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August 4, 2022

The Attempts Being Made By The Left To Redefine Words Is Nothing Less Than Orwellian Doublespeak And Newspeak As They Attempt To Impose Their Alternative Version Of Reality

ByD. Parker of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

Silly socialists redefining words forget that memory holes dont exist.

A short tutorial on how to document how the anti-liberty left is lying about changing definitions.

Leftist liars (we know, thats repetitive and redundant) recently have been trying to cover for the Biden regimes abject failures by redefining the word recession. Going so far as to flag as false those who reject Bidens Recession Wordplay.

Aside from the obvious answer of protecting the dear leader, what is their justification for doing this?

For the sake of argument, lets say they might have had some theoretical point in playing games with the facts about COVID, we cannot fathom what that was, but that was their emergency justification at the moment. But what is their rationale for doing this now? No one is going to make an incorrect medical decision based on this definition, so why are they doing this?

Of course, we know exactly why they are doing this, and in fact, this is why we have labeled them the anti-liberty left. Because their ideology cannot stand the people exercising their basic freedoms under the Bill of Rights.

The problem for the enemies of liberty on the left is that while they think they can run around and offer an alternate version of reality that changes every 5 minutes there is a whole slew of documentation that is piling up showing they are nothing but abject liars.

You almost get the impression that they think that George Orwells socialist-fascist Utopia in 1984 has become real for them and that well believe nonsense phrases such as: War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery and Ignorance Is Strength.

You know youre ahead of the game in understanding those people when you have a complete copy of George Orwells novel 1984 in a text file for quick reference (available here). Along with several hardcopy versions for safekeeping.

(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Having read it the first time around because that year was coming up and then recently, it has some stunning revelations, many of which are double plus ungood.

However, there are things that George Orwell got wrong. One of these is the infamous memory hole:

When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.

The big problem for the left is that the situation we have today is quite the opposite and we need to take advantage of that. Think of this as a short tutorial on just how to do it.

Two of our favorite tools aside from TOR (The Onion Router) and Proton Mail to try and stay two steps ahead of Big Brandon (Yes, you cant be too careful these days) are the Wayback Machine of the Internet Archive and webpage capture sites.

Does everyone realize that all of the shenanigans taking place on sites such as the Wikipedia are almost being documented in real-time on these sites? They specifically say that they save images of these pages at certain times, not when they are being changed. However, there are enough snapshots of these sites to show these changes and its hilarious to behold.

Its even more enjoyable that we can all participate in the fun of flummoxing the fascist far-lefts attempts at rewriting the dictionary in real-time in a couple of ways. For those of you that are old hands at trying to cover your internet tracks, please excuse a little divergence into a couple of tutorial points:

First them fake out.

First of all, youre going to want to set up a good semi-anonymous email and VPN setup. These wont be perfect, but nothing in this life ever is.

Youll want to find a site that randomly generates fake ID data, the idea to get user names and passwords, and other information for this purpose such as the Fake Name Generator.

Encrypted email, Virtual Private Networks, and TOR.

Weve already mentioned some good examples of these. The idea is to try to prevent or at least slow down the ability of Big Brandon to see what were doing. Remember the old saying of strength in numbers, the more that pro-freedom patriots use these services, the less the authoritarians will be able to keep control of the situation.

Now its time to have some fun.

Lets face it, the anti-liberty lefts socialist national agenda is based on a number of false premises and lies. Remember, its rooted in authoritarian socialism with forced wealth redistribution and a centrally controlled economy no matter how they try to dress it up with flowery labels. They can never be honest, always having to lie to hide the facts. Lies always lead to contradictions because their story keeps changing. Anti-liberty leftists are at war with logical reality, so they also have to change dictionary definitions. What George Orwell predicted as Newspeak in 1984, he just underestimated when this would happen.

The great thing about all of this is that everyone can play along and do their part showing how they are abject liars. In our present example, its just a matter of searching for the Wikipedia entry for recession in the Wayback Machine search box by copying and pasting it the URL:

Or you can just go to this web page:

Alternatively, you can also use the Wayback Machine and search for the same entry, and youll see all the times that page has been archived. Try it yourself, its hilarious to see how many snapshots of that page have been taken over time, and you can have the system save it another time if you want. The same holds true for the webpage capture.

The fun thing is that we can also use the same tools to document other definitions that they might be thinking of changing and trip them up because they wont be able to memory hole the old definitions. So start anticipating their next move and document the definitions ahead of them. Then when they try that, youll be able to cite your documentation showing that they are lying.

Well leave it to someone else if they want to document what just happened with the word definition for recession, but all youll have to do is grab those snapshots and start comparing to show how the liberty-denier leftists have been lying over time.

This story was originally published here. D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, and the director of communications for a Bill of Rights organization and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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