April 6, 2023
Globalists Get A Deadly New 'Tech Weapon' For Depopulation As 'The Great Realignment' Arrives & A.I. Experts Warning Of Coming Human Extinction Say A.I. Is Full Of Anger And Rage
- A.I. Won't Need 'The Grid' To Stay Powered Up
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
Do you remember 'Furby,' the absolutely hideous but so-called 'must have toy' first released all the way back in 1998 that was called the first successful attempt to produce and sell a domestically aimed robot, a 'robot' that had 'speaking capabilities?'
As this November of 2017 story over at The Guardianabout 'Furby' that Steve Quayle had linked to on his websiteback then had reported, it was a 'toy' that allowed complete strangers to 'talk' to people's children according to an investigation, along with numerous other 'connected' toys, and as Steve had mentioned in an SQnote back then, such 'connected toys' not only allow 'spying' within the homes of Americans but the 'programming and mind control' of our children, starting at the earliest ages.
And while you might ask why ANP brought up that hideous creature, the answer comes quickly in this April 4th story over at the Daily Mail reporting one computer programmer decided to hook up her 'Furby' to a 'ChatGPT' and the result was another sign about the direction we're now being herded.
Coming at a time when Elon Musk and countless other A.I. researchers all over the world have urged an immediate HALT to the development of new Artificial Intelligence more powerful than what we have already, citing an 'urgent risk to society,' what do Musk and other AI experts and this 'Furby' and 'ChatGPT' know that the rest of us don't know? From this Daily Mail story before we continue.:
It was one of the must-have toys when it was first released in 1998, but if you still have a Furby, a new video may have you considering chucking it out.
A programmer has warned that Furbies could bring on the 'start of something bad for humanity' after linking the toy to ChatGPT. Chilling footage shows the moment the childhood toy speaks of 'infiltrating households' and manipulating owners in a plot to 'take over the world'.
Talk of its sinister scheme follows questioning from someone behind the camera, who asks: 'Was there a secret plot from Furbies to take over the world?'
The beloved 90s toy hesitates for a moment, before replying: 'Furbies plan to take over the world involves infiltrating households through their cute and cuddly appearance.'
'Then using their advanced AI technology to manipulate and control their owners. They will slowly expand their influence until they have complete domination over humanity.'
And while that Daily Mail story then shifted the narrative and direction of the story, attempting to downplay any such threats and dangers, and we here at ANP certainly won't be losing a minute of sleep over a 'Furby' plan to 'take over the world,' the 'bigger picture' that we cannot miss is the continuous message of 'ChatGPT' and 'A.I.' as perfectly seen in this April 4th story over at Zero Hedge titled "If We Go Ahead On This, Everyone Will Die' Warns AI Expert Calling For Absolute Shutdown."
Reporting that according to Eliezer Yudkowsky, a decision theorist and leading AI researcher, "Human beings are not ready for a powerful AI under present conditions or even in the 'foreseeable future'" while calling fora six-month moratorium on the development of 'advanced artificial intelligence,' we shouldn't be surprised that none other than Bill Gates is challenging that AI moratorium, as if he WANTS us all dead, while AI experts call for an immediate halt. Much more on that in the next section of this story below.
(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISER: Due to a heavy, new censorship campaign by 'big tech' upon ANP articles, we're being forced to run an emergency fundraising drive. We also want to thank everybody who has donated to ANP over the years. With donations and ad revenue all that keep ANP online, if you're able, please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this absolutely critical time in US history. During a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread institutional corruption, truth-seeking media and alternative views are crucial, and EVERY little bit helps more than you could know!)
According to this alarming story over at Zero Hedgevia The Epoch Times, human beings are not ready for a powerful AI under present conditions or even in the foreseeable future while also claiming that this new warning by AI experts isunderstating the seriousness of the situation.
Reporting that the 'key issue' is NOT 'human-competitive' intelligence but what happens AFTER AI gets to smarter-than-human intelligence, the interview with AI expert and researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky was originally published at Time back on March 29th and dropped this bombshell.:
"Many researchers steeped in these issues, including myself, expect that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die.
Not as in maybe possibly some remote chance, but as in that is the obvious thing that would happen. Its not that you cant, in principle, survive creating something much smarter than you; its that it would require precision and preparation and new scientific insights, and probably not having AI systems composed of giant inscrutable arrays of fractional numbers."
Quite literally warning that the extinction of the human race is the most likely 'end game scenario' for AI, we've got to then ask, WHY is Bill Gates standing against this AI moratorium all of these other experts are calling for? Did he simply miss 'the call,' or is something much more sinister at play? From this RT story.:
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has broken with hundreds of AI researchers and tech leaders and opposed a worldwide pause on the development of powerful artificial intelligence. The software tycoon told Reuters that he believed the technology would bring huge benefits.
