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February 19, 2024
While The Media Focuses On Everything BUT Americans, Food News That Affects Every Single American Citizen Is Buried Under An Avalanche Of MSM Liberal Activism
With so many large scale national events occurring, there are some events that will affect every single America that seem to slipping through the cracks.
The MSM is more concerned with Trump mania, funding for Ukraine borders but not America's, along with arms to Ukraine, attacking Republicans and MAGA supporters, in order to protect Biden, gun control, green energy, electric vehicles, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson, than they are with high prices for just about everything, especially food, and meat, corn, wheat, oils and other shortages heading our way.
It seems like since the day Trump rode down the escalators and announced his candidacy in 2015, the national media became obsessed with preventing him from becoming President of the United States of America. It is now 2024, and that appears to still be their main focus, since he leads Joe Biden in swing state and many national polls.
Reporting actual hoaxes as truth to has cost the media in terms of jobs, as they have lost2,681 jobs during "Bidenomics," and while no one wants to see anybody lose their livelihood, those losses are self-inflicted wounds, yet they continue to shift as far left as humanly possible.
It could be said that those that do not learn their lessons, deserve what they get.
With all that said, some MSM have touched on what is happening in the world of food news, as we will cite and link to a few below, but the sheer amount of liberal agenda articles guarantee that the news most important to Americans is buried so deep you have to hunt hard for them.
Permanently high food prices, a cattle shortage, poultry industry once again in the crosshairs from Avian Flu, egg prices on the rise again, and staple food to be strained again in 2024.
Those are some of the issues we will be detailing below, many of which there is a high likelihood that most Americans know nothing about because of the avalanche of liberal activism articles clogging up the internet.
(ANP Emergency!:PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before.Anything at allANP readers can do to help usishugely appreciated.)
Evidently, from quite a few searches regarding pork and pork products, that is about the only meat that will not be in short supply.
Not many ranchers active today will remember the last time the U.S. cattle industry was this small. On January 1, 2024, the All Cattle and Calves inventory was 87.15 million head, the smallest total inventory since 1951. The All Cattle and Calves inventory is 1.9 percent smaller year over year and is the fifth consecutive year of declining cattle inventories, a total decrease of 7.65 million head or 8.1 percent since the most recent peak in 2019. The 2023 calf crop was 33.6 million head, down 2.5 percent year over year and the smallest calf crop since 2014.
More than double the population now than in 1951, yet roughly the same amount of cattle. Isn't it strange that liberal state, country and world leaders are claiming that beef is bad for the environment, so much so that we should be eating bugs and insects instead, and lo and behold, the cattle market seems to be in a freefall?
Many claim it is because of droughts, but let us not dare think or speak of controlled weather lest we be accused of being conspiracy theorists.
With a lot of searching, using multiple key words, we finally found something, reported then promptly buried by the MSM, about CA's "egg basket" about Avian Flu outbreaks "devastating" California farms which is roiling the poultry industry.
Below are three key paragraphs, but the entire thing is a must read.
The highly contagious virus has ravaged Sonoma County, where officials have declared a state of emergency. During the past two months, nearly a dozen commercial farms have had to destroy more than 1 million birds to control the outbreak, dealing an economic blow to farmers, workers and their customers.
Merced County in Central California also has been hit hard, with outbreaks at several large commercial egg-producing farms in recent weeks.
While bird flu has been around for decades, the current outbreak of the virus that began in early 2022 has prompted officials to slaughter nearly 82 million birds, mostly egg-laying chickens, in 47 U.S. states, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Whenever the disease is found the entire flock is slaughtered to help limit the spread of the virus.
Egg prices spiked for a while, then went down again, and another report from Nerd Wallet on February 13, 2024, tells us that egg prices are rising yet again "due in part to a resurgence of bird flu affecting egg-laying hens."
However, egg producers are battling a resurgence of the virus. So far, the latest outbreak has claimed 12.9 million birds since November 2023, according to the USDAs Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook report released in January. As a result, the USDA expects prices to rise again in 2024.
As to the eggs, for those that do not like the powdered product, you can buy fresh eggs in bulk and using the methods below from Backdoor Survival to make them last longer, hopefully until the spike and decrease in prices is over again.
Freeze dry the eggs using a freeze dryer. This can preserve the eggs for years without affecting their taste or texture.
Water glass the eggs using a solution of sodium silicate and water. This can keep the eggs fresh for up to two years.
Dehydrate the eggs using an oven or a dehydrator. This can make the eggs last for several months and can be rehydrated when needed.
Freeze the eggs in an ice cube tray or a freezer bag. This can extend the shelf life of the eggs for up to a year.
Staples are the topic of the next piece from U.S. News & World Report, who blames it on El Nino. They list "rice, wheat, palm oil and other farm products in some of the world's top agricultural exporters and importers," as items that will "be strained" in 2024.
Texas and Colorado-based cattle rancher Shad Sullivan:"They've all teamed up in this anti-meat rhetoric that you see sweeping across the globe, to get control of the people. And that's all it amounts to, is total control."
"It starts with the global elite. People like Bill Gates and Soros and Klaus Schwab and the Rockefellers," the rancher said, "and they have employed their foot soldiers at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, who both have said that the greatest threat to the planet right now is beef."
"So, in order to get control of that consumption and production, which is what they call sustainability, they have to come after our property rights," he explained.
DUMAC has a list of foods that we should expect shortages of, other than the ones listed above. Those products include the following list.
With everything else the focus of media activists, global and national food issues seem to be the last thing the media wishes to report on, yet it is the one issue that affects every single American.
It is absolutely shameful that the MSM cares more about sending billions to Ukraine than it does making sure Americans are informed of issues they face every single day.
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