June 19, 2024
Biden Has Outlived His Usefulness To The Democrat Party - Whoever The Party Selects Will Still Be Taking Orders From Their Satanic New World Order Masters
By Alan Barton -All News Pipeline
A big flurry the past couple of days on folks saying Biden is already out of the 2024 elections, to be replaced by someone that may (or may not) be sufficiently mentally awake to even show face in public. That is something that most of us have been saying for almost four years now, but the more popular conservative sites and now even the leftists are saying is going to happen. I am not planning on rehashing all of the guesswork and such, as there is an abundance of articles and on this subject and you are most likely to have already gotten tired of seeing, let alone reading them. Instead, lets take a look at some of the evidences that things are not what they seem, ok?
I am still amazed that the communis--- err, pardon me, I meant to say the democrat party allowed Biden to even run. After his initial failure back in 1988 when he was accused of plagiarizing British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. Not his first, not his last use of other peoples writings passed off as his own with the latest known example being the theft of Donald J Trumps D-Day speech as somehow his idea. I will give allowance that much of it may be his incompetent radical leftist handlers writing things for him, but still even Marxist democrats should know better.
Of greater concern is his membership on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as a ranking member from 1997 that proves he is a major player in the New World Order secret societies having chaired those from 2001 to 2003 and 2007 to 2009. What a great way to build up a mafia style money laundering, bribery and influence peddling schemes, which he has turned into not just a successful family dynasty, but also includes his staff members as active members. He has been involved since the early 1990s with promoting and scheduling war in Eastern Europe including Yugoslavian wars that included Croatia, Bosnia and later the wider Balkan wars. He and the warmonger John McCain did all they could to push for more war in that region while shortly after that was one of Bushs greatest allies in our government pushing for more war with Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan. So his involvement with that tin horn Napoleon complex warlord and homosexual actor and gay dancer in Ukraine is no surprise. Together they have been able to pocket billions of our dollars in their off shore accounts by massive fraudulent means. But somehow that mafia like racket turned around as he then was one of the biggest critics of the Bush involvement and joined Obama in harshly criticizing those engagements. I must suppose the profits have ebbed too far for his tastes.
It was during the reign of the Obama racket ol Joe got himself installed as the democrat Vice President on the Marxist ticket with Barry as the lead mob boss. He was NOT the chosen one as Bammer did NOT want him around, but was installed just as he was later installed as the so-called president while still taking marching orders from his CIC the Kenyan and that arrangement most definitely still is going on. Perhaps it would be understandable to see why many have thought it is most likely Susan Rice that is his immediate supervisor in the White House as she was also the Director of US Domestic Policy Council from 2021 to 2023, now arguably not involved is such shenanigans. I am not sure about that, but there are other actors that seem to have great stakes in the game and she may well be out of the picture now. But she and the Kenyan were co-conspirators in many schemes while in power, and likely still are. At least the Kenyan still is in great power. While serving as prez, Barry detested veep ol Joe and likely still does so some of what I will bring out seems to hold that perspective up to the light.
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Who might be 'selected' to replace Biden? |
The first incident we should mention may well be the one during Kimmels interview with Bammer and Biden during the fund raiser in Los Angeles when he froze like a rabbit starring into the brightness of a spotlight, just a dead face and zero action. It took Barry to lead him off stage so someone could give him an ice cream and tell him he was a good boy out there and offer to change his diaper. But there have been so many incidents of like happenings and growingly ridiculous memory losses, speech failures, tall tales and accidents and falling down escapades that it is not only embarrassing for him and his staff but to the nation as a whole. How much of that is reality and how much is acting in a staged play?
He used to be a fairly sharp mafia boss; not like real ones such as Hillary C but makeshift mob rats like LBJ. His crime syndicate was built around himself and influence peddling while selling favors like a dirty style cheap but still expensive prostitute. That analogy is actually is pretty good likeness come to think about it. But things are falling apart now and it is on purpose It is not happenstance that things are all of a sudden coming to MSM attention as they knew all along about his escapades. Things in major power centers usually are not by accident, but everything is well planned and played out; though things can and do go wrong often enough.
He has lived out his usefulness to the higher powers that control him, and there are many reasons why. Age and growing incompetence are two of the major reasons why. Sure, higher ups are even older (think along the lines of major world industrialists and bankers), but his loss of mental capacities makes him a liability they need to get rid of. Therefore the stories of how and why he is not going to be the next democrat pick for the office as so many other stories cover well enough. But there is more to it than just that.
