June 30, 2022
Another Mysterious Death Tied To The Overthrow Of America Proves We're Past The Point Of No Return - Deaths Of Key Witnesses Are Part Of Living Under Totalitarian Regimes
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
According to this story over at Zero Hedge that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website on Wednesday, back in 2018, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell hired a gentleman by the name of Michael Stenger to be the head of security at the US Capitol and Senate buildings, a post he held until he resigned the day after the January 6th of 2021 'events'.
Urged to resign by McConnell after that day, as this June 28th story over at the Daily Mail had reported of Stenger, he held a much different view of the January 6th 'events' than we're getting from the mainstream media, Democrats, and RINOs, with Stenger claimingbefore a US congressional hearing on Feb. 23, 2021that his own experience and investigation had found "professional agitators" were largely responsible for what happened that day, with Stenger claiming it was a 'very-well coordinated event'.
And while some reading this might ask 'why' we are bringing up Michael Stenger now, most ANP readers fully understand the 'why' behind this story, with Stenger meeting his untimely end just a day before the Committee investigating the attack was set to reveal new evidence in a surprise session.
So while, at the age of 71, Stenger's death could have very well be of the 'natural' variety, with the Washington Post claiming he died of natural causes as reported in this Resist The Mainstream story, as every top-voted comment on that Daily Mail story pointed out, something stinks to high heaven with Stenger's death, especially considering he'd blamed 'professional agitators' for kicking off the events that Democrats are now using to lynch President Donald Trump while locking away in their 'gulags' plenty of good American patriots.
So we're going to be taking a look at a bunch of the top-voted comments from that story that show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, a huge number of Americans have 'awoken' to what's really going on now in June of 2022, with the top-voted comment on that story putting it as bluntly as you can get:
AllGood123, Top of the world, Norway: "Everybody now expects the routine unexpected and sudden death of key witnesses. It's just part of living under a Democratic regime."
The top-voted comment by a currently whopping 4512 up votes compared to only 322 down votes, all throughout this story you'll see our screenshots of some of those top-voted comments that tell a story that absolutely must be told at a time when Democrats are attempting to string up President Trump and his supporters, and at a time when former Secretary of the Treasury Monica Crowley recently went on to Fox News and dropped a bombshell that should echo from sea to shining sea in America.
What did Crowley say? Warning that Democrats have installed 'agents' in all of the top positions of nearly all of the Institutions across America to attack our country's foundations and push America even further to the left, the following excerpts come from this Grabien storywhich quotes Crowley word for word. Anyone reading the following surprised?
"Well, you know, this has been a long-term project by the left, it actually began in the 1930s and it came out of the KGB. It was originally a KGB operation to destroy the country. And then after World War II, the Soviets actually changed their tactics.
And what they decided to do, and it's been very effective for many decades, is infiltrate and grab control of the major pillars of U.S. life. So they grabbed control of the culture, so entertainment, movies, television, music, they grabbed control of academia at the university level, and now it's all the way shot down through kindergarten and even younger, and they grabbed control of the news media.
So with those pillars they've been able to inflict tremendous damage over many decades. And now, Steve, we are actually at a tipping point where the useful idiots on the left that you know, the Soviet Union collapses, the CCP then stepped in to take over this grand project to destroy the country from within.
That is exactly what is happening. And now, when you've got useful idiots in the highest levels of power, including in the White House, including in Congress, you are seeing an acceleration of the tipping point, to the point where we're almost at the point of no return."
Just the latest evidence from someone who has been in a top position of the US government and who is warning of what the MSM will surely call a 'conspiracy theory' and stay 'hands-off' because they themselves are fully involved in the overthrow of America, as another one of the top-voted comments on that Daily Mail story pointed out, "He clearly knew too much and was a threat to the narrative."You think?
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With another one of those top-voted comments, as seen in the screenshot above, sarcastically claiming "No no no not suspicious at all!," one of the replies to that person was a 3-word whopper that leads America right back to the 'Clinton crime family': "Vince Foster special".
So, while at the current moment, we are unable to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Michael Stenger was 'Arkancided', like so many others have been, as another top-voted comment pointed out:
"How convenient. The guy saying that profession agitators needs to be investigated. Cruz asked the FBI if agents participated in Jan 6th events, but the FBI refused to answer. Didn't say no, but refused to answer. Now why would they ever do that?"
Well, maybe because they were fully involved in the now obvious 'false flag events' that day?
With Stenger also claiming of the January 6th events as wasreported in this Epoch Times story, "There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6th" and "Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators",note that Newsweek quickly called Stenger's remarks a 'debunked conspiracy theory'. Sure, just like all of the other 'conspiracy theories' surrounding these devils that have been proven to be true, time and time and time again.
So with mysterious deaths following around the Democrats and the Clinton crime family wherever they go to this day, as another one of the top-voted comments on that story pointed out as seen via screenshot below, "Truth coming out now, Democrats do not like what this guy is going to say and hey presto they get rid of him. Shocking very shocking." But NOT shocking to those who've been paying attention for the last decade+. Simply put, such deaths are commonplace in almost any communist or totalitarian regime.

So while we fully expect that nothing at all will come out of Michael Stenger's death, nor his words of warning about 'professional agitators' being behind the mess that was January 6th of 2021, nor do we expect anything to come from Monica Crowley's warning that the 'overthrow of America' has been going on behind the scenes and behind our backs for decades and decades, all of this gives the American people just another reason to 'load for bear' in the days ahead, fully knowing and understanding that the 'American dream' has been 'sold out' to 'enemies of America within'.
Summed up perfectly in two more of the top-voted comments from that Daily Mail story, one of them being "Deep State is alive and well" with the 2nd one being "Getting rid of the loose ends?", the worst-voted comment by comparison via a 146 up-vote, 680 down-vote margin was an absolute flop that sounds like Hillary Clinton herself (who is now dreaming about 2024) may have written it.:
Marxist Monarchist, expert opinions, United Kingdom: "Scary times for the US. Trumpists should be declared a banned organisation before it's too late. Turns out all those laws passes after 9 1 1 are useful after all. Remember when they said 'careful what you wish for'?"
With the 'overthrow of America' via 'enemies of America within' a long time coming and nearing completion in 2022 if the American people allow it, both of the videos below take a look at the topics discussed within this story at a time when America is in nothing less than a war for the future of the country.
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