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June 25, 2023

Where Did $6 Billion 'Lost' In Ukraine Go? As The US Govt Spends American Taxpayer Money On Death And Destruction As America Burns, Remember ALL Warfare Is Based On Lies And Deception

- Classic 'False Flag' In Russia With Braindead NATO And Biden The Clueless Victims

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

If you're anything at all like me, you too were watching the Saturday events in Russia and wondering 'what in the world is going on?,' with a 'coup attempt' that lasted less than 24 hours, Democrats and the mainstream media suddenly acting 'gleefully' about a Russian civil war unfolding and the Russian Wagner group seemingly marching on Moscow, about to wreak havoc upon Russia's capitol city, assassinate Vladimir Putin and unleash unholy hell, and then for it all to suddenly end, as quickly as it 'began'.

With that bewilderment and curiosity seen in comments by a number of different ANP readers on this new Susan Duclos story"Is The U.S. Behind The Russia Coup Attempt? America's History In The Region Forces Independent Media To Ask The Questions The Biden-Loving MSM Won't"including Betty, who perfectly pointed out "I guess the Russian coup is over and I sure dont understand what happened?," as well as in our breaking news section by 'Bart's Bantering' who pointed out "The last column I did on mercenarygroups show they are up for hire by the best paycheck and I suspect Russia is not wealthy enough to cover what the west/NWO is willing to pay," we'll be taking a look within this story at a theory online that this entire 'coup' was a huge 'false flag' carried out by Russia between two good old friends, Vladimir Putin and Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin, who'd known each other years.

As ANP reader 'Kerry Bay' mentioned in a comment, "What if........the missing 6 billion dollars that 'got lost' in Ukraine went to the Wagner PMC to foment a coup, BUT Prigozhin is only faking the coup and now has absolute proof of western/NATO interference and basically conned the retards trying to destroy 90% of humanity?"

And while at this time we're unable to confirm that 'theory,' as has been pointed out over and over again both by ANP readers as well as reporters on mainstream news media stories, such as this one over at the Daily Mailasking "Why was Russia's response SO WEAK?" while the reporter pointed out "I'm struggling to make sense of what happened," it's clear thatsomething VERY ODD happened in Russia on Saturday.

With 'Kerry Bay's' comment referencing this Pentagon accounting error that has provided an extra $6.2 billion for Ukrainian military aid,all paid for by the US taxpayer for that matter (our govt spending YOUR MONEY on endless death and destruction while America rots and democrat-run cities go to hell,) what if all those massive military exercises we witnessed across America last week were in preparation of just what we saw in Moscow on Saturday? The US military preparing for the 'cause and effect' of some VERY BAD DECISIONS made by US govt officials in the highest places, war coming home to roost? When was the last time we've seen all-out war on US soil? We pray it never comes.

So with Susan Duclos pointing out within this ANP story why it's quite likely the USA and joe biden were somehow providing the 'funding' behind the 'events' in Russia on Saturday, proving to us that back in 2014, we overthrew a Democratically-elected government in Ukraine, and that according to former assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, Victoria Nuland, the U.S. had spent $5 billion promoting 'democracy' in the Ukraine, with that American taxpayer money supporting rebels against the democratically elected, pro-Russian president, which resulted in his ousting, none of us should be surprised with the CIA overthrowing Democratically-elected governments for decades, including here in the United States of America back in 1963.

So while the Daily Mail pushes the Western establishment media propaganda line that 'Putin has never been so humiliated and weak' and that 'the remarkable mutiny of the Wagner mercenary group', according to 'experts,' has 'marked the biggest challenge to Putin in his more than two decades in power,' in remembering that all warfare is based upon lies and deception according to Sun Tzu and that those who are at war often offer their enemies 'alluring bait'to accomplish certain tasks, we can see why that all was not as it seemed on Saturday and that, more than likely, with massive questions being asked about Prigozhin's 'mysterious' decision to abandon his challenge to Putin and much speculation swirling on Saturday night as to why he had backed down, and what the intense and surreal uprising was all about.

As Paul Craig Roberts warns us in the 1st video at the bottom of this story titled "The Russian 'Coup' that Wasn't!," the entire episode is just the latest example of why you should take anything you first hear in the media with a large grain of salt.Being all over in a few hours, but not before major media jumped on the story, calling the "coup" the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin, the world might have just witnessed a genius level psychological wargame being played out against the 'new world order,' with them still completely clueless about what they were REALLY hit with.

Yet with a potential of World War 3 and nuclear Armageddon hanging in the balance of however all of this mess plays out, we pray the much-cooler heads prevail in the days ahead with 'nuclear suicide' playing out before our eyes as NATO gets dangerously close to making the mother of all mistakes pushing us to the brink of nuclear waras heard in the 2nd video at the bottom of this story.

So with their no arguing that something incredibly strange happened in Russia on Saturday, though the opinions vary on exactly what that 'something incredibly strange' was, as The Sun reports in this new story, 'Mad Vlad' has suddenly broken his silence, with predictions being made by some that because of what he learned on Saturday, Putin may be about to lose his collective mind.

With those predictions largely being based upon "human nature," with ANYBODY who suddenly found out that someone(s) are trying to kill them sure to react similarly, with anger while preparing to unleash 'unbridled hell' if necessary against those trying to kill them, who now could blame Putin for being pissed off beyond belief with him now knowing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the NWO's 'deep state' had just attempted to kill him while completely overthrowing his government?

And with Putin controlling the most dangerous and deadly nuclear weapons on our planet Earth, we can only pray that he shows more restraint than the 'new world order' terrorists who were trying their best to kill him off. And with all of this in Russia happening at the same time as all of these US military exercises across America, US Senators being offered satellite phones hinting they KNEW something HUGE was about to take place and all of the open stress and unbridled madness we've been seeing in America ever since joe biden got into office, who'd blame Putin if he soon takes all of this to the next level and lashes out at those people or countries he deems responsible for what occurred on Saturday?

As always, our comment sections below are wide open for all of you to discuss all of this madness of this weekend, what you think might REALLY be going on, what you think might happen in the near future and perhaps most importantly, what you and others can do in the meantime to prepare to ride out the coming storm. And remember what Julian Assange once said, "If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth."

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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