"The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web"
January 23, 2024
As The Pentagon And US Govt Sacrifice Excellence, Integrity And Honor For Diversity, Equity And Inclusion, Beware Of The Unexpected As The American Empire Death Spiral Accelerates
- A War Against Russia Is Beyond Insane In This 'Most Dangerous World' Globalists Created
According tothe current Chair of the NATO Military CommitteeAdmiral Rob Bauer as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, a NATO war with Russia is now inevitable and it is the job of society to get prepared for that war, as it's not all up to the military once war breaks out (due to horrific decisions made by the govts across the planet, especially our braindead leaders in Washington DC.)
Telling people it's the job of all civilians to get prepared, with Bauer quite literally telling people to go out and get water, batteries, flashlights, etc, we're warned we're now only a 'hair's breadth away' from all-out war, a war that, thanks to America's political and military leadership, our nation is totally unprepared for.
And while the globalists are pushing for a war they cannot win, as Steve Quayle had warned in an SQ note while linking to this story from MSN about Russia's hypersonic nuclear missiles that Biden and the 'pretenders' in the Pentagon have absolutely no defense for, "IT'S BEYOND INSANE FOR THE WEST TO PROVOKE RUSSIA WHEN THEIR HYPERSONIC WEAPONS CAN HIT WESTERN TARGETS WITHIN 90 SECONDS EVEN AFTER WEST BEGINS THEIR LAUNCH!"
So as we'll explore within this story, with it quite clear now that the American empire is in a 'death spiral' and we've been set up to lose World War 3, our nation being invaded with the full approval of Washington DC and the globalists seeking new 'slaves' who they're more than happy to give away American taxpayer money to, to purchase their 'loyalty' in the future, as we'll explore below, if the 2025 forecast for the Deagel Report is correct, America will be a 3rd world nation by 2025 with their 'forecast' for 2025 America showing us completely looking like a country who'd just lost World War 3.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
As this story over at Politico (saved at Archive) reports, NATO countries need to be on red alert for war and "expect the unexpected," the chair of the alliance's military committee of national chiefs Rob Bauer said Wednesday. Warning that for NATO to be 'fully effective in the future,' they need a 'warfighting transformation of NATO,' he then claims that 'transformation' must consist of 'public-private cooperation'.
Meaning that NATO knows they won't be able to get it done with military might alone, and that they'll need the people living within NATO countries to be ready for war as well, as this story over at Burning Platform reports,NATO has decided to ramp up defense readiness with more exercises while putting troops and industry partners on 'high alert'.
With that Burning Platform story warning that today, January 22nd, NATO will begin their biggest war drills since the Cold War by launching 'Steadfast Defender,' military drills that will run all the way through May and consist of over 90,000 troops, 50 ships, including aircraft carriers, more than 80 combat aircraft, including fighter jets, and over 1,100 combat vehicles, including at least 133 tanks and over 500 infantry fighting vehicles,as their story warns, the fact that the exercise begins THIS week, and the Western MSM is only now publicizing it, means that all the military assets are already in position. Theyre not coming, theyre here.
And with those 'drills' going on all the way through May giving us a timetable that the 'festivities' could begin at any time, check out the wording from NATO war chief Bauer and let them sink in.:
"We need public and private actors to change their mindset from an era in which everything was plannable, foreseeable, controllable, focused on efficiency ... to an era in which anything can happen at any time. An era in which we need to expect the unexpected," Bauer added.
While NATO countries have sharply increased defense spending and pledged major new contracts to arms manufacturers in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, it's taken a while to ramp up output.
Bauer has been frank in the past about the need to standardize 155 caliber heavy ammunition, for example, so that it's easier for countries to cooperate on artillery stocks and deliver supplies to Ukraine that can be used in different weapon systems.
Militarily, there are many more steps to be taken to get where we want to be for our collective defense, said Bauer, citing Ukraine's war as a critical conflict that "will determine the fate of the world."
Everything from improving logistics to more joint exercises and the placement of many more troops on active alert are measures that NATO countries are pressing ahead with, Bauer said.
The tectonic plates of power are shifting, he added. And as a result: We face the most dangerous world in decades.
Yup, we face a 'world of danger' due nearly entirely to decisions made by our own wannabe dictators.
As far-left Salon had reported back in March of 2021, America's death spiral is also now taking place economically with the 'establishment elites' knowing there's a major crisis within the economy and nothing at all that they can do to stop it, no matter how much money they throw at it.
As we'd reported on ANP all the way back on December 28th of 2018 in this story titled "If These Numbers From A Deep State Sourced Website Are Correct, America Will Be A 3rd World Nation By 2025 - Deagel's Forecast Suggests The Depopulation End Game Has Arrived," one look at Deagel's numbers for America shows us a nation that has been set up to be destroyed. From that 2018 story.:
So let's take a look at the bizarre numbers for America being forecast by Deagel as seen in the screenshot above. Besides the most startling numbers that jump out for the US population, being forecast to 'shed' 226 million people in less than 7 years, the stunning economic numbers include a forecast of the US's gross domestic product to drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to ONLY $2.4 trillion in 2025.
With the GDP per capita expected to drop from $59,274 in 2017 to only $24,561 in 2025 and our 'purchase power parity' (PPP) expected to drop from $59,500 in 2017 to only $16,374 in 2025, America will be a broken nation by then if Deagel is correct.
In comparison, the PPP of Venezuela is forecast to be $12,400 in 2025, a jump up from their PPP of only $9,132 in 2017, when the Venezuelan people were starving, eating cats, dogs and zoo animals for their next meals. And how in the world is Deagel forecasting our 2025 military budget to be only $32 billion in 2025 when it was a whopping $637 billion in 2017? As we see in the chart above, if Deagel is correct, America will be a 3rd world nation by 2025.
With that forecast military budget of America only $32 billion in 2025, down over $600 billion from 2017, how would that happen unless we were a nation who had lost World War 3? We'll certainly agree, for once, with NATO in that Americans should be prepared for anything and everything in 2024.
So with Susan Duclos reporting in this January 21st ANP story that 'insiders' within the Pentagon are issuing very similar warnings to what Rob Bauer of NATO has also just warned us, and all of this seemingly leading in one direction, towards all-out war with Russia, we serve ourselves and our families by heeding the warnings from Steve Quayle on just how quickly Russia could end this war, and end America, with their hypersonic nuclear missiles and be fully prepared for the unexpected in the days, weeks and months ahead.
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With quick-at-home fallout shelters featuring easy to acquire materials such as Duct tape and heavy plastic sheeting, which you can use to seal doors to shelters and seal off any vents that open into it for a short period of time if a radiation plume is near, some other materials available right now include.:
And all of this madness gives us another reason to double down on our food preparation if we haven't already done so, focusing on meat pales below but there is much more here and here.:
The way we look at it, we can never have TOO MUCH 'drinking water' as our families and loved ones will be around to drink it if we're not, and it could make the difference between life and death.:
And with any nuclear war giving us the real chance that the electrical grid eventually goes down, and the grid even being the target of an EMP strike, making sure we have a generator and fuel around to keep them going could be absolutely critical. Some standard generators available now and as close by as an order and delivery to your home include: