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November 17, 2024

Depopulation Agenda Is Real: A Reminder - Almost 15 Years Ago Bill Gates Suggested A 'Death Panel' System Be Implemented In The USA Because Palliative Care Wasnt Cost-Effective

By Rhonda Wilson -All News Pipeline

In 2010, Bill Gates weighed up the cost of keeping terminally ill Americans alive versus paying for teachers salaries.

He said the US was unwilling to question if spending money on people in the last three months of their lives was cost-effective. He suggested there wasnt a benefit in end-of-life care and a decision should be made to end peoples lives instead of providing costly palliative care. Thats called the death panel, he said.

Bill Gates was interviewed at anAspen Ideas Festival in 2010and said that the USA must get medical costs under control and re-examine its funding priorities to prevent its education system from further erosion. He said medical costs are dominating state and federal budgets in the form of Medicare and other payments, and fewer funds are available for education.

Gates told Aspen Institute President and CEO Walter Isaacson that the USA had demonstrated an unwillingness to question if spending $1 million on the last three months of a persons life is a cost-effective direction, especially considering the same amount of money can keep 10 teachers employed.

He called for the nation to do a better job of examining the benefits of costly end-of-life medical care. Thats called the death panel and youre not supposed to have that discussion, Gates said, taking a jab at critics of the health care bill that the US Congress had considered earlier that year.

The clip above is taken from a 60-minute interview held on 8 July 2010. You can watch the full 60-minute interview on The Aspen Institutes YouTube channelHERE, the clip at the bottom begins attimestamp 31:22.

Where did the term death panel that Gates was taking a jab at come from? As Wikipedia notes:

HR 3200, also known as Americas Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009, did not become law. Instead, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, built upon some of the provisions in HR 3200 was signed into law on 23 March 2010.

By referring to death panels, Palin was referring to committees or panels that would decide whether to withhold life-sustaining medical treatment from patients based on cost or age considerations. Wikipedia, of course, negates Palins concerns as the death panel myth citing fact-checkers.

However, asAmerican Thinkerpointed out in a November 2010 article, they really did mean death panel. Highlighting two statements made by aNew York Timescolumnist,American Thinkerwrote:

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People has spoken about the use of DNR orders during the covid pandemic, particularly in patients with learning disabilities, elderly people and those with severe illness. Concerns raised and reported in corporate media include:

  • Inappropriate application of DNR orders: There have been instances where DNR orders were made without the knowledge or consent of patients or their families, breaching human rights.
  • Blanket policies: Some hospital departments implemented blanket DNR policies based on age, disability or medical condition, rather than individual patient circumstances.
  • Higher prevalence of DNR orders in covid-19 patients: Studies have shown that DNR orders were applied more often to patients with covid, presumably diagnosed with PCR tests which were not fit for purpose.
  • Disparities in DNR order use: Patients with learning disabilities, particularly younger adults, were disproportionately affected by DNR orders.

It is claimed that death panels do not exist. We beg to differ. Although doctors and nurses may not have been officially appointed to or taken instructions from a committee labelled as such, death panels existed during the covid era and perhaps continue to unofficially exist to this day. Whoever decided who should be placed on a DNR or given end-of-life drugs,such as midazolam, was and/or is the death panel.

Additionally, death panels exist in countries that have through legislation incorporated euthanasia, doctor-assisted suicide or medically assisted suicide into their healthcare systems. Wherever euthanasia is being legalized so, by default, death panels are being created. In countries that have not passed statutes that permit doctors to kill their patients, death panels will continue to exist in one form or another if the misanthropic death cult has its way.

We are living through the process of the normalization of healthcare systems being used to kill anyone who the state deems too costly to keep alive, is deemed a financial burden on the state or whose lives, according to the states criteria, are not worth living. This is eugenics. It is a form of eugenics that is easily implemented at scale where populations are dependent or reliant on socialized healthcare, such as in Canada and the UK.

Under the United Nations, socialized healthcare could be rolled out globally. Achieving Universal Healthcare (UHC) is one of the targets the nations of the world set when they adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015.

According to the World Health Organization, UHC is where citizens can access health services without incurring financial hardship. Theconcept is to provideeither all residents or only those who cannot afford it on their own, with either health services or the means to acquire them.According to, UHC can be provided via socialized healthcare, but a more common approach is a mix of public and private coverage and care.

According to Wikipedia, most universal healthcare systems are funded primarily by tax revenue and also by contributions from employers and employees to regulated sickness funds. Employer and employee contributions are compulsory and defined according to law.

Although UHC sounds like a noble cause, is it simply socialized healthcare for those who cannot afford it?

Sarah Palin was not only correct in 2009, but perhaps she has also served as a warning to the world of what was to come.

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