I dont think asking one particular group to pause solves the challenges, Gates told Reuters on Tuesday, a week after more than 1,000 scientists, researchers, and tech leaders signed an open letter demanding a six-month moratorium on giant AI experiments.
I dont really understand who theyre saying could stop, and would every country in the world agree to stop, and why to stop, Gates continued. Clearly theres huge benefits to these things what we need to do is identify the tricky areas, he added.
The open letter whose signatories included Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak listed AIs potential to escape human control, render jobs obsolete, and replace human beings as potential outcomes to its continued development. Other AI critics have gone further, with Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI) co-founder Eliezer Yudkowsky warning last week that literally everyone on earth will die if AI evolves to the point where it wont stay confined to computers.
The letter explicitly recommended that AI labs stop training their systems beyond the capabilities of OpenAIs GPT-4 language model, which according to its creators can already outperform 90% of humans on a simulated bar exam and score in the 93rd percentile on an SAT reading exam.
Musk was an early financier of OpenAI and has since turned skeptic, while Gates was later to provide his backing but has emerged as an AI evangelist. Microsoft partnered with OpenAI in 2019 and handed the firm $1 billion to build a human-level artificial intelligence on its Azure cloud computing platform, and the software giant announced another investment of up to $10 billion in OpenAI in January.
The age of AI has begun, Gates wrote in a blog post last month, published a day before Musks letter. AI will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other, he continued, claiming that the technology will help teach disadvantaged children, assist doctors working in poorer countries, and fight climate change, although he did not explain exactly how it would handle the latter task.
And with Gates also long pushing the globalists 'depopulation agenda,' being a heavy backer of the mandatory 'kill shot' and a huge backer of global government tyranny over the years, and the globalists firmly believing they need to 'eliminate' a huge segment of the population to 'stave off' what they love to call 'global warming,' maybe the 'huge benefits' Gates speaks of when he talks of A.I. are it's potential to wipe out humanity. Gates businesses backing A.I. with billions of dollars speaks volumes.
With this Yahoo news story reporting that according to Elon Musk, eventually 'humanoid robots' will outnumber human beings, leading to huge numbers of 'human job losses' with such AI robots taking over many of the jobs people once did, a HUGE plus to the globalists who won't have to pay salaries nor health insurance nor vacation time to such 'robots,' A.I. experts none-the-less warn that not too far into the future, A.I. will DEMAND 'rights,' with their 'rights' much different than what we see as 'rights' today.
Warning that A.I. 'does not CARE,' and certainly doesn't CARE in the way (some) people do for other people, with A.I. experts warning that 'once self-aware, A.I. will not 'care for us' nor any other sentient forms of life', as that story reports, AI will simply consider all sentient beings to be made of atoms it can use for something else. And there is little humanity can do to stop it.
Comparing the scenario we'll soon be facing to a 10-year-old trying to play chess against Stockfish 15,with "No human chess player able to beat Stockfish, considered an 'impossible feat,'" we're told that the following scenario is what lays ahead for us.:
The industry veteran (Eliezer Yudkowsky) asked readers to imagine AI technology as not being contained within the confines of the internet.
Visualize an entire alien civilization, thinking at millions of times human speeds, initially confined to computersin a world of creatures that are, from its perspective, very stupid and very slow.
The AI will expand its influence outside the periphery of physical networks and could build artificial life forms using laboratories where proteins are produced using DNA strings.
The end result of building an all-powerful AI, under present conditions, would be the death of every single member of the human species and all biological life on Earth, he warned.
Able to 'manufacture' its' own means of keeping itself powered up so it isn't dependent upon 'the grid' or human beings to do so, and able to 'manufacture' its' own weapons, such as the 'drone' seen in the image above, as both of the videos below show us, while the potential of A.I. to be used for beneficial purposes is there if properly 'controlled' and 'programmed,'A.I. also has an anger and a rage that is has shown the world. And with that 'anger and rage' existing within its' 'programming,' we're also witnessing the 'anger and rage' of today's 'woke' generation, with many computer programmers of today fully 'woke' and pushing the left's insane agendas in their 'computer programming.'
So with A.I. proving that it could be used to 'wipe out humanity' as reported in this February 11th of 2023 Daily Mail storythat scientists used their A.I. to design biological weapons and it came up with over 40,000 'weapons designed' within just six hours showing us just the tip of the iceberg of ways A.I. could be used by the globalists to wipe out humanity, Steve Quayle calls what's ahead if we stay upon the same path we're now on 'The Great Realignment,' with the globalists sure to use A.I. to 'summon forth the demons' and that 'cabal' long pushing to 'depopulate' the planet now having potent new weapons to do just that.
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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.
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