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June 11, 2024
Another Way To Kill Us Off: Massive Prescription Drug Shortages Ongoing Since 2023 Has Worsened And 60% Have No Reason Listed As To Why They Are Unavailable To Americans
With so much going on, nationally and internationally, much seems to slip through the cracks. Today we discuss one of those issues that continues to be pushed to the back burner as threats of world war are ongoing, a close presidential race that is further driving the nation towards a hot civil war, food issues, inflation, new revelations about Covid, and a whole host of other important issues, keep taking up the front page news.
Make no mistake, we are not suggesting any of the aforementioned topics be shoved aside, but for those that are dependent on medications for their health issues, this topic could end up being the difference between live of death.
Prescription drug shortage reports have been hitting my inbox at a faster rate than usual for the past few months, and while not everyone uses them, and some are not comfortable with Big Pharma due to a number of reasons, there are certain medications that are critical for some.
My brother's insulin is needed multiple times a day, and my antiplatelet pills to keep my four stents unclogged, are just two examples of legitimate needs for prescription drugs. The experimental Covid "vaccine," which has now been shown not to be an actually vaccine, is just one of many reasons why Big Pharma is nearly impossible to trust.
Either way, for those that do rely on one or more prescription medications, the U.S. is seeing drug shortages that haven't been this severe since 2001, according to pharmacists, and looking at the FDA's drug shortage list.
Call me a cynic if you want, but I trust the pharmacists far more than the FDA, because they are the ones that fill the prescriptions, they don't write them and they are not part of big government.
With that said, we'll start there.
According to pharmacists, there are now at least 323 drug shortages in the U.S. I say at least because the article I'll be citing was written two days ago, so there could be more by now.
In the first three months of 2024, there were 323 active drug shortages, the highest number since 2001, according to research by the University of Utah Drug Information Service.
The drugs in short supply include chemotherapy agents, antibiotics, medications for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and pain medications. There are also shortages of medications used in hospital crash carts, the self-contained mobile units in hospitals used to perform lifesaving interventions during cardiac or respiratory arrest.
Now, the chemo medications, in my mind, are far more important than theattention-deficit, hyperactivity disorder medications, because I come from a time where being hyperactive wasn't a reason to drug a child, teen or an adult, otherwise I would have been drugged to the gills as a child as my Mother (may she rest in peace) used to describe me as "bouncing off the walls."
The key for the medications that are needed to survive, is to stock up as much as possible, in case your necessary drug is the next one to be unavailable, or in case of a emergency situation where pharmacies are no longer available and/or not being restocked.
In the case of a disaster, having enough to cut in half, then in quarters until you can replace it with an herbal remedy, may be enough to keep you alive, until more can be obtained.
As an aside before moving along, most reports on drug shortages will say that "manufacturing or supply-chain difficulties are the most commonly cited reason for shortages," yet that isn't exactly correct. The same report that stated that, also links to a source which shows that 60% under the "reason," for the shortages states "Unknown/Would not provide. (Image above)
The FDA's list may have less drugs listed as shortages than the pharmacists, they do have specific names of the drugs in short supply, so keeping an eye on the link to the FDA, may be useful.
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Children, teens and adults that have been pumped full of medications they likely didn't truly need, will be a problem in a SHTF scenario, due to withdrawal, so in preparing for that type of scenario being ready for out-of-control members of your family, friends or neighbors who are in withdrawal, should be a consideration in your preps.
From calming teas, to additional water, and specific foods (such as those with no sugar) and a variety of things in between, including distraction methods such as games, cards, or books, will all be handy if dealing with a prescription drug withdrawal, whether it is from Adderall or Zoloft, one extreme to the other.
Another thing to remember is that drug withdrawal of prescription sleeping pills is far different than the symptoms of anti-depressants, or pain medications, so if you have a family member on any prescription drug that deals with sleep, moods or pain, research the individual affects.
For example: Opiate withdrawal can start with anxiety and minor physical symptoms, but can later suffer chills, stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, anddiarrhea, so being stocked up on water, crackers, extra blankets, electrolyte tablets, and other products that can help, should definitely be part of your preps.
If you expect any family members, friends or neighbors to be with you during a SHTF scenario, finding out if they are on any prescription drugs, and if so, which ones, should also be part of your prep planning.
The fact that 60% of shortages have no reason listed, is highly concerning. The fact that some of these drugs are life-saving medications, such as chemo meds, is even more disturbing because those are used by far less of the population as the mood-altering drugs which in many cases are not even necessary.
As we see a nation, the U.S., losing much of its food supply as evidenced by the cattle shortages, or dairy products, and eggs, chickens, due to avian flu, or so they say, prices so high many are not eating properly, and other issues that are literally killing people, this just seems like another way to kill off as many as possible.
The "blob" aka the powers that be, can call me a conspiracy theorists all they want, but when we see so many different events threatening the health and life of Americans, all happening at the same time, it is very difficult to chalk it up to "coincidence."
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