August 1, 2024
Buckle Up, The Brotherhood Of Evil Is In Their Power Cycle, and We Should Expect A False Flag Terror Attack Against The United States In The Coming Months
By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline
One of the more recent questions that concern all but those who are actually running the world is just who is actually running this particular nation; who selects our presidents. It should be most obvious to anyone actually paying attention to things that they are NOT actually elected but areselectedas we have discussed many times before in this column. We will not get the answer today, but we will see very clearly that they do in fact have full control over our state of affairs.
Although officially there was no voter fraud in the 2008 elections, the results do not line up with what was expected and with what was polled in after-voting canvases were taken. Like Obama said of it all,"I come from Chicago, so, I want to be honest, its not as if its just Republicans who monkey around with elections...". He should know; he and his staff or better stated, he and his handlers or controllers know full well the benefits of massive voter fraud and how he won with about 9 and a half million votes more than McCain. The same thing should be said about the 2016 elections but lets not forget the 2012 elections when the Kenyan propaganda machine may have won the popular vote legitimately, but that is still suspicious if real intents of thevoters were presented. He was loved by the left and the media and the unions and such, but the honest taxpaying Americans did not like him at all; and still do not.
It was the 2016 elections (or ratherSelections) that take the prize home for most confusing results. Everybody with any brains at allHATEDthe wicked witch (meant literally, not figuratively) queen of the Arkansas Mafia and the resultant loss in that election wasin spite ofmassive fraud for her and NOT (as she claims) against her. With such a commanding lead in every honest poll, Trump thoroughly trounced her even though the advertised results showed a very close finish. The real polls and post voting analysis showed Trump won with incredible high margins, not the official and accepted slim ones presented later on. And she was or rather, is still PISSED about it. She was guaranteed that job and the fraud machine failed to get the wanted results.
2020 proved that overkill is required to make that jump from detested idiot to president. The numbers that were required to get some basement dwelling non-contestant into office over a greatly loved man of quality was truly earth shattering and miraculous in nature. From about 20% to 80% real numbers to about a 220% (35 million to 81 million votes tallied) win is accomplished only with fantastical voter fraud. And the evil machine still prosecutes any that dispute those claiming reality rather than the officially mandated lies.

Why do I bring this old stuff up? Because you really have not seen anything yet to compare to those fraudulent elections folks.
Biden has officially been removed from the election campaign trails, and we are still waiting for him to be removed from the office itself. It would appear that it is getting too difficult to convince anyone that he is anything other than a bumbling old brain dead rat. Obama, the NWO lieutenant that is in charge of the White House and in many respects still runs it, has decided the handicap of the brain dead family mafia boss is too great to rely on the fraud machine to pull off another unbelievable miracle. The public just would not accept the results, so something else needs to be done to maintain control over the nation.
With the Las Vegas mystery surrounding Biden and the immediate removal of him with that emergency speedy flight to go back East, the rumor mill has suggested something awful had happened, with some supposedly using inside sources thinking he had a big stroke. There is no way to prove that yet, but the fact that he has not been seen personally and his doubles have been out in force (with a new one that is about 4 or 5 inches taller than the others, and we are not supposed to notice that) so from very slowly and barely making it up the short stairs to the jet to the next day him sprightly running up the taller set, there is something not quite right in their story. He is not the topic of this story, just using him to set the stage for what really is the story.
I do not think Biden will finish his term as I have presented in a previous column covering an update on the 2 Ezdras Eagle prophecy. The obvious Prez replacement is the cackling and limited IQ fill-in presented to us as the Veep. With very contentious candidacy campaigns and crooked claims about her all over the place, resulting with getting her into politics first as the District Attorney of San Francisco in 2004 and then the Attorney General of the state of California in 2011 with disastrous results of her leadership, we are supposed to believe that the infamous California democrat fraud machine did nothing. Well, OK I suppose, but they are not finished yet.
Biblically knowing the mob boss of California power structures Willie Brown and his willyis the main claim as to why she won. So why is no one trying to explain how her actions as DA is not in conflict with his actions as not just a judge but his questionable involvement in mass monies capers and power struggles (some are referred to as juice politics) he responds in kind to keeping her own escapades out of the courts? Back then anyone involved in politics there was familiar with the Brown-Burton machine and anyone associated with Brown was part of that machine.
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What inside protection racket are we insinuating? No, not me, I do not want to be knocked off Clinton style so I will say nothing of what I have been digging around to see. They have tried mightily to remove anything on the web about all of this, and they are mostly successful. But tidbits do show up hinting about far more corruption out there.
As the controller of the shenanigans inside the White House, the Kenyan has a huge say in who resides there. He never did like Biden and did not want him on the ticket with him, and never did want him first on the ticket to follow/substitute for the Kenyan as Prez so it is no surprise that he does not want the seeming female corrupt communist duplicate of himself as the replacement for Biden when he is finally pulled out completely. Yeh, he did finally endorse Kamala as the candidate for the 2024 elections, but that does not really mean much at all. Just a formality as things are put into place to accomplish their real goals which she is evidently not a part of.
After being assigned as the VP in the Biden Harris ticket to which she never was voted into, we see her being assigned to the office of President also without ever being voted into that office. She lost miserably in the 2020 Democrat primaries and was forced out of the running early on because of such a poor showing. She was then appointed as the VP in spite of no one wanting her there. After losing in truly massive numbers to Trump, -- oh, wait it seems they won doesnt it she is again pronounced without an election to be the candidate on the communist err, democrat ticket.
