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November 18, 2023

America's Day Of Reckoning Is Near - New 'Nuclear War Death Forecast' For The US Aligns Eerily With The Deagel Report's 2025 Forecast Numbers, Showing 9 Out Of 10 Americans Dead

- Doctor Warns Surviving A Nuclear War Will Depend Upon Distance, Time And Shielding

By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline

The story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his websiteon Thursday was alarming.

Reporting that new models reported by Scientific American show the US getting into a nuclear war could lead to the deaths of 300 million Americans, with radioactive fallout being the biggest killer of the American people, estimating up to 90% of Americans would receive lethal doses of radiation, this new study published in Scientific American takes a much different look at what World War 3 might look like than our recent story on ANP, which looked at what 30 US cities might be struck first in WW3 with nukes, and morbidly offered a much higher death countin a 'worst case scenario'.

Because as this Daily Mail story (saved here at had reported,"If the US is attacked with nuclear weapons, an adversary would most likely concentrate all fire on the country's intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch facilities (silos)."

Meaning that not only would the deadly radiation from the nukes being used to attack us be lethal to the American people but all of the radiation from our own nukes be used against us, as that story warns:

Any retaliatory attack from the US would come from these silos, located in Colorado, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wyoming - and taking them out would be an enemy's first priority.

This is the assumption scientists used to model the fatalities from a nuclear strike, with the 450 ICBM silos in these states serving as the epicenter.

The population density in these states is low, but winds could carry the radioactive material far and wide.

As Steve Quaylewarned in an SQnote while linking to this story at MSN on Friday reporting on the same study titled "Report: Nuclear war in US would wipe out 90 percent of the population,""BINGO! MATCHES DEAGEL'S NUMBERS! THIS IS THE REASON THE LUCIFERIAN'S ARE PUSHING SO HARD, TO PROVOKE A NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA!"

And as we can see in the map from that study directly below, much bigger here at this link, if you think you're safe from Radioactive fallout just because you live far away from the big cities, or because you live nowhere near America's nuclear silos, you'll need to rethink your strategy to survive such a dreaded event.

With the map below showing most of the US would receive lethal doses of radiation if our missile silos are targeted in a nuclear war, we'll be taking a look below at preparing to survive the radioactive fallout that will spread far and wide across America as seen in the map below, sharing the advice of doctors and other experts who tell us 'location, location, location' is crucial, as is having a place to go in such a dreaded event that we pray never arrives upon our shores, even if for a short period of several days.

Exploring below how we ourselves can go about building a temporary, short-term nuclear fallout 'shelter' which could make the difference between life and death depending on numerous factors, such as how close the nuclear blast is to our homes as well as which way the wind is blowing and numerous other factors that will determine how much radiation we're exposed to,we'll also take a look below at how this new study eerily align with the 2025 population forecast numbers for America from the Deagel Report.

With that map above showing that quite literally no place in America would be safe if our nuclear silos are targeted with all the nuclear might of our enemies, with such an attack spreading lethal doses of radiation from the East Coast to the West Coast in no time, as this MSN story warned, it'd only be about 4 days for a huge portion of the US population to be dead following such an attack in a worst case scenario, with their overall estimate of over 300 million dead within weeks to months, a dire warning America's 'Day of Reckoning' had arrived.

And as Steve Quayle had mentioned in that SQnote while linking to the MSN story, a whopping 90% of the US population wiped out in a worst-case-scenario nuclear war aligns eerily with the Deagel Report's population forecast for the year 2025 as we'd reported in this October 31st story on ANP titled "Deagel's 2025 Forecast Showed America And Israel Being Absolutely Annihilated In WW3 With Israel's Population Cut By Over 60% And America Transformed Into A 3rd World Nation."

Forecasting that America's population by the year 2025 would be between 54 million people and 100 million, we remind you that the Deagel Report isn't just some 'crazy conspiracy theorist website' but has as its sources the US Government, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the CIA, the World Bank, the European Union as well as the US Army, the US Navy, the US Marine Corps, the US Air Force and the US Coast Guard.

