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June 7, 2024
Another Democrat Suggests 'Re-Education Camps' For MAGA Supporters - These Aren't Fringe Liberals, This Is The Mindset Of Democrat Party Leaders, MSM Members And Leftists Across The Internet
Many believe that America is pretty much toast, on its last legs, and nothing can save a nation where nearly half the population has turned its back on God, fight tooth and nail for the "right" to kill the unborn, and cannot even define what a woman is, or using their same logic, what a man is.
That is not hyperbole, as many will remember that Joe Biden, or whoever actually controls the White House, nominated the latest Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, a black woman... again, a woman, who during her confirmation hearings, could not define what a woman was.
Her answer when pressed about whether she could define what a "woman" is, was "No, I can't.Not in this context. Im not a biologist.
Since Biden first started occupying the White House, millions of illegals have crossed the U.S. border illegally, food prices are up more than 20%, as well as overall prices for everything else, gas is more expensive than when Trump left the White House, tens of billions of dollars has been sent to Ukraine, hundreds of Trump supporters have been held as political prisoners since Jan 6, 2021, the leading political opponent from the opposing party, Donald Trump, has been persecuted by liberal judges and prosecutors, after colluding with the White House, and much more.
The point of the above introduction is to highlight some of the reasons that America is, indeed, toast.
In 2016, Americans put Trump in the White House and he slowed down the destruction of the U.S., and the ideals that the Republic was founded on, but in the three-plus years since the Biden regime took over, we have witnessed the speed with which this once great nation can fall.
So we have a choice, yet again, in November 2024, to either make the election "too big to rig," as we did in 2016, to elect Donald Trump to once again slow down our demise as a nation, or we spend four more years allowing the acceleration of America's destruction.
Only this time we know what they intend to do with the half of the country that disagrees with allowing an invasion of our country, killing the unborn, rising costs, and the never-ending funding of wars that do not concern us and jailing political opponents.
"Re-education camps."
The latest Democrat to suggest that "MAGA" supporters be carted off to re-education camps, isPaula Collins, who is running unopposed in the June 25 Democratic primary, trying to unseat RepublicanRep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) in New Yorks 21st Congressional District. Stefanik replaced the traitorous Liz Cheney as chair of the House Republican Conference.
"Even if we were to have a resounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like, putting it all back together again after weve gone through this MAGA nightmare and re-educating basically, which, that sounds like a rather, a re-education camp. I dont think we really want call it that," she said during the Zoom townhall. "Im sure we can find another way to phrase it."
While Collins is the latest to suggest such a thing, she is not the only one.
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We'll start with most well known figure to suggest that Trump supporters are a "MAGA cult," and need to be "reprogrammed."
Hillary Clinton, or as I often refer to her, the Hildabeast.
In 2023, Clinton told CNN in an interview that "MAGA cult" members needed "formal deprogramming," simply because they support Donald Trump.
And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump who has no credibility left by any measure, she went on, referring to the 77-year-olds Make America Great Again slogan. Hes only in it for himself.
And when do they break with him? You know, because at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen, Clinton said.
Isn't she just a bundle of joy?
That wasn't the first time Clinton had shown her distain for Republicans, specifically Trump supporters, as she infamously labeled them "deplorables" during her failed presidential campaign against Trump.
At the time, a Washington Post reporter Dana Milbanks, backed Clinton's comments with an article, and in an interview.
Another Wapo columnist,Eugene Robinson, toldNew York Times Magazines Nikole Hannah-Jones, "There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. Its as if they are members of a cult, the Trumpist cult, and have to be deprogrammed."
Also during her failed campaign she suggested that Americans needed "fun camps." The MSM of course called that a "feel-good" message, but given Clinton's propensity for spewing hate towards Republicans, there is nothing "feel good" about her comments.
Next up,CBS journalist Katie Couric, who asked "The question is, how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?"
Conservatives look at these comments from Clinton, and others, and we simply consider the source and move on, but far left liberal websites tell their readers the same thing, and agree with Clinton that nearly half the nation needs to be "deprogrammed" because they hold an opposing ideology.
Liberal website Salon, writes the following after Clinton's deprogramming comments:
But there is a very important difference between Hillary Clintons prescient warnings in 2016 and her recent warnings about the Trump MAGA cult. Now the American people and the world have more than seven years of experience with Trumpism and American neofascism and the horror, tumult, death, and other great troubles that such forces and leaders have empowered and unleashed. The question is now, will enough Americans listen to Hillary Clintons warnings and then vote against Trump and his MAGA movement in 2024? The future of the country and its democracy greatly depends on it.
Self-identified Democrat Socialist,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, calls Trump supporters "white supremacists," and proposed funding for programs that would "de-radicalize," and deprogram
We need to double, triple or quadruple the funding for these programs, Ocasio-Cortez said.
In 2021,an attorney for Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), was forced to resign after a Project Veritas video captured him "expressing support for re-education camps for the children of President Donald Trump's supporters and likening the president to Adolf Hitler."
The examples are countless, but those on the left that believe Republicans that support the idea of "Make America Great Again," is some type of cult ideology, and proposing "re-education camps," and/or "deprogramming" of an entire segment of society, are starting at the top, the politicians, and trickling through the MSM, onto their readers, and being pushed across the internet by liberal websites.
These aren't the "fringe" of the Democrat party, this is the party itself, most of whom dare not say it aloud, but the ones that do, given half the change will lock conservatives up in a "re-education camp," to "deprogram" Republican ideology into socialist, baby killing, border invading, war mongering, Democrats.
When someone tells you exactly what they want and are planning....believe them and act accordingly.
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