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April 29, 2023

Astounding Series Of Stupefying Videos Prove America's Suffering From The Worst Leadership In US History: Vapidly Stupid 'Joey Dementia' Babbles Gibberish As Kamala Harris Cackles Lunacy

- These Bumbling Schizophrenic Lunatics Prove They Are A Curse Upon America

By Alan Barton - All News PipeLine

This column is perhaps a bit different than our normal ones in that although there maybe some imbedded links, there will be no videos at the end as they are included where appropriate; nor will I imbed any graphics as the videos serve that purpose as well. In order to save you time, I will also recommend the time spots if you wish to forward to those even though I tried to keep them short as a matter of function. I do this because the whole thing is based on these videos to make some sense of the ideas presented, and is also why I will fall back to my old shtick of defining a few words before we really get started. So please bear with me as I proceed; I hope you find this is both entertaining as well as informative.

While Aphasia is an acquired language disorder often resulting from astrokeorbrain injury.It affects a persons ability to process, use, and/or understand language we should not confuse it with Dysarthria which is a speech disorder caused by muscle weakness which is often caused by stroke among other reasons. One of the common causes of Aphasia is by having a stroke, and that is the only reason I bring up this condition as it may play a role in the final analysis.

Malapropism is the usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase [especially]the use of a word sounding somewhat like the one intended but ludicrously wrong in the context and is actually fairly common such as this example, Thinking of the geography of contiguous countries, she spoke of the "geometry" of "contagious countries," and she hoped that her daughter might "reprehend" the true meaning of what she was saying. She regretted that her "affluence" over her niece was small.

A Sniglet is an often humorous word made up to describe something for which no dictionary word exists and brings us up to our first video, only 1 minute and forty two seconds long.

Jibberish on the other hand, other than being the alternate spelling of Gibberish, is Unintelligibleornonsensicaltalkorwriting. Unnecessarilypretentiousorvaguelanguage and also rapidchatterlikethatofmonkeys incomprehensibletalk;nonsense. That is something I run across often both in real life as well as in various forms of media.

Gobbledygook is wordy and generally unintelligible jargon and also complicated language that is difficult to understand, especially when used in official documents.

With that out of the way we can get down to one that has been in the news lately, and that is more a phrase than a word, and also introduces us to the main subject to be considered. That word, or phrase, is Word Salad. Defined as (in psychology) unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech or writing manifested as a symptom of a mental disorder (such asschizophrenia) and as a string of empty, incoherent, unintelligible, or nonsensical words or comments.

These definitions are reminiscent of a poem by Lewis Carroll called Jabberwocky that he wrote prior to Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass which goes like this;

Twas bryllyg, andyeslythy toves
Did gyre and gymble inyewabe:
All mimsy wereyeborogoves;
Andyemome raths outgrabe.

There is a good discussion on that in the Wikipedia link here.

There is a great video of double-talk; language that appears to be earnest and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense that illustrates well the subject we are discussing starring Cliff Nazarro and is only one minute and seventeen seconds long;

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During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

Another master of the art is a Brit named Kenneth Williams and is a lot more subtle as shown in the following video. Although only two minutes and thirty seven seconds, the first forty five seconds will suffice; but the song he sings after that is amazing and I recommend the whole thing.

Sid Caesar was also a double talk master and used it in many movies and shows. He also spoke it in various languages but with an English meaning for the base. Simply amazing as the following one minute fifty seven second clip proves;

A great example of gibberish is from Stanley Unwin as it is explained as being Gobbledygook in the following clip. Although it is three minutes and twenty nine seconds long, the first forty five seconds may suffice for now. And again, I recommend the whole clip it is so good.

There are so many more very funny videos to offer from many more masters of the art and other great comedians, but I think those above will suffice for now. The following clips have all of the above in one form or another and I put these up for your consideration as exemplifying the current state of our nations so-called leadership. First up is a Joe Biden speech that is just all gibberish. At only one minute and twenty seven seconds it exemplifies his mastery of the English language.

From Sky News in Australia comes this choice rendition of the idiots Word Salad embarrassing this nation. At three minutes and twenty four seconds the first 45 seconds may be enough, but the last minute plus is priceless.

At three minutes and thirty eight seconds this next one is worth watching the whole thing because of the comments made by Rita Panahi who is the news reader for Sky News who breaks up laughing so hard she can hardly finish the piece.

Lest we forget, old Joey Dementia is not alone in totally embarrassing this once great nation. The loose woman that rose to the top by being on the bottom with her various glass ceiling breakers, aka Judges; lets take a look at this genius with an IQ that may even approach 80 or 85 points if she is lucky. The first minute may suffice, but there is a funny comparison to a show that may be some kind of series down under if you are interested after that.

At three minutes and fifty two seconds, this clip has Tucker Carlson with a Kamala impersonator and that signature hideous cackle that is perhaps worse than even the Arkansas Mafias female leader. The first minute and a half may be enough for most of us.

Gobbledygook reigns supreme in this six minute long clip as Kamala shows she has perfected the art of those comedians we introduced to begin with. The first minute and a half again will suffice.

Megyn Kelly also has a lot of fun with that dimwitted curse on this nation. Six minutes long, the first minute covers the basics, but the whole thing has some very good analysis of the she-beast called Kamala such as the performance of pure gibberish as she tries so hard to sound intelligent using at the one minute fifty second mark.

The Ingram Angle had a great overview of the democrats trying to figure out how to handle the great idiot with this three minute sixteen second clip. The first minute is great, and then they banter a bit about how unelectable the Biden Harris team is.

The next one has Sky News Monica Crowley wondering if the idiocy of Kamalas babbling is so bad it is a deep fake. One might think so but remember that I say her IQ is so low that it comes naturally. Just a bit less than five minutes, the first four may be enough demonstration of incompetence and limited intelligence.

The cackling nincompoop that is only a heartbeat away from the presidency is how Sky News Rita Panahi describes the worst vice president in US history (lower case intended as she disgraces the office so badly). At just under five minutes, the first bit includes comparisons with other Veeps and just before the one minute mark she gets to the cackler and goes from one clip to another with commentary in between.

Unlike the professional comedic word manglers, these two idiots are so bad it makes me wonder if they actually have to practice to be vapidly stupid. Actually, pros do practice using gibberish to get their timing and tones down pat as the next video shows. Five minutes long, it is not necessary to watch unless you are interested. Just know they do practice using gibberish. It also implies that the two monkeys we are making fun of actually, really are in fact that dead to reality

Joey and the camel are true idiots involved with something that is so far over their heads that it is a comedy show in and of itself. Joey Dementia has to be constantly watched over as he cannot even get off the stage without assistance and getting lost so quickly. I mentioned Kamalas limited IQ and rest my case on the above clips of her less than elementary school verbal abilities. As I used so many Australian clips I find it fits the story by calling them Joey and the camel. Australia knows both Joeys as they are native and ubiquitous and camels have been long introduced into their environs in the wild. That just seems so fitting I believe to call them Joey and the camel.

Remember in the definition of Word Salad the phrase that went unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech or writing manifested as a symptom of a mental disorder (such asschizophrenia) and I will leave you with that idea; they are proving themselves to be bumbling schizophrenic idiots.

God bless

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