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April 30, 2023

Peak 'Journalism' 2023: We Are The 'Good Guys' That 'Set The Agenda' For Americans - The Biden Propaganda Networks Go All In To Protect Dementia Joe While Censoring Dem Challenger

By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine

One would think a piece about the media, the day after the much talked about (by the media)White House Correspondents Dinner aka Nerd Prom, would include my own take on the event, maybe a couple of videos, and maybe even a little rant about the event happening when so many Americans can barely pay their bills and eat.


I'll let the words of others suffice because I want to discuss the attempts by the MSM to rewrite their own history.

So, first, Twitchy on the media event, to which the media then took to their computers to write about how wonderful said event was.

Awww yes, The White House Correspondents Dinner aka Nerd Prom was last night so that means we got to watch a bunch of journalists pat themselves on the backs for carrying more water for Biden than any president since Obama. Is there anything more annoying than a bunch of propagandists hanging out with the government they propagandize for?


Spot on.

Also, to finish the summation of the event coming from someone that is not part of the liberal media complex, a tweet from a Twitchy favorite, Stephen Miller. Excuse the language but it is justified.

Enough about that.

Yesterday, before the circle-jerk with the MSM, I read a piece over at Politico, which perfectly encapsulates how the media think of themselves, despite the fact that since their highpoint in the 1970's their credibility, and Americans' trust in them, has steadily declined.

The piece is titled "How the Trump Years Weakened the Media," and it is quite the spectacle as well as an inside look into the bubble that today's so-called "journalists" live in.

Before delving into the pathetic attempt to rewrite their own history I have ever seen, let's debunk the headline itself.

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Trump did nothing to the media, they did it all by themselves. The further left they moved, the more they became the propaganda arm of the Democrat party, the lower the confidence levels they received from the American public.

Their attempts to blame Trump for their own failures is just another example of their heads being buried in the sand, to put it far more diplomatically that what I was thinking.

The only thing Trump did was to refuse to kiss up to the media and to call them out every chance he got for their lies, misinformation, and "fake news."

Back to the Politico piece, second paragraph:

At the Post, certainly, but across the profession, journalism was defined above all by a particular trait: confidence. This self-assurance had two dimensions. Among journalists at leading publications there was no reason to doubt that our work was consequential, that it landed with agenda-setting impact. There was also full faith that our work was a form of public service that a career in journalism meant you were on the side of the good guys.

"Agenda-setting impact."

That says so much about the liberal MSM of today, and even back then, as their polling numbers took a downward plunge, because they came to believe they were setting the agenda, rather than objectively reporting about politicians that were pushing an agenda.

They became one and the same, when a Democrat was in office, and they went on the offensive as soon as a member of their party was elected as President.

The next paragraph also reveals so much about how MSM "journalists" of today think.

Self-confidence sometimes surely curdled into arrogance. But those increasingly distant days remain a useful frame of reference for thinking about the state of the Washington news media now, in a political age still shadowed by Donald Trump another president, like Nixon, who found himself in remorseless combat with independent journalists.

Independent Journalists........really?

Alrighty then.

The MSM, on the other hand, still claim they are objective, meaning they are either lying through their teeth, or are so self-unaware they shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard.

As a conservative writer, doing my best to counter the liberal bias in the MSM, I am open in admitting my conservative bias, but that same bias means we need to look at what Americans, not in the Independent Media business, think.

Let's take a look at whether Americans think the MSM is independent rather than pushing an agenda for one political party.

Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting.

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found.

Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners, the study found. It said 23% of respondents believed the journalists were acting in the publics best interests.

Bet those 23% and those 25% were Democrats!

Ha! A little further further down in the Fortune piece I am quoting from, they admit it.

Like with many other studies, Knight and Gallup found Democrats trust news more than Republicans. Over the past five years, the level of distrust has particularly spiked among independents. Overall, 55% of respondents said there was a great deal of political bias in coverage, compared to 45% in 2017.

Back to the Politico piece, we see that the writer, John Harris,founding editor of Politico, still believes that "that journalists remain on the side of the good guys."

The last misrepresentation, lie, fake news, or just an outright attempt at rewriting history because ORANGE MAN BAD, is the claim in the Politico piece that "Trumps rise helped spark new attention into sexual harassment and launched the #MeToo movement a vivid illustration on how the media can still set the agenda and enforce accountability."

First, it was the exposure of Harvey Weinstein's abuse that launched the #MeToo movement.

In October of 2022, even the NPR, one of the most liberal propaganda publications, acknowledged the timeline of events.

It was five years ago this month that the very first article by journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey broke the story of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein's decades of sexual misconduct.

Later that month, actress Alyssa Milano tweeted, "If you've been sexually harassed or assaulted write 'me too' as a reply to this tweet."

This post, referencing the #MeToo Movement created by Tarana Burke years earlier, went viral. So, too, did the allegations against Weinstein. Dozens of women stepped forward to publicly share the extent of the powerful producer's bad acts. Actresses Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan's initial allegations were later followed by Cate Blanchett, Lupita Nyong'o and many others speaking publicly about Weinstein's harassment or assault.

The #MeToo movement went viral after Weinstein, and had nothing to do with Trump. Yet the rewriting of history continues, led by the MSM itself.

Secondly, the statement "avivid illustration on how the media can still set the agenda and enforce accountability."

The media should not be "setting the agenda," it should be reporting on the agendas the government sets, but again, this shows that the media is working hand in hand with liberals by pushing their agenda, "setting the agenda" for the American people.

Is it any wonder Americans' confidence in the media is at the lowest point in history, and is still declining?


Yet another bit of evidence showing the MSM has become nothing more than the propaganda arm for the Democrat party, is how ABC News recently cut out parts of an interview withRobert F. Kennedy Jr., because he dared highlight the damage that has ben documented from Covid vaccines.

We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines, anchor Linsey Davis said in a disclaimer when the interview aired Thursday. Weve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview.

Remember, the media used to insist that reports of Covid coming from a Wuhan lab leak was a "false claim," and now even the FBI has acknowledged the likelihood of it. Th MSM claimed that reports showing that masking wasn't as much of a help as they said, was a "false claim," and now the truth it out.

By what right do they censor RFK Jr., a presidential candidate, claim he made false statements when they have been consistently wrong about Covid from the start?

They are censoring him because they think they are the arbiters of truth, but they are also protecting 'Dementia Joe."

Davis is the latest legacy media journalist to admit to editing interviews to flatter liberal viewers. Former NBC Today show host Katie Couric admitted to having withheld a segment of an interview with the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg that featured the Supreme Court justice calling kneeling protests during the US national anthem a terrible thing to do.


The bottom line goes to RFK Jr. and a H/.T to Stefan for sending me this.

There is no time in history where the people censoring speech were the good guys

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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