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Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans

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April 26, 2023

Americans Are Living In Absolutely Bizarre 'Alternative Realities,' Proving The CIA's 'Operation Mockingbird' Is Almost Complete As Globalists Rush Towards Martial Law And Total Tyranny

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

Taking a look at the headline stories over at Steve Quayle's website over the past two days will tell anyone paying attention at all that things are getting ready to 'HTF,' while looking at the headline stories over at CNN or Drudge or any other mainstream media outlet instantly proves Americans have somehow been cast into a slew of bizarre alternative realities.

While MSN somehow stepped up, publishing stories such as this one titled "Stock Market Crash Alert: Credit Default Swaps From 2008 Are Back" as well as this one titled "Stocks fall worldwide on U.S. recession, banking and debt-ceiling risks," a look over at CNN this morning finds their lead story titled "House GOP chaos raises doubts about McCarthy's political credibility" while Drudge keeps pushing anything bad he can find to further smear Tucker Carlson.

And while kudos goes out to the Daily Mail for publishing as their lead story this one laying it all on the line titled "Trump calls the Bidens a 'crime family' that is 'Watergate times 10' in blistering Truth Social post after top Republican James Comer claimed as many as TWELVE relatives are involved in shady business deals," you won't find a hint of that story, or any of the other ones detailing the crimes of the 'biden crime family,' at any of the mainstream news outlets, helping explain why Americans' trust in the MSM is near record lows according to this October of 2022 Gallup poll story.

And with all of this helping to confirm the words of former CIA Director William J. Casey,who once said "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false," remember that during the Obama administration the U.S. govt repealed the so-called 'propaganda ban' that had long been in place, with the Obama cabal actually allowing the spread of US govt-made news to the American people, and helping to explain just why so many Americans are so dumbed-down in 2023 and why we are, where we are nowas a country, heading towards tyranny.

And with Monday bringing America some shocking news with the departure of Tucker Carlson from Fox News, which the left immediately celebrated, but led to the value of Fox tumbling as if it were the titanic sinking, as Infowars warned of that 'event,' it sure looks like Tucker is the 'canary in the coal mine' and the globalists will be 'coming after us all now,' with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently warning our very Constitutional rights are in grave danger of extinction if we stay on the path we're now on.

Because with the globalists insanely censoring Americans as we've seen unfolding now for years, with anyone speaking 'truths' that go against their endless lies and propaganda being 'shut up,' hinting we're heading towards an 'event' that will shut-up alternative news for good, we long ago warned on ANP that if we ever reach the point in time when you can no longer access websites such as, Natural News, The Liberty Daily, Whatfinger News, ANP and many others, we'd already be long past that 'point of no return' and on our way to experiencing what the 'real purpose' of legislation like the 'restrict act' means, total tyranny.

(ANP Needs Your Help!: Due to this suffocating censorship campaign by 'big tech' on ANP articles, we have no choice but to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the past 9+ years. With donations and minimal ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for Americaat this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, as we can all see now, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY bit helps more than you could know!)     

In the first video at the bottom of this story Mike Adams talks with us about what we're watching unfolding right now, a desperate effort to SILENCE anyone and everyone who speaks the 'inconvenient truths' that the globalists don't want the American public to know, from 'the political left' stealing the 2020 election to the globalists releasing the 'bioweapons' upon America that allowed that 'election steal' to their long-ongoing effort to 'depopulate' the planet, all which have helped 'weave' the 'alternative reality' we're now living in.

As Natural News just reported in this story titled "Top 6 most important FALSE NARRATIVES the Biden Regime does NOT want challenged,"they'll do anything and everything in their power to make sure the American people don't find out what's REALLY happening all around them, even if that means stomping all over the God-given rights of the American people that are merely protected by the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution. Hence the reason why SO MANY Americans are SO out of touch with reality. From that story.:

Top 6 biggest lies the Biden Regime uses as false narratives and that punishes anyone who challenges them.

#1. Vaccines are safe and effective.

#2. War is good.

#3. All elections are safe and secure (except when the Left loses).

#4. The economy is good always when Democrats are in power, no matter what.

#5. Government is honest and will work for your interests.

#6. Censorship is necessary to prevent misinformation and disinformation from spreading In effect, they need censorship to protect their false reality, their own delusions.

The overall truth is that government works in bad faith, and that is why they want the RESTRICT ACT put in place so badly.

False narratives are so brainwashing that the Biden Regime is actually telling all Americans that our current economy is good, despite mass inflation, crumbling supply chains, unfettered printing of trillions of dollars, endless draining of funds and military weapons for the insidious Ukraine War, and the destruction of the Republic as we know it. The narrative is that War is Good because its preventing communist aggression, but the communist aggression is happening right here, on our own soil, and from within our own government (CCP-led Biden Regime).

