August 31, 2023
As The 'Biden Curtain' Goes Up Around Lahaina, What's Going On With All Of The 'Wildfires' Across America, Canada And Europe? The Deagel Report Warned Us As Our Infrastructure Is Destroyed
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
If you're anything like me, you're probably wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD is going on with all of these wildfires not only all across the United States but up in Canada as well, as well as in many parts of Europe, especially considering everything we've witnessed in Maui since the absolutely devastating 'fires' hit that area leaving a still unknown number of people dead and thousands of children missing.
With some of the most recent wildfires striking parts of Louisiana over the last couple of days as reported in this NY Post story, while in Greece, they're fighting a losing battle to save the lungs of Athens as CNN reported in this story, we shouldn't be the least bit surprised that the 'climate change cult' is blaming 'climate change,' while ignoring growing evidence that these fires were somehow intentionally set, quite possibly by 'directed energy weapons,' aka, DEW's.
And with growing signs of some kind of a massive cover-up going on in Maui with the Hawaiian state government carrying out a media blackout, largely refusing the media accessto the region, even locals are being harassed by law enforcement for filming in the area as seen in the 1st video at the bottom of this story. And that bizarre strangeness takes another turn towards a cover-up as was reported in this August 25th Natural News story reporting a fully licensed drone operator recently had his drone 'forced down' when trying to take footage of the region, with drone operator Davin Phelps even visited by federal agents soon afterwards. So why would a licensed drone operator be visited by the Feds just for taking pictures/videos, UNLESS his drone was going to see something 'they' didn't want us to see?
And now as we read in this Gateway Pundit story and see for ourselves in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story, they're putting up a huge black fence all around 'Ground Zero' in Lahaina, preventing people from looking in, what's being called the 'Biden Curtain' by locals, and another sure sign that something is being covered up with 'the state' doing everything in their power to keep 'the truth' from getting out to 'the masses.'From this Natural News story before we continue.:
The federal government was not happy when licensed drone operator Davin Phelps tried to film the suspected origin of the so-called "wildfires" that burned down Lahaina and other nearby spots on the Hawaiian island of Maui.
According to Fox News host Will Cain, who relayed the bizarre story, Phelps' drone was grounded by force as it neared the target site. Not long after that, federal agents paid Phelps a visit to have a talk about the matter.
During this meeting, federal agents reportedly told Phelps that he is prohibited from filming the area where the Maui Fire is believed to have started. Phelps was still able to capture some footage before this, though, which he shared with Cain.
That footage shows entire buildings across entire city blocks reduced to gray ash while the trees surrounding them remain intact. This, many believe, serves as evidence that "wildfires" are not to blame, but rather directed energy weapons (DEWs).
Phelps also shared with Cain numerous still images that he captured, which show other strange anomalies that point to this disaster being another false flag incident possibly perpetrated by the government itself.
"I don't want to feed ridiculous conspiracies, but all I can do is tell you the truth," Cain wrote in a series of posts on X, formerly known as Twitter check out some of the pictures and video footage below. (See the bottom of this story for that video footage.)
"I just spoke to a videographer from Lahaina. Davin Phelps. He's a licensed drone pilot. He's been flying over Lahaina for the past week. And he has stunning and haunting images of Lahaina."
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

And with all of these wildfires happening at the very same time as one US food processing plant after another is being somehow destroyed, with the American Plant Food Corporation in Bartlett, Texas recently burning to the ground, and that following a seemingly endless list of food processing plants being destroyed as we've reported in numerous different stories on ANP, is it really out of the question that what we're now witnessing unfolding before our eyes is the intentional 'destruction' of America?
And now we learn thata massive fire recently broke out at one of the largest oil refineries in the US this past Friday, with a fire breaking out at the Marathon Petroleums Garyville refineryin Louisiana. And while the fire was extinguished by Monday morning, the refinery remained closed with the shutdown leading to a surge in 'future prices' for both gasoline and diesel fuel.
As Susan Duclos had reported in this March 25th story on ANP titled "The Perfect Storm Hits Our Food Supply Chain - The Odds Of These Listed Events All Happening In This Short Time Frame Are Astronomical.... It Is By Design," the odds of ALL of the different events listed below happening during the same time period, coincidentally, are astronomical.:
Between bird flu killing off tens of millions of chickens and egg laying hens, along with the unbelievable amount of food processing plants, processing plants and factories destroyed by explosions, fires and even a couple of airplanes crashing into them, mixed with plant viruses, drought and a number of other issues all affecting America's food supply, and now see that ports all across the U.S. are reporting unprecedented levels of cargo theft, led by consumables, the past few years have not been good for our food supply chain.
In 2020: The lockdowns upended up the entire food supply chain, with restaurant and school closures causing a lack of demand, forcing farmers and ranchers to dump food, kill crops, and euthanize animals.
In 2021 and 2022, we saw more than a 100 incidents of food facilities, including mass kill offs of chickens.
Also in 2022 and 2023 the war between Russia and Ukraine caused wheat and fertilizer shortages, hiking the price of bread, and forcing farmers into an untenable position of smaller crops.
In 2022 and 2023 we saw plant viruses affecting lettuce, weather events affecting orange crops, drought condition causing farmers and ranchers to yet again destroy crops and sell off cattle before calving.
On top of all that, food inflation has continued to rise with no real end in sight.
What are the odds of all of that happening, in the course of a three year period, coincidentally? While the exact number is unknown, I would say those odds are astronomical.
We'll leave that for readers to discuss in the comment section.
Yet as we've also reported numerous times on ANP over the last 8+ years, for America to reach the 'forecast' by the Deagel Report of us quite literally transformed into a '3rd world nation' by the year 2025, a 'whole lot of destruction' was going to need to take place, all at once. The excerpt below came from this December 18th of 2018 story on ANP titled "If These Numbers From A Deep State Sourced Website Are Correct, America Will Be A 3rd World Nation By 2025 - Deagel's Forecast Suggests The Depopulation End Game Has Arrived."
As we've reported numerous times on ANP, the website Deagel is forecasting the population of the USA to drop from 326+ million in 2017 to only 99,553,100 people in 2025, a drop of more than 226 million people. Andwe can't help but keep coming back to the horrific economic numbers they're also forecasting for the US by 2025, numbers that make America look like we'll be a 3rd world nation in less than 7 years if Deagel's numbers are somehow correct.
So let's take a look at the bizarre numbers for America being forecast by Deagel. Besides the most startling numbers that jump out for the US population, being forecast to 'shed' 226 million people in less than 7 years, the stunning economic numbers include a forecast of the US's gross domestic product to drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to ONLY $2.4 trillion in 2025. With the GDP per capita expected to drop from $59,274 in 2017 to only $24,561 in 2025 and our 'purchase power parity' (PPP) expected to drop from $59,500 in 2017 to only $16,374 in 2025, America will be a broken nation by then if Deagel is correct. In comparison, the PPP of Venezuela is forecast to be $12,400 in 2025, a jump up from their PPP of only $9,132 in 2017, when the Venezuelan people were starving, eating cats, dogs and zoo animals for their next meals.
And how in the world is Deagel forecasting our 2025 military budget to be only $32 billion in 2025 when it was a whopping $637 billion in 2017? If Deagel is correct, America will be a 3rd world nation by 2025.
And as we have also reported numerous times over the years on ANP, the sources for the Deagel Report's information and forecasts has quite literally been 'the deep state,' with their sources including the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union as well as the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and US Marines among them. And as we'd reported in this August 7th story on ANP, Deagel's sources also included the Rockefeller Foundation.
So while all of this mega-destruction across America and Western Civilization might seem bizarre and out of the ordinary, as Rob Pue of Wisconsin Christian News had reported in this recent storythat we republished at ANP, for joe biden and the globalists to 'build back better' as they've labeled their 'plan' to transform America, they'd first have to 'tear things down'.
And with all kinds of reports out from local Hawaiians that they had resisted selling their Lahaina properties in mass numbers to 'the global elite,' and now reports that these 'wildfires' quite precisely burnt out most of those poorer properties while leaving many of the 'high end homes' untouched, would you put it past the globalists carrying out 'directed energy weapon' warfare upon those who wouldn't sell their homes, in order for the globalists to replace them with their '15-minute cities?' Neither would we.
And what in the world has happened to all of those missing children in Maui? With reports of over 2,400 kids MISSING, and what appears to be a HUGE ongoing cover-up at the very highest levels in process, Americans need some very serious answers for us ever to be able to trust 'government' again.
And with reports also that the only paved road out of Lahaina was incredibly suspiciously blocked by a barricade just adding to all of the questions that need very serious answers, along with reports that emergency management services just happened to be attending a 'conference' in Honolulu and NOT ONLY did the fire department NOT respond to the fires, but that fire boats stationed at Pearl Harbor could have saved much of the town, but they never moved, leaving citizens of Lahaina fighting the fires themselves, why did city officials then TURN OFF THE WATER that people could have used at least to try to fight this entire mess? There's no doubt that something stinks to the high heavens about not only what happened to Maui but ALL of these fires across America, Canada and Europe and the destruction of our infrastructure playing out before our eyes over the past 3 years, ever since joe biden got into office.
So while the globalists are still trying to blame all of these wildfires on 'climate change' and 'global warming,' can they also blame all of the food processing plants that have been destroyed over the past 3+ years on the same? And with a very obvious cover up of a grand design being carried out in front of our eyes, will the people of Maui, Hawaii and America EVER get any real answers to all of these conflagrations, or will we still be fed the endless lies that this is all due to 'climate change' and 'global warming'? We certainly wouldn't advise anyone to hold their breaths waiting for any answers.
ANP EMERGENCY Fundraiser: Dangerous, Derogatory, Harmful, Unreliable! Those are some of the exact words used by Googles censors, aka 'Orwelliancontent police,' in describing many of our controversial stories.Stories later proven to be truthful and light years ahead of the mainstream media. But because we reported those 'inconvenient truths' they're still trying to hide, they pulled their ads from ANP.
So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP. All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.
Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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