Well the Post now gets an answer to their question as President Trump's White House has just released a statement called "Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to North Korea" within which the President reiterates why all of these Executive Orders on North Korea have been signed in the first place dating back years: to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the continued actions and policies of the Government of North Korea. From President Trump's new statement:
The existence and risk of proliferation of weapons-usable fissile material on the Korean Peninsula and the actions and policies of the Government of North Korea continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13466, expanded in scope in Executive Order 13551, addressed further in Executive Order 13570, further expanded in scope in Executive Order 13687, and under which additional steps were taken in Executive Order 13722 of March 15, 2016, and the measures taken to deal with that national emergency, must continue in effect beyond June 26, 2017. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to North Korea declared in Executive Order 13466. This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress. DONALD J. TRUMP THE WHITE HOUSE, June 21, 2017.
And while this statement doesn't specifically address the exact reason that Kim's North Korea poses an 'unusual and extraordinary threat' to the United States, those who have been paying attention know that there is a very real chance that Kim and NKorea have two 'aces in the hole' that fly over the US several times every day in satellite's KMS 3-2and KMS-4. In the chart below you can see all of the passes that KMS-4 makes over the US over the next week+ into July 1st.
We've reported on ANP about the potential EMP threat from North Korea for several years now, dating far back into the Obama administration, and while there are no clear answers why the 'North Korea problem' wasn't dealt with long ago, it's been warned that the globalists could be holding Kim's EMP's as an 'ace in the hole'. A card just waiting to be played upon America, and a 'card' that would give the globalists who benefit from it'plausible deniability'. "Kim did it!"
As Slavo's story over at SHTFPlan continues, theres a reason weve suggested that concerned Americans stock up on anti-radiation pills and CBRN rated Gas Masks and if President Trumps latest tweet is any guide, then time is running short.A very real 'nightmare scenario' for America, even our Secretary of Defense warns of problems ahead.
According to this June 13th story from NDTV, US Pentagon Chief General Jim Mattis told lawmakers last week he was shocked by the readiness of the US military, blaming legal budget caps and 16 years of constant war for the sad state the military was in. Warning also that North Korea was the 'most urgent' threat to international peace and the security of the US, 'Maddog' also helped to explain why war might NOT be the answer - it could quickly lead to devastation.
"I retired from military service three months after sequestration took effect," Mattis, a former Marine general, told the House Armed Services Committee. "Four years later, I returned to the Department (of Defense), and I have been shocked by what I've seen about our readiness to fight... No enemy in the field has done more to harm the readiness of our military than sequestration."
Ahead of the four-hour hearing, Mattis also warned that North Korea poses the most urgent threat to international peace and security, calling the regime's weapons program a "clear and present danger" to all. In written testimony, he said Pyongyang is increasing the pace and scope of its nuclear weapons program that leader Kim Jong-Un wants to be capable of delivering a bomb on the United States.
"The regime's provocative actions, manifestly illegal under international law, have not abated despite United Nations' censure and sanctions," Mattis said.
Pyongyang has test-fired a string of missiles this year, building on launches and nuclear tests that have ratcheted up tensions over its quest to develop weapons capable of hitting the United States -- something Trump has vowed "won't happen."
But Mattis and his top military officer, General Joe Dunford, said any military action against North Korea would have disastrous consequences for the peninsula. "It would be a war like nothing we have seen since 1953," Mattis said about the end of the Korean War.
If you asked the average person about what threat North Korea poses to the United States, theyll probably respond with a blank stare. The few who happen to pay attention to the news, will likely mention North Koreas nuclear program, as well as their efforts to develop long range ballistic missiles that could one day reach the United States. Thats pretty much all most Americans know about North Koreas capabilities, because thats all they hear about from the media.
The truth however is much more frightening. Theres plenty of evidence to suggest that North Korea is either capable of, or is working on the ability to launch an EMP attack against the United States. Unlike the threat posed by a nuclear tipped missile, this wouldnt just destroy a city or wipe out an overseas military base. It could destroy every city, and kill millions of people. Without a functional electrical grid, theres simply no way that our society can feed and shelter the current population.
However, it should be noted that while most Americans are totally unaware of this threat, people in high places are taking it very seriously. Earlier this month, a columnist for the Toronto Sun named Anthony Furey released a book that details the threat of an EMP attack, called Pulse Attack: The Real Story Behind the Secret Weapon That Can Destroy North America. He was recently interviewed by Breitbart, and revealed that powerful people in our government are discussing North Koreas EMP capabilities.
In the 2nd video below we hear a msm report from CBSNews who reports that as of this moment, diplomatic efforts at dealing with the 'North Korea problem' have failed and tensions continue to escalate there. In the 1st video below from Infowars we hear why bombing North Korea may be the last horrible option left for President Trump though we'll have to remind, we hope that if President Trump resorts to that action, he's also prepared to take down KMS 3-2 and KMS 3-4 before they're able to deliver their deadly payload.
In the final video below, Dave with the X22Report also touches upon the North Korea situation, and their offer to end nuclear tests under the right circumstances, in a new video called "Brace Yourself, It's Going To Get A Lot Worse Before It Gets Better".