September 5, 2023
Alarming New Evidence Of Covid Vax Harm Emerges As Politicians & Media Begin Push For More Vaxxes - 25 Historical Books Prove Vaxxes Have Been Killing People For 200 Years
- Dr. Peter McCullough Warns The Vax Has Already Killed Countless And It's About To Get Much Worse
By Dr. Guy Hatchard andRhoda Wilson of Expose-News and All News Pipeline
It takes time to design, fund, execute, and publish good studies, but a succession of very concerning results has recently been published in scientific journals. Will this change the drift of covid politics and media reporting? It should, but instead, we are being treated to yet more scare stories and vaccine talk.
So, what are facts?
Further Scientific Verification of the Harms of Covid Vaccination
A Swiss study published on 4 July 2023, in the European Journal of Heart Failure entitled Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 booster vaccination has found that myocardial injury is far more common than previously thought. The authors realized that passive reporting of myocarditis following vaccination would only capture severe cases, missing milder cases which also affect future cardiac health outcomes.
In their prospective study of 777 healthcare workers following Moderna Covid mRNA booster 'vaccination,' the authors tested for acute dynamic increase in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) concentration above the gender-specific normal upper limit on day 3 after vaccination without evidence of an alternative cause.
40 participants were found to have such elevated troponin levels, and 22 of these were adjudicated to have vaccine-associated myocardial injury. That is a whopping rate of one person out of 35 recipients. Women were more likely to be affected than men. As a measure of scale, 1 in 35 is a thousand times higher than the myocarditis rate currently admitted by the New Zealand government.
A study published in Frontiers in Immunology on 25 August 2023 entitled BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists offers even more concerning information.
Children aged 5-11 vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine had a reduced immune response to viral and bacterial pathogens when tested 28 days after their second shot. In other words, they suffered Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency (VAIDS). In short, they had become more vulnerable to a range of diseases as a result of vaccination. For a detailed discussion of the implications read HERE.
I cant help thinking of the judges who ordered the vaccination of children against the wishes of one or other parents. I cant help thinking of the elevated rates of heart disease in New Zealand. The unprecedentedly high rates of vaccine injury and excess deaths. The studies cited above provide a further understanding of how this is happening.
ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it."But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."
These are not unexpected findings. Eminent scientists have warned about these outcomes from early in the vaccine rollout.
These early warnings fell on deaf ears, they should do so no longer. The medical tsars, media explainers, and political leaders need to take note, yet they are still stuck firmly in a groove.
Rather than building on facts presented in carefully designed and executed studies like these, politicians in election mode are finely tuned to speaking whatever they think may get them more votes. With a population heavily conditioned by government advertising to fear the plague of covid, the common political strategy is to play on the fear and promise to make it all go away with, you guessed it, more vaccines. Watch Joe Biden on the campaign trail at Lake Tahoe over the weekend say: I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works.
And tentatively, not decided, finally but tentatively, it is recommended that it would likely be recommended that everybody get it, the president continued. Whether they got it before or not.
You dont need me to tell you that recommended for everyone whether vaccinated before or not is political-speak for renewed vaccine mandates. If you compare Bidens ideas with the above studies, you realize that the political and financial clout of pharmaceutical companies is big enough to drown any facts out of the conversation even if it might send us to hospital.
The plain idiocy of this view should by now be obvious, but this seems to have escaped a great many people. Watch former Democratic representative Harold Fords reaction to the Biden agenda. He plans to get his seventh shot and admits to having had covid three times already. What goes through someones mind getting a seventh when the previous six definitely havent worked? You tell me.
Im speechless, or rather frozen in front of my keyboard. What more can you possibly say to warn about the dangers of mRNA covid vaccines? Especially when no one in authority is likely to be listening. They dont work, they harm 1 in 35 within 3 days, and they trigger immune deficiency, which could lower resistance to a range of diseases. Cancers, heart disease, strokes, and kidney disease are on the rise but keep on taking the covid-19 vaccines, the government tells us. The unwritten subtext: We will continue to spend big on covid vaccines, thereby supporting the American economy, helping to increase our national debt, and destroying our national health service.
So, what makes our politicians, media pundits, and medical authorities so willfully blind to our welfare? There appear to be a number of reasons, not the least of which are money and power. Covid has become our leading bureaucratic industry. It has multiplied opportunities to wield political and professional power and benefit from lucrative contracts.
The state expects to control our lives. A month ago, the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) reported to parliament that foreign powers were conducting interference in New Zealand. They included the usual suspects like China and Iran but also went further to warn that New Zealanders had begun to talk about concepts foreign to our national identity, like the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
The US First Amendment prevents the government from making laws that: regulate an establishment of religion, or that prohibit the free exercise of religion or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.
I am sure you will agree that these are not concepts that are foreign to New Zealand. We have almost identical principles in our Bill of Rights. Principles that the government and the courts set aside during the pandemic.