I believe that this has all been planned to play out by the actors that are in place in order to make it easier to shuttle in some players that would otherwise NEVER be considered by We the People. The possibilities are many and I will not go over them by name as there are so many and to pick a few is not conducive to this story. To get a better idea of where I am going with this, lets take the way back machine for a test spin.
In the 2008 elections cycle, John McCain was deposed for the spot by the homosexual bastard son of Frank Marshal Davis and raised and trained as a communist revolutionary by his parents (his real ones, FMD and Stanley Ann), grandparents and others. How exactly he got that nomination for the elections is still not understood by me or so many others. He was an unknown and the machinery was in place to select, NOT elect him to office. He and his XXY syndrome husband wife were never as popular as the MSM played them to be, and that is perhaps more so the case now than ever before.
Then on to the 2016 elections where the already in place massive voter fraud machine ran by the radical left and the democrat party installed Hillary Clinton as president or so they planned and so they thought. But she was so hated by the American People that even with the massive fraud machine working overtime; she could not muster the votes to be installed as it was planned out. Rather, Donald John Trump was victorious and they had no choice short of a military style coup to get rid of him. That failure of theirs led directly to the massive vote fraud overkill of the 2020 elections and the installation of the idiot puppet described in the first few paragraphs of this story. I cannot bring myself to use the terms Biden and President together as I absolutely refuse to acknowledge that frightening horror show as being any sort of legal reality.
And that military style coup did take place with the peaceful January Sixth show of support for President Trump and the resulting leftists show of force to make it seem as if it were in fact some intended coup where in real life it was the finishing touches on the real life coup led by the democrats to keep Trump from his rightful and well earned second term as President. Much of that is slowly coming out in the media as the truth while the officials still call it an insurrection while in fact it was an insurrection by the criminal left and the roles are reversed from reality. It is the persecution and illegal, unconstitutional fascist war against anyone that attended and that they throw in prison often without any trial and arrest them in the middle of the night with full SWAT teams or that still tries to tell the truth. Very much a NAZI style political operation and they say the peaceful supporters of the actual elected president are Nazis?

There are many actors playing Biden when he is supposedly in public. There are those who say he is already dead, and while I cannot prove that, I do consider it a possibility. The incompetence and harsh mental deficiencies he exhibits is played out by deft actors putting on a show. By comparing various facial and physical attributes it appears that there are at least two and likely more actors playing that part. I use the term deft because they play his stumbling and falling down very well, just as actors like Jim Carrie do so very well. Acting the part of a dunderheaded fool makes the option of deposing him from the ticket so much easier and even required to the public sensibilities. It is a given by now that he will not make the ticket, but the time for a replacement is so short now that whatever they decide must be someone that would NEVER under normal circumstances ever be considered. The options are open and I do not really have a good idea who that could be. And while I do not see the more popular suggestions as valid, I do remember the many interpretations of 2nd Ezdras vision and that the next will be very short lived in office as will the successor. That vision also precludes Biden from achieving this full term and whoever succeeds will be far shorter in office still. The great news is that bumbling idiot will soon be gone, but we do not know what will be the figurehead replacement taking orders from the Satanic N.W.O. masters. Consider the open borders, incoming foreign military troops being conveyed not only by crossing those borders but by our own government flying them in by the tens of thousands.
There are so many other items to discuss that are not covered in the normal media that we do not have time to go over, but be aware that there is so much more going on behind the scenes that are well planned and will appear to be happenstance or coincidence and will devastate this once great nation. Try to read between the lines, learn to see how what is behind the scenes is to be played out as the surprises will be coming faster and faster as time goes on. With weather modifications, earthquake and volcanoes now being manipulated and so much more do not believe outright what they try to impose as things just happening. It is planned.
Turmoil is our future and it approaches rapidly and forcefully as it appears we are headed into world war three as well as a complete breakdown of our freedom and civil government. Do not forget the prophesied coming of the anti-Christ and his slaughter of so many Christians worldwide, apparently beginning right here in the good old Christian stronghold of the USA. And it is all well planned out by the secret societies that run this world under the hand of Lucifer. But rest easy as we know with our Lord we are under the best care available.
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