Using such tactics to convince the brainwashed masses that the vaxxes were safe, the 2020 election was totally legitimate, censorship of alternative views is 'good' and 'necessary' for America, misinformation and disinformation are only spread by Conservatives and Democrats like RFK, Jr., 'global warming' and 'climate change' are spread by cow burps and people eating meat and 'anti-vaxxers' are dangerous to the public at large, think about where America will be in the very near future if those are the only 'narratives' that are 'allowed.'

With such a dreaded scenario bringing us to the point the CIA's Casey spoke about long ago, where everything the American public believes is false and the dumbing down of the masses having been 'weaponized' to its 'end game,' as Etienne de la Boetie of the Art of Liberty Foundation reported in this Substack story we'd republished at ANP, the most powerful weapon on the planet is control of perception and it is a binary weapon made up of hundreds of companies, government agencies and organizations that give the population their information to create and control their culture.
Also reporting that Cult-ure is the dominant belief system, and the root word might as well be cult,we see in the 2nd video below exactly how such a 'weapon' is wielded against the American people, with multiple different news agencies all saying the exact same thing, proving they are all getting their 'marching orders' from the same 'conglomerate' which only gives Americans the 'illusion' of 'choice' and 'independence' amongst the mainstream news outlets, which are actually all controlled by the same sinister entities.

As Susan Duclos had reported in this ANP story back on May 19th of 2021 titled "Operation Mockingbird Still At Play - New Report Shows Spy Agencies Still Control Media Content And Allowed To Disseminate Fake News Without Verification Or Confirmation,"the CIA's 'Operation Mockingbird' had been going on since at least as far back as the 1950's, controlling what the American public saw and heard with the CIA's infiltration of every major US news organization, giving them a monopoly over the 'flow of information' until the independent media came along, and showing us why they hate us so.

And helping to explain why so many Americans are still living in a bizarre alternative reality, even after all of these years, we see why the globalists are so desperate to get the 'Restrict Act' signed into law and enforced as we go forward in 2023, because far too many Americans now get their news from sources other than the mainstream media and slowly but surely, the 'brainwashing' is wearing off for those who bother to investigate what they're being told.

And as Natural News had also reported just Tuesday,with Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech all in league together, pushing the same endless lies as the mainstream media, USA Facts reports they were able to convince roughly 81% of the US population to get at least one 'vax,' while convincing 69% of the population to be 'fully vaxxed,' (although we highly doubt the accuracy of those numbers,) helping to explain why so many Americans are now having major health problems, or 'dying suddenly,' with the CDC and govt agencies handing out hundreds of millions of dollars to those US news organizations to push their endless lies. Note that not one MSM organization came out against the vax and still haven't to this day! And outlets such as 'Fact Check' STILL claim Americans 'dying suddenly' is a 'baseless rumor.'

So with this new story over at Breitbart reporting the EU has just announced stricter content moderation rules for twitter, youtube, facebook and other tech platforms another hint of where America is headed in the coming days, weeks, months and years, especially if the 'Restrict Act' is passed and signed into law by joe biden who surely can't wait to give the US govt such powers, if they get their way, we'll have fully arrived as a nation where the CIA has long been herding us, 'false narratives' cemented into place as the new 'reality' believed by the American CULT-ure, our 1st Amendment fully 'eliminated' and a full-scale tyrannical government controlling everything the American people see and hear, just as the Rockefellers and their allies long working to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their controlintended, the 'dehumanization of humanity' complete.

As John Zmirak warns in this new story over at The Stream,with history steeped in the grim lessons of mankinds fallen history, that history full of free societies finally giving way to tyrannyand civilizations such as what we're witnessing in the US now collapsing, he's gotten the feeling we're headed towards full-scale martial law in the near future, a much-needed step the globalists absolutely have to take in order to introduce their full-scale tyranny to 'a people' who once had freedom, and fully taking down the independent media is an absolutely necessary step for the globalists to accomplish that evil. So if you're in the position to help keep ANP in this fight for freedom and humanity, any and all donations are tremendously appreciated as we go forward, tyranny being something we'll never accept no matter how hard they push for it.

EMERGENCY ANP FUNDRAISER: With non-stop censorship and 'big tech' attacks upon independent media, donations from readers are absolutely critical in keeping All News Pipeline online. So if you like stories like this, please consider donating to ANP.

All donations are greatly appreciated and will absolutely be used to keep us in this fight for the future of America.

Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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