July 14, 2022
While America Is Already In Free Fall Collapse Mode, This New Story Makes It Clear We Haven't Seen Anything Yet: The Real TEOTWAWKI Arrives Once The Trains Stop Moving Goods
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While people who get their news from the Independent media rather than the MSM have known for quite some time that America was heading into very bad times under Joe Biden and Democrats, with ANP readers from all across the country sending us photographs of stores in their own necks of the woods with shelves empty of one product or another for quite some time now, a new story out proves if this worst case scenario develops, we haven't seen anything yet.
According to this July 12th story over at Trains.com,by a resounding margin, members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen have authorized a strike...a move that could come as soon as Monday, July 18, and with a whopping 99.5% of union members voting to authorize a strike if such an action becomes legal and necessary to secure a contract worthy of their consideration.
With this AOL story reporting on the possible strike acknowledging that the railway union employees have been working w/o a contract since 2019, the Trains.com story reported unions and railroads are currently in a 30-day cooling-off period mandated under the Railway Labor Act that began after the two sides failed to reach an agreement in talks before the National Mediation Board, and unions turned down an offer of binding arbitration.That 'cooling off period' ends at midnight on July 18th.
Also reporting that, unless, before that date, President Joe Biden names a Presidential Emergency Board to investigate the dispute and make recommendations for a settlement,a development that would at least temporarily block a work stoppage for an additional 60 days, it also reported the National Railway Labor Conference expects such a board to be named, with business groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce asking Biden to intervene.
So while most likely, any shutdown of the railways across America won't happen until at least the middle of September if Biden names such a board, with the globalists long working to shut down America completely as seen in the COVID lockdowns, who'd really put it past them to push such a shut down sooner?
(ANP FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're running a fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

While according to Joe Biden as reported in this Daily Mail story,the 9.1% inflation rate America is getting destroyed under is 'unacceptably high,' none of us should be the least bit surprised that Biden puts the blame for this fiasco on 'out-of-date figures' that don't 'reflect full impact' of gas prices decreasing by 40 cents,yet as anyone who's been to the grocery store lately knows, food prices keep skyrocketing.
With that Daily Mail story reporting the inflation rate under Biden and Democrats is the highest since 1981,it also reported meat and poultry prices are up 10.4 percent, cereal prices are up 15.1 percent while the prices of fruits and vegetables are up 8.1, prices that every American is feeling.
Once again blaming anything and everything but himself for the disastrous economy that America faces, another clear reason why even 64% of Democrats want someone else besides Biden to run as the Dem potus nominee in 2024, all of the top-voted comments on that DM story seen below show most Americans 'get it' in 2022.:
JojoTeamTrmp, Brier, United States: "Congrats to the 81 million voters who elected this imbecile. Well done."
Jolt, South Mountain, United States: "Inflation is only temporary. It will end when all your money is gone."
Robco1, Mid-Ohio Valley, United States: "Biden's America is a grim, dire place filled with hopelessness."
The Bill Man, Hometown, United States: "It's just transitory, though. Brandon said so."
Waffles , Texas , United States: "Funny how Biden high tailed it out of the country for this report."
Bama_girl_usa, down south, United States: "I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But this administration is doing their very best to destroy America. Our own government is openly destroying the country from within, and not even trying to hide it. Why?"
Great question there, 'Bama girl', WHY? Well, if the complete destruction of the US economy IS the Democrats goal, then it is easy to see the WHY. And just think, if we think that all of the shortages that we're seeing now under Biden and Democrats are bad, if the trains stop moving, we haven't seen anything yet!
According to survival expert, author and long-time radio host Steve Quayle, the #1 rule of survival is to BE where everybody else isn't, a survival principal we can be sure most people who are still living in the cities have never heard of before.
Though for those who are unable to get out of the cities right now for any of a number of different and very valid reasons, knowing how one plans on 'bugging out' of the cities should be very high on a priority list if one can do so safely and not get caught up in the stampede.
With most ANP readers getting way ahead of that stampede of humanity sure to come in a SHTF scenario, making sure to stock up on extra food, water and other supplies while millions of sheep are spending their spare money on partying, activism and their antifa gear, we still should be thinking about how badly things will instantly become if suddenly, the trains stop running and stop transporting their billions of pounds of goods and supplies to America every day.
Giving us a little extra incentive to stock up and prepare just in case, each of the three recent ANP stories linked below have tons of links to emergency food products and other food solutions and as close by as an order placed and a delivery to our homes.
'Doomsday Document' From 2020 Proves Globalists Planned Out Their Mass Murder Long Game, 'Food Armageddon': These Days Were Awaiting Us Like A Ticking Time Bomb - Their Plans To Wipe Out The Meat Industry Were Fully Documented As Well
This One Map Is Terrifying - If Food Shortages, Gas Prices , Overall Inflation & The CA 'TruckPOCALYPSE' Isn't Enough For Americans To Contend With, A Water Shortage Is Next
The Ship Is Sinking Now: Experts Warn Food Shortages And Price Hikes Getting Worse And There Is No End In Sight - We Are Over The Edge And In a Free Fall To Worst Calamity In U.S. History
Each of the videos below take a look at one aspect or another of all the topics discussed within this story with the very real possibility of a rail traffic shutdown something that would kick things over the edge in an instant and make what we're witnessing now seem like a walk in the park.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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