June 12, 2023
A Call To Fasting And Prayer: Biblical Wisdom Shared The Miraculous Processes Of Our Bodies To Self-Heal - Natural Ways To Detox Spike Proteins After COVID Infection Or Getting Vaxxed
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
While over the past several years we've done a large number of stories on just how many Americans and people all across the planet have been 'dying suddenly' and very unexpected deaths, many of them very mysterious and many of them among very young children and healthy young Americans in the prime of their lives, we're going to be doing something quite a bit different in this story as a public service announcement for our readers.
With my decision to write this story based largely upon my own adverse health experiences over the last several years, I also decided to write this after reading several stories that ANP reader 'Okydokyartichoky' recently posted to our 'breaking news' page comment section. As you'll see within this story, I found the information in the stories she'd posted to be absolutely fascinating and therefore something I must write about with so many Americans and people around the planet still falling ill and dying following their exposure to the 'spike protein' from either the vax or COVID bioweapon.
And as we'll explore in this story, while we here at ANP are NOT doctors, nor are we ourselves offering 'medical advice,' we will be sharing some amazing health wisdom that goes back thousands of years to Biblical times, as well as some brand new scientific wisdom emerging from doctors and other scientific experts out over the last few weeks and months that we hope will help anyone who decides to read this.
So to begin this story, let's take a look at two different stories that 'Oky' recently posted to our breaking news section, the first one over at The Vigilant Fox Substack blog titled "De-Spike Naturally: Recovery Insights from Dr. Paul Marik" with the 2nd one a 2022 study published over at The Scientific Archives of Molecular Biology and Genetics titled "Impact of Sleep on Autophagy and Neurodegenerative Disease: Sleeping Your Mind Clear," an absolutely critical study that we must take a look at first.
Because while according to Dr. Paul Marik as reported in this Vigilant Fox story, Cyanide kills you quickly;spike protein kills you slowly.And as Dr. Marik informs us as heard in the 1st video at the bottom of this story,its toxicity is through multiple different pathways that were just beginning to understand.
But miraculously, We have enormous potential of self-repair self-healing, "and we do that through an evolutionary process called autophagy, which is truly astonishing.
And as we'll explore within this story, while they may not have fully understood 'autophagy' back when the Bible was written, it is testified about in the Bible in over 70 different verses, the miraculous, self-healing properties brought to the human body, mind and soul through 'fasting'.
As we'd reported back on April 28th in this ANP story titled "Tidal Wave Of 'Turbo Cancers' Strike America At Same Time As Doctors Warn Of An 'Accelerated Disease Process' And 'The Greatest Crime In History' Being Carried Out Before Our Eyes,"medical practicioners we'd interviewed had told ANP of "An Explosion Of Neurological Diseases unlike anything they'd ever seen before." Andit is EXACTLY those kinds of 'neurodegenerative diseases' that spike proteins from the vax and covid cause, and EXACTLY those kinds of 'neurodegenerative diseases' that proper sleep and fasting cure.
First, from that study over at the Scientific Archives website titled "Impact of Sleep on Autophagy and Neurodegenerative Disease: Sleeping Your Mind Clear," we see why getting good sleep is absolutely critical for survival, and how getting good sleep triggers the self-healing properties of the human body called 'Autophagy'. And fasting goes hand in hand with getting the right amounts of proper sleep.
Abstract Sleep is an evolutionarily conserved phenomenon which has survived tremendous evolutionary pressures. Its disruption has deleterious implications for human health. The importance of sleep is illustrated by the fact that sleep deprivation in many animals leads to death.
While sleep is tightly regulated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors it becomes progressively disrupted in old age and in neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimers disease (AD), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Parkinsons disease (PD) and Huntingtons disease (HD).
One of the key effects of sleep disruption is increased levels of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) and accumulation of protein aggregates, such as Amyloid β and alpha-Synuclein. A possible mechanism of protein plaque clearance is its autophagic degradation through endo-lysosomal pathways.