So with the only people who actually benefit from a nuclear war being the eugenicists within the 'global government apparatus' who insanely believe our planet should have a population of below 1 million, meaning over 8 billion of us will 'have to go' for them to reach their population goals for the future, seen for years and years on the Georgia Guidestones, as author Leo Hohmann warned us back in April of 2023, the Deagel Report's forecast of mass population for America by 2025 is beginning to look prophetic. And a nuclear war as we've described in this story would do it.From his story.

"All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us."

"Until you understand that, you will never understand whats going on. You will never make sense of it. I know its a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again."

"Many of those duped the first time lost their lives, or ended up with life-long health issues. Some even offered their children to the military-biomedical-security complex."

"If the Deagel calculations turn out to be even close to accurate, the most unsafe places to live over the next three years will be the United States, Canada and the U.K., followed by Germany, Australia and the rest of the E.U. nations. This population forecast was so controversial, showing population reductions of 68.5 percent in the United States (from 2017 levels) and between 25 and 70 percent for almost every Western European country, that the study mysteriously disappeared from Deagels website in March 2021."

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So as this must read Daily Mail story (saved at reports, distance, time and shielding are the key to surviving a nuclear blast and the resulting radioactive fallout. And while it might seem impossible to some, building one's own radioactive fallout shelter definitely IS NOT impossible!

Claiming that'The more 'stuff' between you and the blast, the better,' we're told that even things such as wearing more clothes, being indoors, being underground, or seeking shelter in structures made out of led will increase our chances of survival. Meaning that if we have a basement, preparing to spend a number of days to weeks inside that basement could make the difference between life and death, we'll also see below that nowadays a number of products are available that will provide a shield from radioactive fallout, even as simple as having a single, large piece of lead available to provide a shield for our vital organs. From this Daily Mail story.:

The medical physician explained that being indoors, underground, wearing more clothes and seeking shelter in structures made of lead will increase your survival.

''Radiation from a fallout is encountered in the forms of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.' Ordinary clothing affords protection from alpha and beta radiation,' shared Bakri.

'Lead shelter is ideal as more thickness is better, Especially in the first 24 hours.'

He also explained that immediately after the blast, it is wise to remove contaminated clothes, shower or wash your body vigorously and avoid eating and inhaling radioactive material.

Bakri suggested that if a single piece of lead is available, the person should use it to shield their pelvis.

'The idea is to use enough shielding material to sufficiently protect the high concentration of bone marrow in the pelvic region, which contains enough regenerative stem cells to repopulate the body with unaffected bone marrow,' he posted.

See the chart above much larger at this link.

With that story also warning that every second counts after the blast, hence the reason why we should all be prepared for such a dreaded scenario ahead of time, 'just in case' the worst comes to pass, as that story reports, 'Radiation is highest and most deadly immediately, but these nuclear isotopes are not stable and rapidly degrade.'

'The more time insulation away from director exposure = more survival.'

Meaning that if directly after the blast, a person has a location to bring their family immediately, and has the necessary 'shielding' that could make the difference between life and death, the better chance for surviving once the radiation begins to degrade, we see why seconds and minutes mean everything.

Specific effects will occur during a nuclear blast that starts a millisecond after impact and carries on for days.

An intense flash of light will appear within a millisecond of the explosion, and the initial radiation will be released.

At the same time, the surrounding ground will become a source of residual radiation and the electromagnetic pulse could knock out technologies and cause power outages.

And this is when the fireball will reach its largest size.

'Immediately, there are burn, eye and electromagnetic pulse risks,' Bakri shared.

Seconds after impact, fires will spark just miles away, and blast waves will reach at least one mile from the detonation site.

A fallout cloud will emerge minutes following the explosion like a massive mushroom-shaped cloud rising from the ground and then drop fallout particles back to Earth.

Within hours of the bomb dropping, the hazardous particles will be picked up by the wind and travel miles outside the impact zone.

In days following the explosion, low levels of fallout will make their way across the globe, creating patchy weather patterns.

