February 16, 2024
It's No Longer Any Wonder Why Our Foods Are Being Poisoned, The USDA Is Busy Weaponizing Diseases To KILL Americans! Alarming Proof Our Children Are Targeted For 'Elimination'
By Stefan Stanford - Live Free Or Die - All News Pipeline
The new story linked to over at SteveQuayle.com earlier this morningpublished by the Daily Mailtitled "REVEALED: US is collaborating with Chinese scientists to make bird flu strains more infectious and deadly as part of $1m project - despite fears similar tests unleashed Covid" confirmed much of what we've been reporting on ANP over the last several years; that the US government is weaponizing deadly diseases that are being used against 'the people,' and with virtual impunity.
Also confirming that Americans are working with China to create these deadly bioweapons while then lying to our faces about it as Americans and people all across the planet are being killed by them, the research into how the satanic globalists can more easily kill Americansis, of course, being funded by the American taxpayer through the US Department of Agriculture, and as the Daily Mail story reports, this deadly research will not only take place in China but at sites in Georgia and Edinburgh, Scotland.
Proving once again that our 'government overlords' have no problem at all 'creating and then weaponizing' deadly diseases that will be used to kill people, including very real Americans with very real loved ones and families, and that such work is no 'conspiracy theory' at all but part of official US 'health' policy under Joe Biden, as that DM story reports,this particular research involves infecting ducks and geese with different strains to make them more transmissible and infectious, and thenstudying the viruses' potential to 'jump into mammalian hosts,' according to the research documents.
And while the USDA is busy weaponizing diseases to kill Americans instead of what its' 'X' page claims its duties are, "Leadership on #food, #agriculture, natural resources, #rural development, #nutrition, & related issues based on public policy, science, & effective management," it's no longer any wonder why all across America, our foods are being poisoned as reported in this NY Post story.
Alarmingly reporting that80% of Americans have tested positive for a chemical found in Cheerios and Quaker Oats cereals that may cause infertility & delayed puberty, while our baby foods are being poisoned with toxic metals as reported in this Washington Post story, every day bringsMORE proof the globalists are targeting our children, the most innocent members of society. for death.
(ANP Emergency!: PLEASE donate to ANP! Due to the globalists war upon truth and the independent media, our monthly revenue has been cut by more than 80% so we need your help more now than ever before. Anything at all ANP readers can do to help us is hugely appreciated.)
As that previously referenced Daily Mail story reports, according to Justin Goodman, the senior vice president of the White Coat Waste Project which uncovered this deadly 'gain of function' research going on that'll be funded by the American people, 'It's reckless and indefensible for... bureaucrats to bankroll dangerous avian flu gain-of-function studies involving virus experimenters from the notorious Wuhan animal lab that likely caused COVID and its CCP-run parent organization, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 'Taxpayers shouldnt be forced to foot the bill for animal experiments with foreign adversaries that soup up viruses and can cause pandemics or create bioweapons.'
Yet there the USDA goes, using American taxpayer money to pay for this deadly research, another great reason why the USDA, and ALL OF OUR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES that are involved in such research, should be PERMANENTLY ELIMINATED for their crimes upon humanity.
Yet as we've reported time and again on ANP, according to 'gatekeeper' groups such as Newsguard, any reports of such 'gain of function' research being carried out by US govt agencies are 'crazy conspiracy theories'being pushed by 'right wing media,'the biggest reason ANP is now running only thanks to your donations which we use to simply survive afterNewsguard blacklisted us for reporting the truth has seen advertising agencies refuse to run on ANP. Susan and I thank you so much for any donations to ANP that you are able to afford asyour donations are truly what are keeping us online.
And isn't it incredibly interesting that those chemicals being found in Cheerios and other Quaker Oats cereals cause INFERTILITY and delayed puberty, the same exact satanic goals that the globalists have long been pushing with their drive to 'depopulate' the planet! The fact that our foods are being poisoned clearly has the globalists names written all over it. Yet, as we've seen over and over again, they'll never be held accountable. And it's too bad the USDA is too busy funding 'gain of function' research on diseases being used to KILL AMERICANS for them to actually DO THEIR JOBS and detect our foods being poisoned every day now. From this alarming Daily Mail story.:
The documents were obtained by the campaign group, The White Coat Waste Project, and shared with DailyMail.com.
The papers show funding for the avian virus research began in April 2021 and it is slated to continue through March 2026.
The specific viruses the researchers will work with include H5NX, H7N9 and H9N2.
A 2023 study described H5NX viruses as 'highly pathogenic' with the ability to cause neurological complications in humans.
The H7N9 strain first infected humans and animals in China in March 2013 and the World Health Organization said it is of concern 'because most patients have become severely ill.'
The H9N2 strain has been found in dove in China and while it has a lower pathogenicity than the other strains, it can still infect humans.
The main collaborators on the project are USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Edinburghs Roslin Institute - a Wuhan lab partner.
Additionally, one of the researchers being funded by the USDA is Wenju Liu, who is affiliated with the WIV - which is believed to have sparked the Covid pandemic - and a member of the board of a scientific journal, working with Zheng-Li Shi, who is known as the 'bat lady' for her extensive work on bat coronaviruses.
Different aspects of the research are slated to take place in multiple locations, including poultry research centers in Athens, Georgia, at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh and at the Chinese academy in Beijing.
And while our foods being poisoned, with children being specifically targeted, might seem bad enough, we get a staggering new report from ICAN, the Informed Consent Action Network, that the globalists are nowhere near finished trying to get their deadly poisons into us all.
A new class of encrypted RNA vaccines are being developed where the RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any persons knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government.
A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works. ICANs attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved.
Adding just more proof that the devils in Washington DC are more than happy to bypass the rule of law, more proof they're doing away with 'informed consent' as we had reported in this January 26th ANP story titled "FDA Passes New 'Medical Research Laws' Doing Away With 'Informed Consent,' Making Us All Human Guinea Pigs," we truly are all 'human guinea pigs' now, and most Americans don't even know it. From this important ICAN story.:
It seems the government and the military are so enthused about this new vaccine deployment technology that Congress tucked a law, the PREVENT Pandemics Act, into the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill to facilitate it. Among other things, the Act has a section dedicated to Platform Technologies that supports the development and review of new treatments and countermeasures that use cutting-edge, adaptable platform technologies that can be incorporated or used in more than one drug or biological product.
This Act will also be used to fund a new HHS government agency called ARPA-H (Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health), which was created in 2023 to take big technical risks that can spark new biomedical breakthroughs and revolutionize the detections, diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, treatment and cure of diseases and health conditions. Both former NIH Director Francis Collins and HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra supported the agencys creation, and Collins described his vision for ARPA-H as a DARPA-like culture at NIH.
This so-called therapy uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as engineered molecular parasites that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
Supporters of this technology claim it will solve several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including behavior barriers like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinatedwhether they like it or not.
Just another reason why these US government terrorist agencies need to be completely 'eliminated' for the sake of humanity, as they've clearly showed they don't have the best interests of the human race in mind and are more than happy to murder Americans and people all across the planet when that 'murdering' fits their 'needs,' it's no wonder that Tucker Carlson recently told the World Government Summit that the US government is now using its' power as a force of evil, because all of the information discussed within this story provides more proof that these people and organizations, who Americans support by paying tax money to, is proving itself to be the biggest force of evil on our entire planet in 2024.
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