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November 13, 2024
Biden Regime Giving Americans The Middle Finger In Actions Being Taken To Keep Russia-Ukraine Fighting After Trump Won The Presidential Election Promising To Negotiate An End To The War
- The White House Has Two Months To Create Chaos Before Trump Takes Over
Along with most conservatives I was happy Mrs. Word Salad Kamala didn't win on November 5, but I also do not envy the mess Donald Trump is walking into after he is inaugurated on January 20, 2025.
Too many headlines have been generated by Trump's announcements on who he is picking for positions in his administration, with the right cheering many of them, while the left goes apoplectic with each and every loyalist choice, which yes, is somewhat entertaining to watch. But now that the celebrations are mostly over, and the champagne is gone, we are left looking at multiple wars in progress, and the Biden regime having two more months to drag us into more conflict.
We as a nation are also facing a military recruitment deficit, low morale due to "woke" policies, and recent reports that veterans have been refusing to recommend military service under Joe Biden and his merry band of woke military leadership.
Such an order would give the so-called 'warrior board' power to sack top officials for failing standards, although it is expected Trump will be keen to target those responsible for the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, as well as those he deems 'woke'.
Running for office, he was asked by Fox News in June whether he would fire generals described as 'woke'.
'I would fire them. You can't have (a) woke military,' Trump said.
Even when, and if, recruitment increases, training new military members takes time, as does the firing, replacing, and internal investigations to determine who to get rid of, who to keep, who to promote.
In the meantime the Middle East is a powder keg ready to blow, and a war between Russia and Ukraine, with the Biden regime having spent nearly four years poking the bear, meaning Russia.
Look, I don't want to be a Debbie-downer here, but the Biden regime still has more than two months to do a lot of damage, and we have already seen multiple reports about the Pentagon having meetings on how to thwart Trump when he takes back the title Commander-in-Chief.
The Biden administration is planning to rush the last of over $6 billion remaining in Ukraine security assistance out the door by Inauguration Day, as the outgoing team prepares for the weapons flow to end once President-elect Donald Trump takes office.
The plan, described by two administration officials who were granted anonymity to discuss internal matters, is the only option the White House has to keep sending equipment to Ukraine to fight off continued Russian offensives. But the problems are immense. It normally takes months for munitions and equipment to get to Ukraine after an aid package is announced, so anything rolled out in the coming weeks would likely not fully arrive until well into the Trump administration, and the next commander in chief could halt the shipments before theyre on the ground.
Without the U.S. interference in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, that war would have been over long ago, and just imagine what that $6 billion could do right now to help Americans suffering from the inflation caused by Biden's policies while in office.
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Another thing the current regime did immediately after Trump beat Harris, was to schedule a trip for the outgoing Secretary of State Antony Blinken to travel to NATO HQ in Brussels.
In a trip organized only after last weeks presidential election results made clear that U.S. policy will likely swing dramatically away from President Bidens lock step support for NATO and Ukraine, Mr. Blinken met with alliance and European officials to help plan for a post-Biden future.
It is crystal clear those making the decisions for the White House is doing everything possible to prevent Trump from helping to negotiate an end to the Russia-Ukraine war.
At the beginning of the video below after the NATO meeting with Blinken, he admits they are preparing to make sure Ukraine can continue fighting in 2025, despite the fact that the American electorate decisively chose Trump, who is against sending countless billions to Ukraine, and would rather see a negotiated peace deal instead.
Notice how he mentions Ukraine negotiating a peace deal from a position of strength almost as an afterthought, likely realizing he just gave Americans the middle finger by admitting to working against the promised policy changes Trump made throughout his campaign, to which he won in a landslide as the Senate and the House will also be under Republican control.
Just imagine the mess Trump will have to deal with if Biden continues to poke the Russian Bear. We are already hearing chatter that those running the White House are talking about allowing U.S. weaponry to strike inside Russia, which would bring about an immediate response from Russia because the U.S. would be in "active conflict" with Russia then.
Anyone that decided to go slower on prepping due to Trump's return to the White House in a little over two months, should rethink that strategy, because the U.S. may be actively in a boots on the ground war with Russia.
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