February 15, 2024
America Has Been Completely Sold Out Not Only By Our Braindead POTUS But Both Parties Of Congress, With The Huge Majority Of Republicans As Despicable And Odious As Democrats
By Patricia McCarthy and All News Pipeline
Given the wholesale disaster that has been the Biden presidency, one has to wonder how it all happened. We have all seen the Democrat party become radicalized, almost purely Marxist, since the Obama administration. Obama promised to transform the country and he surely did. He effectively drove race relations backward by seventy years.
It is common knowledge that Obama despised his VP Biden. Why he was chosen to be his VP in the first place is anybodys guess. Biden was a known jerk, a racist (his mentor was KKK member/aficionado Robert Byrd), rather dumb, a plagiarist, and a pathological liar. For example, for years he told the story that his first wife was killed by a drunk driver. That was never true; the accident was her fault and the truck driver was not intoxicated. He enjoyed humiliating Clarence Thomas throughout Thomass confirmation hearings when in fact, Biden is not fit to shine Thomass shoes.
So the question remains, with a president so obviously an intellectual lightweight to say the least, a man who is now obviously suffering from advancing dementia, how is it that Biden has been able to do so much damage to the nation. Answer? The Democrat members of Congress are stupid, greedy, and addicted to power. It is more important to them to retain that power than to do the right thing; adding insult to injury, most Republicans are as equally self-serving and incompetent. Those with both brains and the courage of their convictions can be counted on two hands. The rest do as much harm to the country as the Democrats.
Bidens list of failures is long and well-known, from the Afghanistan withdrawal to provoking Putin to invade Ukraine, to interfering with Israels war against Hamas; these are just some of the lowlights. The biggest and most egregious catastrophe is the open border and his standing invitation to any and all foreigners who can afford to make the trip (they all pay the cartels and coyotes). The nation has been invaded, our demographics permanently altered, by perhaps as many as ten million unvetted persons from 170 countries. NYC and Chicago have been destroyed. Denver, a sanctuary city, has been overrun, its hospital in breakdown mode. Most homes and ranches on the border have been ruined. Homeowners find dead bodies on their land. If they defend themselves against criminal migrants, it is the homeowner who is arrested.
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The world is upside down. Our legal system is upside down, backwards and corrupt. The left wants and has generated total chaos throughout the land. How? Our leadership, members of Congress, and much of our judiciary is thoroughly corrupt. They use their power to advance their political agenda without regard for the law. The absurd political persecutions of Donald Trump prove that. They vote to fund wars because they get rich when there is war.
The Democrats want the open border because they want more Democrat voters. They do not distinguish between legal and illegal. The Constitution no longer means anything to the left nor does it to the RINOS who are Democrats-lite. They vote for what benefits them, not for what is right for the American people. The so-called border bill passed in the Senate proves that. It merely codified what has been going on for three yearsthousands of illegals crossing the border every day. That bill is an insult to U.S. citizens; it assumes we are all morons. The bill just included more millions of dollars for processing those thousands of illegal migrants they are admitting. But the left has nothing but contempt and fury for those who do not support the open border. They want cheap labor; the latest jobs report shows that all the new jobs have gone to foreigners.
The Democrats at least present a united front. They vote how they are told to vote. They would be sorely punished if they failed to do as they are told. The Republicans on the other hand, the majority of them, are weak-willed, easily manipulated, and think that virtue-signaling is ones greatest character trait. The few who voted not to impeach the odious Mayorkas are idiot virtue-signalers. The man has flagrantly flaunted the immigration laws on the books. They vote against any definition of common sense and claim they are the righteous ones. They are pathetic as are the twenty-two Republican senators who voted for spending another $95b, $66b of it to Ukraine. God bless those who voted against it. That money does not exist! It will have to be borrowed or printed, added to the $34t the U.S. already owes. They all know this. They know that Zelensky is a fraud, a tool of the oligarchs, and that Ukraine has lost the war that never should have begun. The only explanation for their votes is personal gain. Clearly none of them are good at math despite their Ivy League educations.
Meanwhile, the value of the dollar is falling fast. The BRICS countries are fast devaluing American currency. Every one of those twenty-two Republicans is a traitor to their constituents. American tax dollars are pouring into projects that only harm Americans and help migrants and criminals who are allowed to roam the streets to shoplift and freely commit violent crimes for which they suffer no consequences. Thats the game the Democrats play and there are not enough courageous Republicans to thwart them.

The obvious reason that members of Congress vote the way they do when it is counter to what their constituents want is that they are paid! Paid by donors, lobbyists, and other special interest groups or individuals. George Soros comes to mind. Everyone knows that Mitch McConnell is a Chinese asset due to his Chinese wifes familys shipping business. As with Joe Biden, that relationship has made him very rich. There is likely a similar story, to one extent or another, for each member of Congress who votes for himself or herself without a thought for the people they are there to represent. Nothing else explains the terrible damage done these past three years.
Who are the good guys? Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Ted Cruz, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Rep. Matt Rosendale, Rep. Eli Crane, Sen. Blackburn, Rep. Andy Biggs; there may be more but these are the ones who are unafraid to speak for the people. These are the members who are generally mocked and derided by the mainstream media for being wait for it right-wing radicals. But they are the members of Congress who can do the math and know that the irresponsible spending has to stop or the country will be economically over.
Because there has been no audit, no one really knows how the billions already handed over to Ukraine were spent. We do know that the corrupt oligarchs there, Bidens pals, have purchased mansions in Russia and Egypt and yachts that are docked in Monte Carlo. There are rumors that the weapons sent are being sold on the black market throughout Europe. We know there are bio-labs there and that orphaned children are being trafficked. Why then do so many members of Congress want to send more billions to a lost cause? Tis a mystery. But arrogance, stupidity, and greed seem the most likely answers.
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