Democracy is such a wonderful thing, isnt it? Choosing our rulers through a democratic election system where we get the people in office we want to control and keep things in good repair so we do not need to do so ourselves, and we can go about our normal lives without struggling to decide which country to invade and bomb to extinction next. Oh, what a concept. So great of a concept perhaps we should create a political party that follows that idea and covers what the People want by majority voting. But then perhaps I am being a bit too cynical about her never being elected to any positions in DC.
So with the losing vote tally in 2020 primaries and being appointed as Veep, she now claims to have the legitimate role as having been voted in. Yes, the brain dead Big Guy got voted in and she supposedly was as well because she was selected (not elected) to be on that ticket, but she was not voted into anything. If you have any questions about that,read upon what the democrat party calls Super Delegates and their very anti-democratic powers of selection. Yep, Democracy is a wonderful thing isnt it? But she has not really been elected or selected to be the candidate on the democrat partys ballot. She isProclaimedas such, but not legally so. There still needs to be the Democrat Convention where the candidate will be officially chosen but that is only a formality in reality. They are just covers for hiding the SELECTED (by the Powers that Be) to cover as supposed elected officials to put into practice whatever the Illuminati, Council of Foreign Relations, Deep State or whatever choice of name of secret societies you wish to call them.
And as stated before, Biden needs to be removed from office and not just from running for a second term in order for the prophecy to be realized, so I doubt he willmaintain it for long and therefore my comment about the Las Vegas incident to show an example of how it may be done. Something will be brought into focus to remove him it seems and theCackling Camelainserted into a very temporary position.
So what about the upcoming elections? Will they even be held or is something going to interrupt them? It is difficult to say, but according to the prophecy, whoever is selected will not actually take power. They will think to themselves to do so, but will not if the interpretations are close to correct. After that the number one Eagle Head will take power to himself for a bit, then die in his bed. Then the right one will take power and will be slain by the third, who will also die (also slain) in office (sounds like a deep dark civil war to me). It is the one after that that is troubling as it appears he will be the anti-Christ, and after about three years he is removed and he will go to rule over the rest of the world and attack Israel to destroy it bringing in the return of Christ to this earth as described for that last seven year period of total evil. How this all takes place will be one very interesting ride, so buckle up folks, the brotherhood of evil is in their power cycle.
The question still remains as to HOW the elections will be terminated or the results negated. The options are easy to guess at, and must be of sufficient compelling force to do so. One might assume World War Three, and that is not out of the question as it appears that the USA and NATO is in full swing trying their best to get that mass murder thing started in order to put off the elections or implementing the results of them.
Another method that may work is a total world economic failure that seems to be building and total bank control of all nations. (Incidentally, that seems to be the case already regardless of whatever else they do) and the implementation of the Mark ofthe Beast worldwide. As we are over $35 TRILLION in debt now, that seems an assured event.
Civil war also seems highly likely as the method of implementing a total military dictatorship in this once great nation. The importation of many millions (about 35 million is a good guess so far since FJB has been in power) of criminal invaders not just crossing over our border but the government shipping them in directly via jets flown constantly in huge numbers to avoid the task of border crossings. They are not even trying to hide that, but are also not advertising it. Along with those are the Islamic terrorists already in our nation doing what they can to foment violence and destruction. All under the leadership of a mentally challenged idiot mafia boss more interested in sniffing young girls bodies and hair. He must be removed as quickly as possible, but whatever succeeds him will likely do the same in order to get this civil war started.
Those three things are highly likely to not be just run alone, but implemented in combination in order to destroy us faster. But there is still one more thing that I consider a more likely event to get us started down the road to total destruction and that is a massive terror strike against this nation. Of what form that may take is up for guesses, but it is the one thing that is guaranteed to start a total military lockdown and loss of elections happening or the results being implemented. Some city being nuked and we institute an Iran invasion following; Russia does just what we have been pushing for and uses tactical nukes in Europe starting a nuke exchange; China invades SoCal (by our invitation it appears) with the resulting military takeover to protect us from them; riots turn very violent after an obviously faked election as we will not accept another peacefully and they are ready and willing to escalate to total warfare here at home; criminal invaders riot and start cities on fire because we will not give them the rule of our nation or whatever they demand; a generalize sneak attack on us by some third rate nation setup just for that purpose and so many other possibilities.

My own guess is that of a major terrorist attack (staged of course) so that the government can introduce absolute power over us, and please note that all of these result in the loss of constitutional rule and the implementation of forced rule by those who are planning these events; the Three Eagle Heads. Just who are they? I do not know as I said before, but some good guesses are in order. Many claim they will be the three division of our government (legislative, legal and executive) while others the intel systems like the NSA, military intel, CIA among others. Although they are involved, I strongly suspect they are actual individuals and not generic groups as that is how not only Ezra but also Daniel, Isaiah, John and others describe them. Power leaders in banking, in corporate ownership, in politics, in government and so forth are among the ones I suspect the most.
Keep your eyes open and your hearts straight and keep praying to our Creator for protection, for forgiveness, for strength and the Spirit so we can see and understand what is taking place. I am not writing this to scare anybody, but to forewarn and hope that you see the need for prayer as this is the most difficult time this Earth will ever witness. If it were not for our Savior NOBODY would live through the upcoming few years.
God Bless, my friends
Note from editor: The first two videos below aren't allowing me to get the embed code, but the Rumble one at the bottom gave it just fine, so it much be YouTube glitching again.
The Illuminati exposed - Myron C Fagan 1967 (two hours long, but first 15 minutes covers what needs to be said for right now) you may want to download and save this one for reference).
You Won't Believe Glenn Beck's Prediction About Kamala Harris
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