There are a number of new "preppers" in every state, according to a recent surveyby BonusFinder, which found70% of 6,200 said they "do not have faith in the government," to be there for them in the event of a disaster or catastrophic event.
What is the "doomsday" scenario that first convinced you to start prepping?
That is the question asked to the respondents of the survey, and the answers give us insight into who is readying themselves for doomsday, and why.
Just what that disaster will be is dividing the nation. Some 55% cited climate change, 36% virus and disease, and 25% a nuclear attack. But there were other concerns. Over 15% are concerned about an asteroid strike, 15% about a robot or artificial intelligence takeover, and 7.5% about a zombie apocalypse.
This tells us that for those looking to survive after a doomsday event, will include the global warming crowd, and those preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
The survey confirms concerns charted over the years by Secrets that more Americans are fearful about an attack that will cut off power and make food and water scarce, such as from an electromagnetic pulse attack from Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea. A congressional report said just one EMP attack knocking out power to the East Coast would lead to the deaths of 90% who live there.
The original BonusFinder survey claims to describe the "U.S. States with the best odds of surviving," but for those us that have been reporting and discussing prepping for more than a decade, it isn't "states" that will survive or die, it is the populace of those states.
The survey does show us which states could have the most preppers residing within, giving them the best chance of finding likeminded individuals or even communities to barter with, join, or share information with.
Quick Facts:
40 million people thinks doomsday could be coming in a year.
108 million have spent up to $5,000 to get ready for catastrophic events that don't quite qualify as "doomsday."
Half of the residents in a handful of states, led by West Virginia and Arizona, have spent over $10,000 preparing for the worst. The leading purchases are for water, warm clothing, and food. Some 20% even bought pet food.
Those aged 40-65 are more likely to be prepping, and twice as many men as women are getting ready for a disaster.
45% said they have attempted to master foraging, 32% are learning to purify water, and 15% have learned to start fires.
10% have put cash away, but it made it sound like dollars might be worthless versus food and material items.
Note: Immediately after any event that fits the description of catastrophic, cash will still be useful, but depending on the level of severity of the event, cash could soon be rendered useless, so precious metals will likely be used for trade.
Never use all you have for it, because food and water are far more important, but if able, pick up some gold and silver here and there so you are ready for the dollar to become worthless.
The bad news is that even the state listed as the one with the most preppers, a smaller amount are considered "resilient" meaning the have enough supplies to last a month or longer.
When we discuss prepping, it is with the goal of being able to last years if need be, whether with just your own preps and storage or by bartering some items for others needed more.
Mike Adams, over at Natural News, has an excellent piece out discussing the things that can be done right now to make yourself more resilient in the event of a societal collapse, famine or nuclear war, all of which will be extremely helpful during any type of catastrophe.
We suggest reading the entire piece as ware going to focus on just a couple of them.
Store food and learn to grow food so you can be ready for the coming food rationing. Learn how to grow food in a way that isn't immediately obvious to everyone (guerilla gardening). Stock up on necessary supplements like vitamin D and zinc. Acquire non-GMO garden seeds. Learn food preservation techniques such as canning or drying.
Many longtime ANP readers already do grow food and have learned how to store, whether by canning, dehydrating or freeze frying their own harvests, but we constantly see new readers (many of which do not comment, but do email us from time to time) so a quick refresher cannot hurt.
A large supply of jars and lids can provide enough resources to can enough foods to last until your next growing season, for those that only grow outdoors, and year round for those that also maintain an indoor garden.
Some prefer getting the jars and lids, with the sealing rings together, and other prefer to buy them separately. That is a personal choice for each person wanting to learn how to can foods safely.
Stock up on off grid emergency medical supplies and first aid items. Many will be nearly impossible to acquire after the collapse kicks in. Specifically look at prescriptions (including antibiotics), ivermectin and antiseptic supplies such as povidone iodine. Related: Natural News islaunching a new telehealth partnershipthat gives you access to licensed doctors who can write needed prescriptions where medically necessary.
May's inflation numbers were released this month and the numbers touted by the MSM are usually the overall inflation, which they list at 4%, and they list food inflation at 6.7 percent. What they do not mention, but which consumers are noticing, is that 6.7% is on top of the 10.1% rise from 2022, which was on top of the 2.2% rise in 2021, and so on and so forth.
Another things the MSM neglects to mention is the specific categories of food that are far higher than the average food inflation, such as cereal and bakery products which rose by 10.7%, and what they call "other food at home," without actually listing what those foods are, that rose 9.2%.
"Consumers are concerned about a possible recession this year and are stressed financially due to inflation," ScoreSense said in its report. "They are using personal loans to help pay for typical monthly purchases like groceries, utility bills, and mortgage payments. People are looking for money-saving strategies such as couponing, buying things on sale, and switching to store brands over name brand items."
The fact is inflation could come in at zero, and the media would tell Americans to celebrate it, refusing to acknowledge that unless inflation numbers are negative, (meaning prices are going down, not staying stagnant) Americans cannot survive and thrive due to the past inflation numbers which made food one of the most expensive money outlays of all their monthly bills.
"Even as inflation has been cooling, the effect of continued high prices has broadened the financial pain Americans are feeling," Gallup said in its report.
"The increases in these readings suggest that the recent slowing of inflation has so far done little to provide relief for Americans, and it may take more dramatic changes in prices for the harmful effects of inflation to subside," Gallup continued. "The public lacks confidence in economic leaders to tackle the problem."
At this point, prepping by getting extra freeze dried foods, where you can use a handful of meats or vegetables for stews, casseroles, soups and salads, will cost less in the long run especially since fears of recession in the next year would cause food prices to spike even more.
Those were all on the first page of the Bing search engine, using the "past month" range.
Between war chatter, attacks against our grid, inflation, possible economic collapse and a number of other issues that have been in the news this year, millions of Americans that have never prepped a day in their lives other than weekly grocery shopping are so unsure of the Biden regime, they have begun to see the need to be prepared.
If you have been waiting to see which way the winds will blow, or putting off restocking, adding to or topping off, your supplies, it may be time to do so now.
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