In this review, we will discuss how sleep disruption is intimately linked with neurodegenerative diseases. We will also discuss the evidence that cellular autophagy and antioxidant defense are regulated by sleep, making it a target for future intervention strategies to tackle neurodegenerative diseases.
With that recent study reporting that all the way back in 1894, a horrifying study of sleep-deprived puppies kept in a state of constant activity found that they died within just 4 to 5 days, while another alarming 1898 study found that dogs kept in constant sleep deprivation ALL died within 10 days, even though other studies founddogs could still be rescued after being kept in a period of starvation for between 20 to 25 days, as that Scientific Archive study reports, "Lack of sleep leads to several detrimental effects on our health including increased risk to diabetes, forgetfulness, high blood pressure, weakening of immune system, cardiac problems and hallucinations, paranoia."
So with a HUGE SPIKE in neurodegenerative diseases caused by both the COVID bioweapon as well as 'the vax,' as we hear from Dr. Paul Marik in that 1st video below as well as read inthis Vigilant Fox substack story, there are quite thankfully quite a few things that we can do to reverse that spike in neurodegenerative diseases, naturally, and via the following of Biblical Wisdom.
What the body does is when it detects foreign protein, misfolded protein, dysfunctional protein it destroys it because it figures out, this is not good, I want to get rid of it, explained Dr. Marik. Autophagy does the same thing with spike proteins. Its like the garbage collection system of the cell. It collects the garbage and then puts the garbage through this garbage-slicing machine and trashes the garbage.
Its an ingenious system, he praised, and its evolved over millions of years. So, its how the cell deals with these toxic proteins. So, what you want to really do is embrace it and enhance the ability of the cell to break down these proteins What we really want to do is embrace the ability of the host to heal itself.
How do we activate autophagy?
"The most potent method of activating autophagy is called intermittent fasting or time-related feeding, relayed Dr. Marik, because theres this biological switch we have, and its called the mTOR switch. And so, whenever you eat, you switch off autophagy just switches it off through the mTOR pathway. And so glucose and insulin and proteins switch this process. However, when you deprive the cell of glucose and protein, it switches on autophagy and it breaks down protein.
And as this story over at the Epoch Times reports, Persistent Spike Protein Causes Persistent Immune Dysregulation.quite literally lead to the newly coined term by Dr. Marik called "Post-COVID-vaccine syndrome, or "Long Covid." Defined as:symptoms lasting three or more months that were not present prior to having COVID-19 or getting the vax;symptoms that cannot be explained by other concurrent causes; and including symptoms that are both systemic and chronic diseases characterized by immune dysregulation, inflammation, fatigue, and declined functions of multiple vital organs, including at least the brain, heart, lungs, and endocrine organs, as that Epoch Times story also reported:
"...according to a systematic review published in 2022 involving 1,680,003 COVID-19-positive patients from 50 studies, among the top 18 frequent symptoms of long COVID, 50 percent of them are neuropsychiatric, including brain fog, memory problems, sleep disorder, anxiety, depression, smell or taste disorders, dizziness, and headaches........"
And while I myself NEVER got any of the 'vaxxes,' (and wouldn't have gotten even one of them if they had offered to pay me a million bucks to do so,) and I was never 'diagnosed' with having COVID, I have suffered from a number of those symptoms dating back several years now to near the very beginning of COVID, including brain fog, memory problems, severe sleep disorders, dizziness and headaches, symptoms which led my doctor to refer me to a neurologist, a referral which led to my brief interview with that neurology office back in April, who told me the earliest they could get me in was this coming July.
With me back then politely asking the person on duty why it would take so long to get in there, I was told "We're completely booked up until then." And when I asked her why, she told me she didn't know but: "In all of my years of working there, we've never seen anything like this before."
