outdoor, Emergency, Everyday Flashlights Energizer Max 9V Batteries, Premium Alkaline 9 Volt Batteries (8 Battery Count) AmazonBasics D Cell 1.5 Volt Everyday Alkaline Batteries - Pack of 24 Energizer Max C Batteries, Premium Alkaline, 4 Ct, Packaging May Vary Energizer AAA Batteries (48 Count), Triple A Max Alkaline Battery 2-in-1 First Aid Kit (348-Piece) 'Double-Sided Hardcase' + Bonus 32-Piece Mini Kit: Perfect for Home & Workplace Safety [50 Person Kit] Communications:
5-Way Powered Solar Hand Crank NOAA Weather Alert Radio,AM/FM Shortwave Survival Portable Outdoor Emergency Radio,2500mAh Rechargeable Battery Cellphone USB Charger, LED Camping Flashlight, SOS & Compass
Eton Elite Executive AM/FM/Aircraft Band/SSB/Shortwave Radio with RDS & Custom Leather Carry Cover, Model:NELITESATELLIT
Eton Elite, The Classic, Clear-Sounding AM/FM/LW/VHF/Shortwave with Single Side Band (SSB) Radio
BaoFeng UV-5R Dual Band Two Way Radio (Black)
Motorola Solutions T480 Talkabout Rechargeable Emergency Preparedness Two-Way Radio Single Unit (Red/White)
Ham Radio: The Ultimate Ham Radio Quickstart Guide - From Beginner to Expert (Ham Radio, Survival, Communication) Paperback
Tenway UV-5R Pro 8Watt Dual Band Two Way Radio with Ham Radio
Each of the videos below take looks at some of the issues that America is facing as we rush full speed ahead into 2024 with the globalists seeking to take everything 'America'down as we fly towards 2025.
And for anyone who hasn't yet assured they've got food and water with who knows exactly what awaits us in 2024, we've embedded plenty more links for food and water security at the very bottom of this story above our comment section. And as always, any ideas that you might have are appreciated below.
ANP is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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Checks or money orders made payable to Stefan Stanford or Susan Duclos can be sent to:
P.O. Box 575McHenry, MD. 21541

Anything at all at Amazon purchased through this ANP link or any of the links below will allow ANP to make a bit of revenue, all of which will be used to keep ANP online and to keep a roof over our heads in these difficult days.
Porter & York - Whole Chickens 6-pack Kansas City Sampler Steak Set - 2 Filet Mignon and 2 Strip Steaks
Chicago Steak Meal Set Includes Savory Ribeye, Top Sirloin Steak, Angus Steak Burgers, & Lemon Herb Chicken Breasts
Maine Lobster Now - 2 Pounds Fresh Maine Lobster Meat
Aged Angus Filet Mignon Top Sirloin NY Strip Ribeye and Premium Ground Beef by Nebraska Star Beef - All Natural Hand Cut and Trimmed - Steak Gift Packages Delivered to Your Door Bison Burgers & Steaks Combo Pack: 100% All-Natural, Grass-Fed and Grain Finished North American Bison Meat with no Growth Hormones or Antibiotics - USDA Tested - 14 Piece of Tender, Flavorful Meat H.F.'s Outstanding All Natural Skinless Boneless Chicken Breast, 40 Ounce Porter & York, Prime Beef Bone In Ribeye Steaks 20oz 4-pack Porter & York Brand Meats - Prime Beef Boneless Ribeye Steak 16oz 4-pack T-Bone Steaks, 6 count 16 oz each from Kansas City Steaks Angus Wagyu Ground Beef Patties By Nebraska Star Beef - The Ultra Premium Package for Family Grilling Events Freeze Dried Foods:
Wise Company Long Term Emergency Freeze-Dried Food Supply, Breakfast and Entree Variety
MRE Meals - 124-Serving Freeze Dried Emergency Food Supply
Long Term Dehydrated Food Storage - 120 Large Entree Servings - 29 Lbs- Disaster Prepper Freeze Dried Supply Kit
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Freeze Dried Fruit Bucket, 120 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Meat Variety, 15-Year Shelf Life, 60 Servings
Wise Company Emergency Food Supply, Variety Pack, 25-Year Shelf Life, 104 Servings
Wise Company ReadyWise, Emergency Food Supply, Freeze Dried Vegetables, 120 Servings
Mountain House Classic Bucket | Freeze Dried Backpacking & Camping Food | 24 Servings
Mountain House Diced Beef #10 Can Freeze Dried Food - 6 Cans Per Case
Mountain House Cooked Diced Chicken #10 Can
Augason Farms Lunch and Dinner Variety Pail Emergency Food Supply 4-Gallon Pail Augason Farms Breakfast Emergency Food Supply 11 lbs 1.8 oz 4 Gallon Pail
Other items:
PB2 Original Powdered Peanut Butter - [2 Lb/32oz Jar] Augason Farms Vegetable Stew Blend 2 lbs 0.5 oz No. 10 Can
It's Just - Whole Egg Protein Powder, Made in USA, Non-GMO (8oz) Augason Farms 5-90158 Scrambled Egg Mix, 2 lbs, 4 oz. No. 10 Can Augason Farms Dried Whole Egg Product 2 lbs 1 oz No. 10 Can Hoosier Hill Farm All American Dairy Whole Milk Powder 1 lb Hoosier Hill Farm Heavy Cream Powder Jar, 1 Pound
Hoosier Hill Farm Real Butter powder, Gluten and, 2 lbs
Augason Farms Dehydrated Chopped Onions 1 lb 7 oz No. 10 Can Nutristore Freeze Dried Mozzarella Cheese Shredded Premium Quality Amazon Search 'Flour' Canned/Packaged Goods: Wellsley Farms White Premium Chunk Chicken Breast in Water, 12.5 Ounce, 6 Count
Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Chicken, 28 Ounce by Keystone Meats
Swanson Chicken la King Made with White and Dark Meat Chicken, 10.5 Ounce Can (Pack of 12) Dinty Moore Beef Stew with Fresh Potatoes & Carrots 20 oz (Pack of 12) Armour Star Classic Homestyle Beef Stew, 20 oz. (Pack of 12) Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Beef, 28 Ounce SAMPCO Shredded Beef 3lb.
Kirkland Signature Chicken Breast (Chicken Breast -6 Count) Keystone Meats All Natural Canned Pork, 28 Ounce Armour Star Roast Beef With Gravy, 12 oz. Armour Star Banner Sausage, Easy Open Can, 10.5 oz. (Pack of 12) Wild Planet Skipjack Wild Tuna, Sea Salt, Keto and Paleo, 3rd Party Mercury Tested, 5 Ounce (Pack of 12) Armour Star Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. (Pack of 12) Canned Vegetables Variety Of Options Canned Fruits Variety Of Options Rice Beans Pasta
Emergency Water, Storage and Filtration Systems:
WaterBOB Bathtub Emergency Water Storage Container, Drinking Water Storage, Hurricane Survival, BPA-Free (100 Gallon)
LifeStraw Community High-Volume Water Purifier, Autofill
Prepared4X Portable Water Filter Hand Pump - Premium Camping Water Filter and Purification System for Survival - Essential Outdoor, Backpacking, Hiking Water Filtration System with Replaceable Filters
Sawyer Products SP128 Mini Water Filtration System, Single, Blue
Member's Mark (16.9 Oz) - Full Pallet - 40 Bottles per Case, Pallet of Water 48 Cases (Total 1920 Bottles)
Nestle Pure Life 8 Oz. Purified Water, 48 Per Carton