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December 28, 2022

The Biden Cabal's 'Vax Everything To Death Genocide Op' Used 'Big Tech' To Ensure Americans Were Clueless Before They Were Maimed Or Killed By The Jabs The Eugenicists Knew Were Deadly

- MSM putting out stories blaming sudden deaths on everything from sugar to climate change

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

All the way back on May 25th of 2020, Dr. Joseph Mercola put out a tweet on twitter stating "N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione may be a useful adjunct in COVID-19 treatment due to the role they play in combating oxidative stress. NAC may also combat the abnormal blood clotting seen in many cases,"one of many tweets/videos that got him censored and/or banned by youtube, twitter and other 'big tech' outlets for 'spreading misinformation,' actually INFORMATION, that the world knows now was in fact TRUTH.

With National Public Radio (NPR) putting out a story about Dr. Mercola back on August 8th of 2021 as the 'vax everything to death' genocide campaign being carried out by Joe Biden and the global eugenicists was going hot, reporting 'one of the most influential voices in vaccine misinformation is a doctor,' take close note of this December 21st of 2022 story over at 'mainstream' website Science Alert, which now reports"One of Long COVID's Worst Symptoms May Have a Potential, Readily Available Treatment."

Reporting immediately that "Eight patients with long COVID had their 'brain fog' lifted after taking a combination of medicines concocted by researchers at Yale University. The combo includes guanfacine and an antioxidant called N-acetylcysteine (NAC)," thatNAC is the EXACT same supplement Dr. Mercola had recommended on Twitter 2 1/2 years ago, where he was silenced for speaking truth!!

So with that Science Alert story absolute proof that it's taking MSM-type outlets AT LEAST 2 1/2 years to catch up with the doctors who were censored by the 'twitter terrorists' who quite literally declared war upon the truth and thus, declared war upon the American people, as the previously mentioned NPR story reported back then, according to THEM, the kind of 'misinformation' Dr. Mercola was putting out was 'threatening the lives of Americans,' yet anyone paying attention now knows his advice back then was right on the money.

Yet none of us should be the least bit surprised with the 'big pharma mafia' and 'big-tech/CIA/FBI/deep-state crime conglomerate' insanely trying to complete their full-scale-coup over America by carrying out medical genocide, with the 'twitter files' confirming that the so-called 'conspiracy theorists' weren't crazy at all but simply way ahead of the rest of society when it came to seeing just how corrupt govt had become. Because as the Epoch Times reports in this important new story, Pfizer's shots aren't safe at all and were NEVER shown to be! Yet they were pushed on Americans 'en masse'. Genocide.

While the 'twitter files' have given the American people absolute proof that not only did the biden cabal censor and ban Doctors for sharing their own medical opinions but that they were angered that they didn't censor MORE people, remember when he bluntly lied to the American people by claiming'you're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations' when you read the following story.

Coming to us from CBS News and the state of Massachusetts we learn the story of one Lorraine Hemingway of Carver, Mass., who sadly just missed her third straight Christmas with her young children. With Hemingway fully vaccinated according to the story, having gotten the original series of vaxxes plus two boosters, Hemingway doesn't understand why she keeps getting COVID, her most recent case being the 12th TIME she has had COVID, when she's fully vaxxed!

With Hemingway a perfect example of these vaxxes failing as she's been 'fully vaxxed' but she keeps getting COVID and is still suffering from many long-term symptoms such as brain fog, headaches and loss of balance, and has admitted to 'never being the same,' she's also a perfect example of what people who trusted Joe Biden, the US govt, mainstream media and medical establishment get for that blind faith.

Fortunate that she hasn't yet paid the ultimate price for that naivete that so many other vaxxed guinea pigs are paying, think about the story of Hemingway when you think about the globalists now attempting to implement a 'vaccine passport' to travel or them trying to take away the rights of the unvaccinated simply for thinking for ourselves and you can easily see their rush to medical tyranny.

And think, if Hemingway had access to 'alternative information' that wasn't coming straight from the mouths of the government's genocidal talking heads, she may have been able to spend this past Christmas with her children and family rather than locking herself away from them. Yet as that CBS story proved, Hemingway and 'the masses' still haven't learned anything at all, with 'vaccine clinics' in the area packed with people, lots of them anxious about getting together with family and not being vaxxed.