Yet with 100's of millions of Americans having gotten 'the vax' or having fallen ill with COVID, and the 'spike proteins' from the vax or COVID now proven to lead to 'neurological diseases and disorders' such as those detailed above, in the final two sections of this story below we'll be exploring what we can do to both 'induce autophagy' as well as clearing spike proteins out of our bodies through fasting and getting proper sleep and exercise, thus counteracting their deadly negative health effects while achieving peak health along the way.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to heavy censorship by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we'rerunning an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)

As this Epoch Times story also reports, "Of all the post-marketing adverse events reported by Pfizer on its COVID vaccine, neurological disorders rank second, just behind general disorders, followed by musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, and respiratory issues. These clear similarities between long COVID and COVID vaccine-induced injuries indicate that they share common pathological features as well." From their story.:
Researchers have proven that the spike protein decreases natural killer (NK) cells and inhibits their activity. This means that the spike protein itself is able to compromise innate antiviral immunity, exhausting NK cells functions.
Scientists found that the spike protein could be detected in the blood mononuclear cells of long COVID patients for up to 15 months post-infection. This is associated with abnormal types of monocytes, which were presumed to be a major source of triggering chronic inflammation.
Furthermore, the SARS-CoV-2 virus can interfere with the cellular recycling process known as autophagy.
What is autophagy? Why is it important?
Autophagy: Human Self-Renewal and Self-Cleaning Process
The process of getting rid of waste or toxins from cells is called autophagy.
The concept of autophagy was first introduced in 1974 by Belgian cytologist and biochemist Christian de Duve. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in the same year for his discovery of lysosomes.
Literally, autophagy means self-eating. It is a natural physiological mechanism wherein dysfunctional cells are broken down and their waste products are used to make healthy cells, similar to a citys waste recycling process.
During the process of autophagy, an autophagosome is first produced in the cell and then acts as a garbage bag, enveloping the various waste products in the cell. The garbage bag will fuse with a lysosome (which contains loads of enzymes to break down the garbage) to form a garbage processing station called an autolysosome, which will then break down and recycle the waste materials.
Once autophagy is initiated, cytoplasmic elements, or the cargo that is to be recycled, are engulfed into double-membrane vesicles, termed autophagosomes, which fuse with lysosomes to form autolysosomes, where the cargo is then degraded.
Autophagy is an important physiological mechanism that not only removes harmful components from cells in a timely manner but also transforms useless proteins into recyclable amino acids.
This brings a variety of benefits to the body, including anti-aging benefits, reduced inflammatory status, boosted immunity, and reduced cancer risk.
It is likely that autophagy removes spike proteins as well as misfolded proteins induced by the spike proteins themselves. Autophagy may therefore play a critical role in reversing the spikopathy induced by the virus and COVID injections. Indeed, activation of autophagy is one of the most pivotal mechanisms for removing intracellular spike proteins.
So with the toxicity of sleep deprivation and disorderlong known to scientists and lay-people alike, and a healthy period of sleep DIRECTLY TIED into 'fasting and autophagy,' we'll be taking a look in this closing at ways we can do just those things to not only become healthy again but reducing the negative health effects of aging.

As that Vigilant Fox story reports, "Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting (not eating) and eating. Many who adopt this eating pattern skip breakfast and have an early dinner to reap the benefits of an extended period of no eating." Reporting also as heard in that first video that, unfortunately, here in the West, People eat all the time. They snack. Snacking is a Western phenomenon. And whats even worse, theyll sit in front of the TV after dinner. So theyve had dinner, then theyll sit in front of the TV and snack on processed food and carbohydrates," as Dr. Marik warns us, such a habit never allows autophagy to switch on.
Meaning that our bodies virtually NEVER switch over to our cells eating themselves, the self-recycling process that leads to healthy cells, and instead constantly feast upon the glucose and the amino acids we're feasting upon at the time, as the Epoch Times story warns us, "In cells infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the formation of autolysosomes (garbage processing stations) has been substantially blocked, resulting in many more garbage bags of cellular waste accumulating inside the cells, while at the same time reducing the cells processing ability, preventing the timely recycling of waste and harmful substances in the cells. This further worsens the persistence of spike proteins in our bodies and cells."
So "Intermittent fasting represents a simple, safe, and inexpensive means to benefit people and free them from a variety of symptoms. As Mark Twain (18351910) once remarked, A little starvation can really do more for the average sick man than can the best medicines and the best doctors.