These are not abstract principles; they are fundamental to a healthy relationship between the people and the state. The plans of Western governments, including ours, appear to be going in the opposite direction more state control over fundamental rights and freedom of speech. To find out more about this, watch HERE.
Ever-escalating control of the means of communication and information content is an unsustainable strategy. As Abraham Lincoln said: You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
Inevitably, the truth will rise to the surface, just as it is through the process of covid science investigation and publishing. Continuing to ignore the accumulating evidence of harm amounts to political folly of the worst kind. The verdict of history will no doubt be very harsh, but the harm to individual and public health is already devastating.
The 25 books in the History of Vaccination series shed light on the history of vaccines through the eyes of doctors, scientists, and historical data. They answer the pressing question: Are vaccines safe and effective?
I can conclusively say that vaccination is the biggest fraud in medical history, Trung Nguyen wrote. Since 1796, the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced, every generation has been burdened by disease due to vaccination, he said.
Read also this alarming story at Expose-News titled "Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Mens Lives!"
In 2021, Nguyen restored and updated 25 historical works on vaccination. There is a list of the 25 books at the end of this article. He republished each of the books separately with the same preface, introduction and prologue written by him. In the preface, Nguyen had the following to say:
For each disease pandemic from 1850 to 2021 (171 years), all you need to do is replace the date and location in the article to the current date and location. Youll come to the inescapable conclusion that the drug companies have been running the same racket repeatedly.
Each generation has been burdened with vaccination since 1796. This crime of greed the blood poisoning and killing of innocent children for money will continue unless people are aware of it.
Behind the news anchors, behind the pediatricians, behind the medical doctors, behind the TV personalities, behind the corrupt bureaucrats and politicians, are the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) directly or indirectly paying their salaries.
Disease mongering has been going on since 1796 the year the first smallpox vaccine was introduced.
In nearly every case, the disease was manmade, caused by industrial chemicals such as pesticides, vaccine ingredients, antibiotics and medicines (petrochemicals). Or worse, concocted in clandestine laboratories and released onto the unsuspecting public.
Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous by Alfred R. Wallace, the third book in the History of Vaccination series by Trung Nguyen. Source: Google Books
In the introduction, Nguyen then goes on to highlight quotes about vaccines from writers, doctors and scientists across three centuries.
It is well worth reading Nguyens full preface, introduction and prologue. These can be read online HERE by following the hyperlink for preview this book or the hyperlinks for sections 1 4 shown under contents, which we have listed below for ease of reference:
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Books in the History of Vaccination series
Section 3 Prologue
Section 4 Prologue (cont.)
The 25 books in the History of Vaccination series
1 - The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination (1957), Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND
2 - A Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches (1898), William Scott Tebb, MA, MD, DPH
3 - Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous From 45 Years of Registration Statistics (1885), Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc.
4 - Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils (1882), Robert A. Gunn, MD
5 - Compulsory Vaccination: The Crime Against the School Child (1915), Chas. M. (Charles Michael) Higgins
6 - The Truth about Vaccination and Immunization (1951), Lily Loat, secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination League of London
7 - Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination Its Vital Statistics Compared with Those of Other Towns, the Army, Navy, Japan, and England and Wales (1912), By J.T. Biggs, J.P.
8 - The Vaccination Question (1895), Arthur Wollaston Hutton, MA
9 - Vaccination a Delusion: Its Penal Enforcement a Crime (1898), Alfred Russel Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, etc.
10 - Vaccination a Curse and Menace to Personal Liberty With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality (Tenth Edition, 1913), James Martin Peebles, MD, MA, PhD
11 - Dr. C.G.G. Nittingers Evils of Vaccination (1856), C. Charles Schieferdecker, MD
12 - The Vaccination Question in the Light of Modern Experience An Appeal for Reconsideration (1914), C. Killick Millard, M.D., D.Sc.
13 - Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History (1889), Charles Creighton, MD
14 - The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated (1919), Charles M. Higgins
15 - Vaccination: The Story of a Great Delusion (1885), William White
16 - Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960 (1968), Robert D. Grove, Alice M. Hetzel, US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
17 - The Mandatory Vaccination Plan National Immunization Policy Council (1977)
18 - The Fraud of Vaccination (1923), Walter Hadwen, JP., MD, LRCP., MRCS, LSA, From Truth, January 3, 1923
19 - Vaccination a Curse (1895), C.W. Amerige, MD
20 - Vaccination a Medical Fallacy (1879), Alexander Wilder, MD
21 - The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur (Originally Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter) (1942), R.B. Pearson
22 - The Vaccination Problem (1936), Joseph Swan
23 - The Fallacy of Vaccination (1911), John Pitcairn, President of the Anti-Vaccination League of America
24 - The Case Against Vaccination (1896), Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA
25 - A Catalogue of Anti-Vaccination Literature (1882, 2018): The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination, 114 Victoria Street, Westminster
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