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May 10, 2024

A Raging Nation: Massive Uptick Of Anger And Hostility In Americans, Online And Offline As 'Rage Rituals' Become A Thing, And Hunger Striking College Students Whine About Being Hungry

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

Anyone else noticing a distinct increase of anger, hostility and downright nastiness in the people around us? Whether offline as in store workers, or co-workers, or neighbors, family members or just friends, acting weird. Even online, in chat forums, comment sections, social media, or any other place where people communicate, as in email, there seems to be "rage" everywhere.

We'll start with road rage because of late there have been a number of recent reports.

In 2023, 92% witnessed an act of road rage in the past year. (Source)

Nearly 8 in 10 drivers show aggressive driving behaviors. 78% of drivers have engaged in aggressive behavior on the road. Over half of all fatal crashes involve road rage types like tailgating, yelling, or honking. Two hundred eighteen murders and 12,610 injuries were attributed to road rage in a seven-year period. Running late is the top reason for aggressive driving (Source)

Drivers reported experiencing road rage most frequently on city streets (29.18%), on freeways or highways (26.59%) and in parking lots (14.9%). (Source)

The top reasons given for road rages areheavy Traffic, already stressed, running late, already angry, and feeling tired. (Source)

Recent reports include the following headlines.

Ohio:Man threatens woman with machete during road rage incident

Hillsborough man shot pregnant woman in road rage, Manatee deputies say

Photos show road rage suspect altered vehicle after deadly shooting, police say

Why is driving in Houston getting more dangerous?

NYC road rage saga comes to bloody end in ritzy Upper East Side after 17 miles

California man sentenced in road-rage killing of 6-year-old on his way to kindergarten

Man shot in road rage' incident in Bristol

Those were from the first two pages of search results and all from April and May 2024. There are more, but my point here is that rage on the road is increasing by the same amount that rage everywhere else is.

The anger is being seen in both the old and the young and in between.

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Students vandalize Portland college library


The protests at the college campuses over the war between Israel and Hamas that began after Hamas attacked on October 7, 2023, breaking the ceasefire they had enjoyed for years, and the anger there is palpable.

The feelings of anger and outright hate for Israel, have caused some of the most idiotic actions imaginable.

Such as a group of students at Princeton, supposedly pretty smart to even get into the college, decided to go on a hunger strike. Then a spokesman for the hunger-striking students acting like children, complained about being hungry, claiming they are starving, and somehow it is the university's leadership that is to blame for the students "literally shaking" with hunger.

Even a child, a small child not even in their teens yet, understands that when one doesn't eat, they get hungry. Get hungry enough and lo and behold you will start shaking.

Those same little idiots are whining that college leadership is "not monitoring our health. They are not keeping track of our vitals. They are not at all taking care of us."

Reminder: The college did not ask them, nor force them to stop eating!

The university also did not ask them to set up camp outside in raining, cold weather, yet they are whining about how cold and wet they are.

Maybe if they spent more time actually going to classes and learning they would understand that if you sleep outdoors in the rain and cold, you will get wet and freezing.

Princeton. Known as an "elite" ivy league college. Goes to show that colleges are not worth the money they charge these days.

These students from colleges across America are vandalizing buildings, causing disturbances that are preventing students wanting to actually learn, from doing so, and some universities have cancelled graduation ceremonies because of these selfish brats.

On Monday, Columbia University in New York City announced that it will cancel its main graduation ceremony due to security concerns related to weeks of protests on its campus. It isnt the first school to make this decision. The University of Southern California canceled commencement in Los Angeles last month, and Emory University in Atlanta is changing the location of its ceremony.

Next thing you know the protesting students will be whining that they couldn't graduate.

Anyone else feeling a distinct lack of sympathy for the protesting students, while feeling very bad for students that are just trying to learn?

Stupid women pay to beat the ground with sticks


This is both sad and entertaining. Sad that grown human beings feel the need for "rage rituals," where they actually pay money to go into the woods, scream and beat the ground with large sticks.

Entertaining because it is amusing to think of a bunch of stupid women paying good money to have a temper tantrum.

Banducci has led rage rituals for several years and began doing them first for herself, then for friends and, eventually, as part of her days-long retreats, which include other activities and can range in price from around $2,000 to $4,000. Her one-day version, she says, costs $222 per ticket.

The process of a rage ritual is pretty simple. First, Banducci says, participants gather large sticks while conjuring to mind "every person who's ever crossed you, who's ever hurt you, who's ever ignored your boundaries or taken advantage of you or abused you in any way." After some warm-up breaths, the screaming and swinging begin. The ritual is held in the woods so participants can make noise without fear of bothering people nearby.

Sounds like a great con for Banducci to rip off the gullible. Imagine, we have a couple of acres of nothing but trees across the driveway, and plenty of sticks on the ground in the mini forest. I would be happy to give people a large discount, they could pay me only $1,000 and they can beat the ground all the want. Heck, I'll even provide the tents, and food!!!


We have become a raging nation, where everybody seems angry, all the time. Many online have forgotten what the word civil means, while offline, in real life, people are becoming aggressive and mean, while road rage incidents becomes more dangerous and have increased in frequency.

Readers are encouraged to share their experience with those around them that always seem angry, nasty, and mean.

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