Andto properly intermittent fast and activate autophagy, we need to eat within a six to eight-hour window, and then the rest of the time you dont eat, explained Dr. Marik.
"And its different from starvation, he stressed. If you starve someone, the body adapts by decreasing the basal metabolic rate and decreasing growth hormone to switch things off. Paradoxically, with time-related feeding, you actually maintain or increase basal metabolic rate, and you increase growth hormone. Its a fascinating phenomenon, Dr. Marik lauded.
I think the first step is to start eating food. Okay? It sounds absurd, but to concentrate on eating real food and not processed food, he emphasized. And so, what you need to do at your pantry at home is get rid of all the bad food, so you dont have an opportunity to snack on bad food. .......
Next, What you want to do is maybe miss one meal. Breakfast is probably the best meal to miss. So you still have lunch, and you still have an early dinner must be early, Dr. Marik stressed.
And then what you gradually do is increase the window of time-restricted eating. Maybe you start off you eat within a window of 12 hours, then 10 hours, then 8 hours, then 6 hours. But its really important that when you eat, you actually have real food thats good food.
Dr. Marik also highlights the importance of drinking plenty of fluids when youre fasting. Its really important not to get dehydrated, he accentuated. Water is fine no juices. And coffee is fine.
So with proper sleep, fasting for the right amount of time, eating the right kinds of food and proper exercise absolutely critical in switching on autophagy, as we also learn in this Vigilant Fox story, Autophagy is really important for brain recovery. When you sleep. You have to consider why do we sleep. Its not an accident, Dr. Marik concluded. Its really important for brain regeneration. [It] clears out all the metabolic products and allows all these synapses to regenerate.
We know that sleep is vital, he continued. During sleep, you undergo autophagy. And if you eat before you go to sleep, it does two really bad things. One is it switches off autophagy, so you dont do it. And then secondly, theres a remarkable system in the brain called the glymphatic system. So this is the lymphatic of the brain, and it does the same thing. It washes out the metabolic byproducts from metabolism to get rid of them. And impaired glymphatic flow is linked to many neurodegenerative diseases, as is deficient autophagy. So if you eat before you go to sleep, you limit autophagy, and you limit this glymphatic flow......
So, this [autophagy] is really important for getting rid of spike protein. But the implications are much further because we now know that it prevents aging. It prevents Alzheimers disease. It likely reduces the risk of cancer. It reduces [the] risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. So, we started this journey looking at intermittent fasting to get rid of Spike. But as you know, the implications are now far, far-reaching, and thats why weve gone on this new journey.
And as this Epoch Times story also reports, a number of other ways to switch on autophagy include:
Sunlight, Near-Infrared Radiation, and Photobiomodulation
Sunlight has great healing powers. Our forefathers roamed the earth and were exposed to sunlight on a daily basis, likely leading to profound health benefits. During the 1918 influenza pandemic, open-air treatment appeared to be the most effective treatment for seriously ill patients. The importance of sunlight and copious amounts of fresh air in self-healing appears to have substantially reduced deaths among patients.
Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight may alleviate multiple conditions, including myocardial infarction, depression, bipolar disorders, premature babies with jaundice, and stress and pain after surgery. A large prospective study in Swedish melanoma patients has demonstrated that the all-cause mortality rate amongst those who avoid sun exposure was approximately two-fold higher compared to the group with the highest sunlight exposure. Most people may believe that the main benefits of sunlight come from UV radiation stimulating vitamin D synthesis. However, beyond vitamin D, there are multifactorial and related benefits with photobiomodulation by red and near-infrared light.
Red and near-infrared (NIR) radiation have a profound effect on human physiology, notably acting as a mitochondrial stimulant, increasing ATP production. Amongst all the waves in sunlight, near-infrared radiation (NIR-A) with a spectrum of 750-1500 nanometres has the deepest penetration into tissues, reaching up to 23 centimeters deep. Furthermore, NIR light increases the production of melatonin in mitochondria, which thus increases autophagy, as described above.
