September 1, 2022
Between Banning Guns, Codifying Roe v Wade And Ensuring The Globalists Will Never Lose Another Election Like 2016, America Stands Perilously Close To Permanent Totalitarianism
By David Robb of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline
A democratcy is a government run by Progressive Marxist/socialist democrats (Totalitarians!). A word that is pronounced the same is democracy which is a government run by popular vote. On the other hand, a Republic is a government run by our elected representatives who are responsible to the electorate.
Paradise lost
Ever since the 2020 election we have been living in a democratcy. A narrowly divided House with an equally divided Senate would normally indicate that legislative focus should be on those matters of common concern and of general benefit. Instead, the Progressive party (the Party) has used their slim power margins to force legislation through that benefits only their side and serves to further their own power, even when a large majority of the populace opposes the legislation.
When it seems that a legislative approach might be inadequate, Executive Orders without any legislative backing have been issued to radically alter our society, again to the detriment of our country and the benefit of the Party.
Promises kept, promises broken
Just last Thursday, the Presumptive President in Power (PPP) spoke at a gathering of Party members. During his speech, he made a number of new promises regarding his intentions post the midterm elections. Now PPP doesnt have the best track record keeping promises, at least for promises that benefit the country such as no new taxes for those making less than $400K per year, and that he would end Covid lockdowns as soon as he got power. The lockdowns continued for another year, and recent actions will increase both taxes and tax enforcement actions against nearly everyone making more than the average income. Other examples are left as an exercise to the reader.
On the other hand, his track record on destructive promises has been stellar. He promised to end use of fossil fuel, and that was one of his first acts. He tried to mandate lethal injections of a chemical agent masquerading as a vaccine claiming that was part of his promise to stop Covid. I guess if youre dead, you cant catch Covid. He promised transparency and then had his administration try to suppress media reports and online discussions that contradicted Party positions on Covid, vaccines, treatment regimens, election fraud, climate change, and a host of other topics. The list goes on and on and on.
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The next steps
During a speech on 8/25/22 in Rockville MD, the PPP made the following new promises:
If we elect 2 more senators we gotta lot of unfinished business we gonna get done
well codify Roe v Wade
well ban assault weapons
well protect Social Security and Medicare
well pass universal pre-K
well restore the child care tax credit
well protect voting rights
well pass election reform and make sure no-one, no-one ever has the opportunity to steal an election again
That is a long list. Some of the items seem innocuous, while others have been long-standing objectives of the Party, and highly unpopular among the general populace. We can look at a few of these promises to see what they might entail.
Codifying Roe v Wade
Nearly every society considers murder to be a serious crime and has severe punishments for those who commit it. Many in our society consider abortion to be murder. Others hold that until birth, and even for some period thereafter, an infant is not human and is therefore not protected by prohibitions against murder.
This is an ongoing debate with one side not being willing to be accomplices to infanticide through allowing unrestricted abortion, while another side holds that since a fetus is not yet human, the issue is simply one of female body autonomy. The debate is ongoing and unresolved. It seems inappropriate to enforce one position by fiat as codification of Roe v Wade would do.
Banning assault weapons
While the Federal government has been busily arming every bureaucrat in its stable with all sorts of lethal weapons, including actual assault weapons, it has also been working at every opportunity to disarm the general populace. The Second Amendment to the Constitution has been a despised block to their efforts. The PPP has contemplated ratification of the UN Small Arms Treaty as a way to circumvent the Constitution.
If ratified, the Treaty would require registration of all small arms, limit the number and kind an individual could own, and even restrict the amount of ammunition an individual could have on hand. If challenged, the Treaty would likely be declared unconstitutional, but a provision of the Treaty is that once it is signed, it cannot be rescinded.
Signature would create an automatic constitutional crisis where a Treaty entered into by the Executive branch would amend the Constitution in a manner not specified for legal amendments. Given the attitude of the Party toward the Constitution, they would clearly favor the Treaty over the Constitution.