And while that particular Daily Mail story didn't take into account the very alarming possibility raised in the new Scientific American report, that lethal doses of radiation could spread across the country, leaving 90% of Americans dead, the song of survival remains the same; distance, time and shielding.

While this story, also from the Daily Mail, titled "Buying a house for the end of the world? These are the 'best' locations in America to invest in a property which could survive a nuclear apocalypse" takes into account the 'distance' factor, we're very fortunate that we can have 'shielding' that will help block radioactive fallout directly to our doors.

And we ourselves here at ANP can vouch for several of these products, it's great to know that having the proper separation, via clothing, between ourselves and nuclear fallout can make the difference between life and death, with the first two products we've listed below actual lead aprons, with lead being called one of the very best shields for radiation, hence why doctors use such gowns while giving X-rays to others.

SHINRAY 0.5mmPb Lead Apron for X-Rays With Thyroid Collar, Dental Xray Lead Apron Shield, Vest, Xray Lead Gown

faruijie 0.5mmPb Lead X-Ray Apron - Shields Protection Apron with Thyroid Lead Shield Collar Hook & Loop Closure Health Checkup Medical Use Adult Unisex

Wearable Faraday Blanket -70"x 54", Ultra-Soft Faraday Protection Poncho, Protection Clothing, Large Faraday Blanket - 70"x 54"

Radia Smart EMF Adult Hooded Poncho - Radiation Blanket, Wearable Faraday Blanket, RF Shielding, WiFi Blocker, Protection Clothing Oversized Black

Radia Smart EMF Poncho - Shielding Blanket, 5G, Wearable Faraday Blanket, RF, WiFi Blocker, EMF Clothing 28" x 72", Grey

Radia Smart EMF Radiation Protection Bed Blanket - Bedsheet, King Size/Extra Large, Faraday Blanket, Organic Cotton, EMF Shielding 70" x 98"

Halsa EMF Hat, Faraday Hood. EMF Blocking, Anti-Radiation Silver Fabric. 99% EMF Reduction. Shields 5G, 4G, Cellular, WiFi, Bluetooth, Smart Meters. Adjustable. One Size Fits All EMF Headwear

RFID EMF Shielding Signal Blocking Material 20 Yards, EMF Shielding, Signal Bluetooth Block. Military Grade Conductive Material Shields

VAJOOCLL Faraday Blanket Organic Bamboo Protection Blanket for Beds, Couches, Pregnancy and Babies Belly Faraday Blanket, (B-47IN * 55IN)

Faraday Fabric Radiation Protection Emf Blockers for Home Anti-Radiation Shielding Blanket Fabric Emf/Rf/RFID Protection Blocking Cloth for Anti Radiation, Anti Static, Theft Swipe Card, EMI Isolation

TANG SMALL FISH Faraday Blanket - Size 50" x 60"

DIBBATU Fireproof Cloak, Fireproof Cape, Fireproof Hooded Cloak, Fire Emergency Survival Safety Blanket Full Body Protection, Flame Retardant Heat Insulation, Fire Escape Suit for Household

NEWMEIL Faraday Blanket for Sleeping, Big Size 50IN * 60IN (127CM * 152CM) Thick Faraday Blanket for Belly, Warm White Berber Fleece and Navy Blue Flannel with Faraday Fabric

There are also several Geiger counters/personal radiation detectors linked here, here and here as well as several potassium iodine tablets/liquids that could help in a worst case scenario linked here, here and here.

With that Daily Mail story also warning we should make sure we have plenty of food available well ahead of time because food will surely be scarce following a nuclear explosion here in America, we're warned in that story that it wouldn't hurt putting on a few pounds right now, while we still can, just in case SHTF arrives. Susan Duclos had linked to many survival food products within this recent ANP story.

While both of the first two videos below from City Prepper take looks at how to go about surviving a nuclear blast and the resultant radioactive fallout, in the final video below Mike Adams of Natural News warns us we'll all be begging for a ceasefire once the nuclear bombs start falling on America.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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