Yesterday I heard from a patient who was almost completely bedridden due to long COVID. She bought an infrared sauna and says it resurrected her life. She can now work and look after her child, said Dr. Marik.
Quality and Timely Sleep
There are three main reasons why sleep is important for autophagy. First, most of our brain-based autophagy happens during the night when were in deep sleep. Autophagy has a rhythm just like our human body, and it is optimized when we align our internal rhythm with the suns cycle around the earth. Second, autophagy also happens during sleep because when we sleep, we fast. However, if we eat a big meal right before sleeping, were not going to have autophagy. Third, melatonin secretion increases soon after the onset of darkness. It peaks in the middle of the night, between 2 and 4 a.m., and gradually falls during the second half of the night.
As aforementioned, melatonin can also boost autophagy.
Studies on the beneficial health effects of exercise have traditionally focused on metabolic boosting, as well as promoting the functions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. However, the potential autophagy-dependent beneficial effects of exercise are also robust. The recycling of cellular components by autophagy is an important factor involved in the beneficial responses to exercise. Exercise positively regulates the autophagy capacity/flux of skeletal muscle via certain proteins and pathways. Exercise-induced activation of autophagy in skeletal muscle has been shown to be influenced by transcriptional regulation of autophagy-related genes (ATGs).
The beneficial effects of exercise include the degradation of oxidatively damaged proteins and organelles, improved mitochondrial oxidative capacity, improved glucose regulation, protein synthesis, preservation of muscle strength and mass, and improved endurance exercise performance.
It was observed that treadmill exercise (8 weeks) in mice positively modulated the levels of autophagy-associated proteins, improved autophagy, reduced the number of toxic proteins (alpha-synuclein), and thus boosted neuroprotection. Other studies have also shown that exercise training boosts autophagy-associated lysosomal pathways and promotes mitochondrial biogenesis in aged hippocampal neurons, indicating the benefit of potentially preventing neurodegenerative conditions and aging.
Patients with long COVID and post-vaccine symptoms frequently suffer from severe post-exertional fatigue with worsened symptoms after exercise. Problems with exercise in COVID-19 patients, particularly with the vaccine injured, have been terribly debilitating. Therefore, we suggest light movements, such as walking, tai chi, yoga, or relaxation therapy. More robust exercises, such as intense aerobic exercises, may be too taxing.
Natural Molecules Boosting Autophagy
There are also a number of nature-derived molecules that can boost autophagy. Here we will introduce a few of them, including ivermectin, melatonin, resveratrol, spermidine, and terpene nutrients.
Melatonin is a pleiotropic molecule that not only reduces oxidative and cellular stress but also regulates the immune system and activates the autophagy pathway by reinforcing unfolded protein response (UPR) and unlocking autophagy blockage. This allows autophagosomes to bind to lysosomes, completing the process of autophagy, and decreasing viral replication.
Resveratrol (RSV) is a natural compound that has recently attracted much attention for its antioxidative effects on multiple diseases. Resveratrol reduces both apoptosis and inflammation. It is distinguished because it regulates several cellular processes that prevent cellular injury and increase viability. RSV is naturally present in foods such as grapes, blueberries, and peanuts, to name a few.
Did you know a Japanese study showed near-complete dissolution of the spike protein in preclinical models? If spike protein is in the cell, the only way to get rid of it is through autophagy. If its outside of the cell, nattokinase, which is this enzyme produced from soy, breaks down the spike, disclosed Dr. Paul Marik during a sit-down interview with Childrens Health Defense.
And with different studies also reporting green tea, Earl Grey tea and bergamot also induce autophagy, Susan and I hope that the information we've shared in this story can make a difference in your life or in the lives of your friends, family and loved ones if you're going through 'long COVID' or vax induced illnesses. Some books we've found on fasting include the following.:
A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer
Transform Your Life With Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 50: 5 Major Principles To Help You Lose Weight And Revitalize Your Body
Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship With God
Fasting for Breakthrough and Deliverance Paperback January 5, 2016
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