Election reforms and stealing elections
Some of the first acts of the PPP administration were to try to federalize control of elections, in direct contradiction of the Constitution. They would have made permanent the highly fraud conducive practice of mail-in voting, unchecked registration of voters, virtual elimination of citizenship requirements, and many other things that enable and encourage election fraud.
Given the now overwhelming evidence of the Partys involvement in and benefit from massive fraud in recent elections, it is understandable why they would want to make the methods used permanently available. Elections would then give the citizens the illusion of being able to participate in government while preserving the power and security of the Party.
As for making sure no one could steal an election, passage of a law making auditing of election results illegal, and challenging results of an election a Federal felony would go a long way to ensuring a stolen election could never be stolen back. The Party could inflate voter rolls with ghost voters, create enough ghost ballots to endure they were elected, and keep on spreading mis- and disinformation that our elections are the most secure and honest of any ever before in the history of the universe.
The false hope of 2022
A lot of people are pinning their hopes on the upcoming midterm elections as a way to block the destructive actions of the PPP administration until it can be replaced in 2024. Good luck with that!
In many ways it doesnt actually matter if there is a Red wave in November or not. After the election there will be a lame duck congress in place for over two months. All of the House and a third of the Senate could end up replaced. Those who got voted out have a lot of incentive for revenge on those who removed them. What if the Senate were to approve the UN Arms Treaty for the PPP to sign? What if congress were to pass some of the punitive voter laws that have been discussed? What other damage could they do if they were in a punishing frame of mind?
Whatever legislation was passed in that period would have at least two years of life before 2024. New election laws could pour concrete around election fraud that would affect the 2024 outcome. With the PPP in office, any attempts by a new Congress to address the previous destructive legislation could be vetoed and it would be unlikely that enough votes could be mustered to overcome a veto.
We stand on the precipice
We are perilously close to a permanent democratcy. We failed to address the fraud mechanisms that put the PPP in place in 2020. We now face the consequences of not fixing things.
What can we do
While it is too late to fix our dirty voter rolls, to eliminate mail-in balloting, and to eliminate the leaky election management systems, there is still much reason for hope. We now know many of the fraud mechanisms that are likely to be applied, and can take measures to thwart them. While some may be discouraged about voting, feeling that with so much fraud their vote wont count, so why bother, the reality is that voting is one of our best tools.
Vote like your life depends on it because it does
We need to get out and vote like we have never done before. We need everyone who has had even a passing conservative thought to vote. We need every Republican to bring their friends and families along to the polls. We need to take those mail-in ballots with us and cast them in person.
We need to produce so many votes that it breaks the system and makes the fraud so obvious that it cannot be ignored. When the Party needs to produce enough votes that the counts show 150% of eligible voters voted, that is evidence of fraud. When they have to deliver truckloads of counterfeit ballots to counting, we can catch them. When they try to block observers and poll watchers, those are illegal acts that can be documented and even subject to immediate legal action.
Dirty voter rolls
Voter rolls are public records, and we have a right to obtain a large portion of the roll data. In most places that includes names, addresses, last time voting, and other information. We need to capture snapshots of the voter rolls before the election, during the election, and afterwards. These snapshots will show new registrations that were added to support fraudulent ballots. These false registrations are often removed a few weeks or months after an election to frustrate canvassing efforts. Knowing who was removed gives a big clue to who should not have been there in the first place.
Nearly every state shows that more votes were counted in 2020 than there were voters in the voter rolls, often by large numbers. Many of the rolls show there are more voters registered in a state than there are eligible voters in the population and not by small numbers.
Over thirty states have subscribed to a service that is supposed to help them clean up their voter rolls. The states provide information on which voters are current, which are inactive, and other information. Someone of unscrupulous character or Party affiliation could use that information to create millions of ghost voter registrations that would be difficult to identify and purge. Not claiming that has been done, but one has to wonder about the security of those data files in a private firm not subject to public records requests.
We have a lot of smart people on our side who can analyze the voter roll snapshots to identify ghost registrations. That information can be used in canvassing to produce legally admissible evidence of fraud.
