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October 4, 2023

Ukraine Is The Straw Breaking The Uniparty's Back - America Is In Trouble, And We Do Not Need To Be Handing Ukraine Tens Of Billions Of Dollars From American Taxpayers For A War That Is Not Ours

By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline

Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House of Representatives on Tuesday and we are seeing a lot of hot takes by the media, and McCarthy allies, against the "hard-liners" that finally ejected him.

America has problems, a lot of problems, but despite the establishment Republicans, and the medias' insistence that ousting former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy being one of them, it is not. The reason establishment Republicans are so incensed over McCarthy's removal is because he is one of them.

A member of the Uniparty.

These are both Republican and Democrats, and they are one of the main reasons that people continue to claim that both parties are basically the same. Yet when you look at positions on abortion, crime, law enforcement, border control, just to name a few, the parties are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

Republican Uniparty members do not stand on principle, they do not fight for what their constituents want, which is what has led to McCarthy's ouster.

While I could spend the entire day describing the issues McCarthy betrayed Americans on, Ukraine tops the list, and was ultimately the straw that broke the present days Uniparty's back.

They media calls the Republicans that ousted McCarthy "hard-liners," while some establishment Republicans are dubbing them "terrorists," in just one example of how utterly terrified they are that someone will be voted in as Speaker that may actually have a backbone.

Hard-liners are far more preferable than those with no spine.

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In August, a poll conducted for CNN found that 55% "say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding."

America has sent approximately $113 billion to Ukraine in taxpayer money, including weapons, artillery, security assistance, grants, humanitarian and financial aid, among other assistance.

In order to understand the amount of disrespect within Congress for the majority of American people against more Ukraine aid, after McCarthy was forced to strip Ukraine funding from the annual defense spending bill to get the vote to pass it, McCarthy then brought up a stand-alone bill for Ukraine, which passedin a 311-117 blowout bipartisan vote.

311 members of the House of Representative, didn't give a damn that the majority of Americans no longer want their tax dollars used to fund Ukraine against Russia. According to the Clerks office for the House, all 117 that voted against sending another $300 million to Ukraine, were Republcans.

We knew Democrats would want to fund Ukraine because Ukraine is America's proxy in the war with Russia, but 101 Uniparty republicans joined in, and the list of names of those that respected the will of the American people and voted against further funding for Ukraine, can be found here and here.

Another reason we must stop funding Ukraine is that America is low on artillery, as Biden let slip during an interview. Heck, even camouflage for our military are running low, showing we need the money, weaponry and ammunitions being sent to Ukraine, right here in America.

Especially the way we keep poking Russia, specifically sending Ukraine tanks, and cluster bombs, which by the way, are banned in more than 100 countries.

Russia has made it abundantly clear they are prepared to use nuclear weapons.


There is a long list of issues America is facing which should come before Ukraine, and a partial list is shown below.

Illegal Aliens:

1.6 million known gotaways and hundreds of thousands of inadmissible aliens granted parole every month through the cartel-exploited CBP One app and other mass-parole programs..

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported 232,972 alien encounters along the Southwest Border (SWB) in August 2023. A 14% increase from 2022.

With one month remaining, encounters at the Southwest border in FY2023 have increased over 100% compared to all of FY2019.

Encounters by the Office of Field Operations (OFO) were the highest on record in August and increased 132% from August 2022.

So far in FY23, 151 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry.

That one begs the question of how many on the terrorist watchlist were not stop or caught and made it through?

Here is a two-page PDF with the relevant statistics.

Imagine what $113 billion, plus the additional $300,000 being sent to Ukraine, could do to help block off areas in between the points of entry to prevent the invasion we see happening right now. One which the Biden regime is doing nothing to stop.

Buoys in Texas are working. Razor wire, electrified fencing, and even our National Guard in each state, would all cost less that what we pay to feed, clothes, house, education and provide medical care for illegal immigrants.


In Washington DC, the U.S. Capital, there has been a 28-percent uptick in homicides this year alone.

In Philadelphia, PA, looting has become the norm, and at one point all liquor stores had to be closed due to a massive crime wave. Also a new car dealership in Philly had the majority of their inventory stolen in their first week of business.

Moving along to San Francisco, due to a crime surge, seven Starbucks closed down, a business exodus has been occurring, drugs are being done in the open, on the sidewalks, and needles and feces are still an issue in the streets.

in Democrat-run cities from one end of the country to the other, we are seeing massive crime surges, and Soros DA's are letting them go with just a slap on the wrist.

I could go on, but there are a few more problems here in America where that money being sent to Ukraine, could actually help Americans.


While inflation was going down (it has gone up a bit over the last two months), prices have not gone down, and we are spending 20% more for food than we were in 2021.Prices of staples like butter, sugar and potatoes that rose over 20% since the start of 2022.

Graphs above via Heritage

Make no mistake, the massive spending by Joe Biden, with help from the members of the congressional uniparty, are responsible for inflation.

Makes us wonder how much of that inflation is due to not only Biden's and the Uniparty's spending, but how much our Ukraine spending contributed to the higher prices we pay for everything, especially food in 2023.


The Uniparty, which is the party of war, spending and inflation must go. In 2022 we did dump a number of RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), all members of the Uniparty, but as we saw with the most recent Ukraine funding bills, we still have to get rid of 101 Republicans, and we start by limiting their influence.

As an aside because it is fresh news, talk is that some plan to nominate Donald Trump as Speaker of the House, with another (MTG) stating "The only candidate for Speaker I am currently supporting is President Donald J. Trump."

Sources telling me at this hour some House Republicans have been in contact with and have started an effort to draft former President Donald Trump to be the next speaker, he revealed on Fox Newss Hannity.

And I have been told that President Trump might be open to helping the Republican Party, at least in the short term, if necessary if its needed, he added. (Source)

In no way, shape or form do I think Trump would have the votes, although it would separate the wheat from the chaff within the Republican party, but just imagine having someone, anyone, with a backbone as Speaker.

No more money for Ukraine. No more Omnibus bills. No more money for BS purposes. Clean bills that either make it or don't, instead of being attached to must-pass bills.

Getting rid of McCarthy as Speaker is just the first step, we now need a Speaker that will hold the line.

Readers are encouraged to drop the names of those they think have enough spine to fight for America....first.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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