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November 19, 2023
Beef Prices At Record Highs As Ranchers Warn The Worst Collapse In Cattle Production Will Make Meat Prices Double This Winter And Continue To Rise Throughout 2024 - Learn To Love Using Freeze Dried Beef
If it is not bad enough that with projections from the Farmer's Almanac showing this winter with be colder/wetter/more precipitation that electric and gas bills will be extremely high, especially in colder climates, we now are seeing being warned that the price for beef and beef-related products are expected to rise 100% compared to the prices just one year ago.
According to Financial Times, average prices of beef sold in grocery stores and butcher shops, is now higher than it was during the pandemic. The amount of hay stored to feed cattle as of the end of 2022, was at its lowest point since 1954.
Between drought and lack of hay, ranchers are again cutting their herd sizes, which is already at 61 year low.
Fast food restaurants that serve burgers, are also expected to go through another round of price hikes. Fine dining, steaks, burgers, stews, casseroles, will all see price spikes over the course of 2024, with no clue
But ranchers, who would normally thrive on record prices, are instead worried that the prices reflect a growing crisis: years of drought or low rainfall in prime cattle-raising land that is turning green pastures into dust fields.
Last year scientists said the western US was facing the worst dry spell seen in 1,200 years. More than a third of the lower forty-eight states are still in drought as of October 31, according to the US Drought Monitor.
If you look at the chart above, it clearly shows that Covid lockdowns caused a spike in beef prices in 2020, which came sharply down within months, and then in 2021, when Biden took office, they spiked again, and they are at the highest levels since 2012.
We have said it before but it bears repeating, all the medias' attempts to gaslight America by exclaiming "inflation is down," doesn't change the fact that prices are not. We have not seen negative inflation, meaning prices are still 20% higher now than they were when Joe Biden started occupying the White House.
For beef, that 20% is about to get a whole lot higher.
Here are some key points from the Financial Times piece before moving along to other food news.
At the start of the year the US government counted 28.9mn beef cows in the US, the lowest number since 1962.
When margins are good, heifers are retained and they have another calf, Lapp said, but when times are tough that heifer goes to a feedlot. Lately a very large share of whats been going to the feedlot is heifers.
Beef production is down 5.2 per cent year-on-year, said Arlan Suderman, chief commodities economist at broker StoneX. He estimates that will fall another 7 per cent next year.
From the day you and I decided the world needed more chicken to the day there was more chicken on peoples plates, that would be six months, Lapp added. For beef its over two years. So when the industry has to adjust it takes much longer.
Two years, meaning we could see prices continue to rise for at least that long.
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In September 2023, it was reported that 59.5% of Americans cannot afford groceries, according to a consumer research company Attest. The results of the Attest survey,a nationally representative survey of 2,000 working age US consumers, 9.1% of Americans have "a lot of difficulty affording food," while 16.4% says the difficulty differs from week to week, and a 34% say they have "some difficulty affording food."
That is a lot of Americans seeing the media talking about lower inflation, yet seeing their grocery bills and knowing they are being gaslighted by the MSM.
Another thing getting far worse is "shrinkflation" as companies continue to shrink their packaging, meaning less food in the package for the same price or even higher prices depending on the product.
Shrinkflation is basically a form of hidden inflation. Companies are aware that customers will likely spot product price increases and so opt to reduce the size of them instead, mindful that minimal shrinkage will probably go unnoticed. More money is squeezed out not by lifting prices but by charging the same amount for a package containing a little bit less.
As seen above, skrinkflation does not only occur with food, but with paper goods and any other product that an be downsized but cost the same as before the shrinkage.
Most consumers do not generally check the size of a product. Someone who loves potato chips, for instance, may not realize if their favorite brand reduces the size of the bag by 5%, yet will almost certainly be able to tell if the price goes up by the same amount.
Look to the size of containers and specifically if company has changed their packaging, which is a huge red flag that you'll be getting less product for the same price.
Another bit of food news brings us to sugar, which the prices of are rising worldwide due to bad weather damaging crops in Asia.
In regards to food inflation, the "government" is predicting food inflation to continue to lower (so take that with a grain of salt) but as we have said, and 'Go Banking Rates', also reminds it's readers, prices won't go down, they will simply rise a little less than what we have been seeing.
If there was any good news for U.S. consumers concerning food prices in 2023, its that prices rose at a much slower pace than they did a year earlier, when the inflation rate on some items ran in double digits. Consumers should continue to see a slowing of food inflation in 2024, according to a new federal government report. Just dont expect prices to go down.
That is something the media does its best to downplay, which is why Independent Media usually addresses it.
Even if inflation went down to zero, which simply isn't going to happen, prices at the grocery store and restaurants will not go down.
Beef appears to be the biggest worry for 2024, and possibly 2025, where prices are expected, if Financial Times are accurate, to rise 100% compared to the prices just one year ago.
If you want a nice big steak, and you can afford it, enjoy! If you are making a stew, casserole, salad, soup, or anything else where you just need a handful of pieces of beef, use freeze dried, where you never have to use it all up when you open it.
survival food usually takes more than a year before they are forced to raise their prices, so stock up, top off, double your supply, anything to help lower the costs of your dinners that include beef.
The list below is short, but focused on food prices that are still rising and expected to continue, so get as much as you can fit in your storage areas.
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