Vote by mail
Every state has adopted one form or another of vote by mail (VbM). Many voters, especially in the Time of Covid elected to take advantage of the service and avoid public spaces such as polling centers. VbM, coupled with reduced voter identification capabilities, dirty voter rolls, and high-speed personalized printing systems has made the whole VbM process a wide open field for fraud. No election with more than a few VbM ballots can be assured to be safe, secure, or producing of valid results.
Just as one example, the same organizations that entered ghost voters in the rolls can provide that information, including names, addresses, registration IDs, and even signature images to a high speed printer system. That system, operating for just a few hours, can produce tens of thousands of mail-in ballots, stuffed in return envelopes complete with a voter signature, and even a postmark facsimile, and delivered to a counting center.
These counterfeit ballots would be indistinguishable by almost any test from legitimate ballots. Is that where all those last-minute mail-in ballot drops in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and elsewhere in 2020 originated?
Watch them like hawks, 24/7
We need to watch carefully where ballots originate. Who is delivering the ballots? License plate numbers? Are there video monitoring systems? Did the ballots come from a legitimate source such as the post office, or can they be traced back to a ballot factory? Remember, manufacturing fraudulent ballots for ghost voters is a criminal activity and can be prosecuted. Be careful, though, as, with other criminals, they can take extreme measures to avoid detection.
Most places have legal requirements that authorized election observers have the right to observe the ballot transport process from the delivery doors to the counting centers to vote totaling and reporting. Specific legal rights vary, so observers need to check just what rights exist, but if any election official tries to interfere with or claim the processes cannot be observed, perhaps a call to an informed sheriff is in order. At minimum, the event should be documented with names, dates, times, and other information recorded.
If ballot deliveries can be traced back to a ballot factory, even for relatively small numbers of ballots, the evidence of criminal activity can be enough to have an election declared invalid. Evidence is not restricted to major offices like Senators or Representatives. Any person or ballot initiative down-ballot is open to question because that race or initiative may be sufficiently important to be worth the effort and risks of fraud.
Election management systems
Even if paper ballots are used, those ballots are scanned into the system and everything else from then on is electronic. There are numerous ways that election results can be altered once in digital form. Many of the alterations can be made undetectable. Even if they can be detected, the sophistication of detection methods takes them out of the range of ordinary means. White hat hackers can be of big help to those who have access to them.
Nearly every place the systems are in use, those systems are advertized as air gapped and not internet connected. That is a red herring. Cell phones are air gapped and connect just fine to the cellular network and through that to the internet.
If systems are truly operating unconnected, there should be no RF activity in their vicinity. A simple EMF or RF sniffer operating in WiFi and Cellular bands is available from Amazon and a variety of other sources. If they show activity on those bands in the vicinity of election systems such as tabulators, poll books, vote tablets and other components, that could indicate internet communications in process. Be careful, though, as use of such devices is illegal in some areas.
Stay legal
Whatever you do, be sure to stay legal. There are enough false flag actors out there, that we dont want to compromise our evidence with illegal activities. Remember that evidence acquired through illegal acts is generally not admissible in court. We need to be able to bring unimpeachable evidence to the courts and conduct our own lawfare against the Party.
Potentially, the results of the 2022 elections could be tied up to the point that a lame duck congress would be unable to act. Short of a 10th Amendment action to remove the PPP administration entirely, that may be a next best case result.
In any event, I have only offered a few suggestions here. We have a lot of very smart and clever people on our side who can come up with more and better suggestions than I can offer. Find them, encourage them, and support them and keep digging until the truth comes out Truly, you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set and keep you free..
We can keep our Republic if we are willing to make the effort. If you have any doubts if the effort is worth it, ask anyone who escaped the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Venezuela, Cuba, or any of the other states where the Party took power.
Remember, the People are stronger than the Party. It is up to us.
This story was originally published here. David Robb is a regular contributor to The Blue State Conservative and a practicing scientist who has been working in industry for over 50 years. One of his specialties is asking awkward questions. A large part of his work over the years has involved making complex scientific issues clear and understandable to non-specialists. Sometimes he even succeeds.
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