Reporting that'Cesar Martinez' was at a new 'vax clinic' to get his booster shot, claiming "I want to be safe, I want to keep everyone safe, and not be that one person that could get it and give it to someone that could cause more damage to them," Martinez should have asked Hemingway how that worked out for her.

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running an EMERGENCY fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Two sad stories over at the Daily Mail Wednesday morning not only tell us the tale that the mainstream media is still hugely avoiding but prove to us that 'the masses' continue to 'awaken' though not quite quickly enough.

With the first story reporting a very fit, marathon-running 36-year-old mother who had no underlying health conditions had died in what they're calling a one-in-a-million case of 'the flu,' all of the top-voted comments on the storytell us what the reporters still refuse to.

"This is the worst flu season in a decade"....that's pretty funny since there were no flu cases for 2 years according to the government."

"They didn't stop collecting flu data, they just moved into the covid column. You people need to wake up. She died from the klott-shott."

"Is the worst flu season because compromised immune systems have consequences."

"One in a million? Not even close. Thousands are dying. She was too young. RIP to her."

And in the 2nd Daily Mail story they report a 16-year-old Minnesota hockey player died on Christmas day after suffering a series of strokes, and despite attempts to save him via surgery in the hospital, with the DM story reporting the teen suffered from a rare progressive disorder called moya moya disease.

Reporting that 'moya moya disease' is a cerebrovascular disorder that causes a blockage to the main blood vessels entering the brain,we have to ask, the kind of 'blockage' that all of these massive clots being pulled out of the corpses of the vaccinated who'd died without warning, and the living, might cause?

And as was the case with the story we mentioned before, the commenters on that story wasted no time at all ripping the 'narrative' and corrupt, genocidal global government into little bits and pieces.

"Who remembers when you were little and your best friend Timmy missed school with myocarditis, blood clots, stroke and sudden death? Yeah, me neither."

"In my entire life not a single young man or women suffered from heart attacks. It never happened. This is first year in my life when i read news about young men and women dying suddenly of heart attack."

"My favorite how the elite controlled media is already putting out articles blaming these sudden deaths on everything from sugar to climate change. Guess they figure 60 percent of the world was dumb enough to believe the propaganda in the first place."

"Hmm, did he get the jab? Safe and effective."

"Got how many jibby jabs before this side effect was discovered?"

"Watch Stew Peters's documentary "Died Suddenly." 2021, 2022 registered the highest numbers of non-combat death amongst the U.S. Military - After Joe Biden MANDATED ALL troops and federal employees to be jabbed with the Made in China Fauci-ordered Clinton-CHAI bioweapon."

"In 2020-2021 the Australian Government genoc!ded babies by mandating Clinton-CHAI-COVID vaccination of Expecting mothers. ALL miscarriages / birth defects happened to jabbed mothers. Those 2 years registered the highest infant mortality rate and decline in birth rates in the history of Australia as a country. YOUR OWN GOVERNMENT NUMBERS - NOT MINE."

"Just in case anyone is curious...moyamoya is listed in the April 2021 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports for Pz. As well as the "rare" illness Celine Dion apparently has."

"I know someone who had Covid and got myocarditis in March of 2020. Because of this they chose to remain unvaxxed because the vax could make it worse. But since the vax in 2021, too many young people are suffering from or dying of heart and cardiovascular issues. My neighbors son a young healthy athletic person got heart problems after the vax. The vax is killing and maiming too many people. Plus the vax is messing with peoples immune system thats why the vaxxed keeping getting Covid and other infections now whereas the unvaxxed arent. This massive experiment on billions of people is a crime against humanity."

With this December 23rd of 2022 study linked over at the National Library of Medicine titled "Co-VAN Study: COVID-19 Vaccine Associated Neurological Diseases- An experience from an apex Neurosciences centre and review of the literature" reporting within it the vaxxes are 'triggering the moya moya phenomena' that the 16-year-old Minnesota boy died from, more proof that the clots from the vaxxes are killing people, they'll label these deaths as being caused by whatever disease they can think up to avoid being rounded up, put on trial and executed for genocidal war crimes upon humanity.

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All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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