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January 29, 2024

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop - Reminder Of Unconstitutional State Laws Implemented In 2020 As World Is Being Programmed For 'Disease X' Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election

By Susan Duclos -All News Pipeline

If the polls are anything to go by, Donald Trump would easily beat Joe Biden in November 2024, which leads to a number of options for Democrats to cheat their way into another presidency.

They could switch out candidates, force Biden to withdraw for medical reasons (or mental reasons but pretending it is medical), but that would leave them with Kamala Harris, who has a disapproval rating as bad as Biden's. Replacing Harris would be labeled racist Democrat supporters, as just abut everything is dubbed racist by the party.

They could bring war directly to America, thereby "postponing" the election, as Ukraine has done, but that won't be tolerated by Republicans and Independents, so that is pretty much a bust as an idea, but it does seem as if those controlling the Biden regime is pushing us closer to war, so we're listing it as an option because crazy people will do crazy things so we can't rule it out.

The most likely scenario would be yet another pandemic declaration before November. That would explain the increase of "disease X" and "tripledemic" warnings and articles.

As an aside, approximately six months ago an illegal Chinese bio lab was discovered in California, which "contained at least 20 potentially infectious diseases, including coronavirus, HIV, hepatitis, and herpes."

The warehouse was discovered by local and federal agents in Fresno County. The illegal and unlicensed laboratory was full of lab mice, medical waste, and hazardous materials.

More about the original Covid bioweapon:

Chinese-linked bio labs have been the center of controversy in recent years. The U.S. Department of Energy and the FBI have officially announced they believe the deadly COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.

During an interview with Fox News, FBI Director Christopher Wray did not mince words about the origins of COVID. The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan, Wray said.

This begs the question: How many more of these illegal Chinese biolabs are in the U.S. which haven't been discovered?

Back on point, while there was not a national lockdown, individual states did issue stay-at-home orders, aka lockdowns. Most of the lockdowns in the U.S. were from the latter part of March to the end of May, with three not ending until June. Those three states were Michigan, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.

Related:What Is Disease X? The Pandemic Threat Discussed At Davos 2024

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The lockdowns may have ended by May and June, but state election rules were changed in a variety of ways, including "nine states plus D.C. will sending mail-in ballots to active registered voters." States also changed the dates of their primary elections, consolidated in-person voting locations,

...Other states conducted primarily all-mail elections. There were some that proactively sent applications to vote by mail to registered voters. And some states loosened restrictions around who qualified to cast an absentee mail ballot and what voters needed to provide in order to do so.

Some of the election changes made in states like Delaware and Wisconsin, were deemed by the courts as unconstitutional.

For example: In 2022, the Wisconsin supreme Court rules that "drop boxes" used in43 cities, 46 villages and 156 towns throughout the state of Wisconsin in the 2020 election, were unconstitutional.

In October 2022,The Delaware Supreme Court strikes down the states vote-by-mail and same-day voter registration laws.

The point here is, even if "Disease X" hit in March, liberal states would again make changes to their election laws, and it would take more than two years before challenges to those changes would be ruled on by the states' Supreme Courts.

With that said, four swing states, meaning they could go to either party, but where Biden was declared the winner by thin margins, have made changes to strengthen the integrity of their elections.

In North Carolina, voters will now have to provide ID proof for mail-in ballots, as well as having to produce ID for in-person voting. Alsoanyone with access to ballots or records who shares how someone votes could be charged with a class 1 misdemeanor.

"If you vote absentee, you must have that in my office by 7:30 on election night," Michael Dickerson, the Mecklenburg County elections director, said. "It has to be either received through the mail or brought in the office. After that, I won't be able to take it."

Over 1 million people in North Carolina voted absentee by mail in 2020, according to the State Board of Elections.

In addition to that, all voters must show their ID. Same-day registration is still a possibility, but you must complete an application, show your ID and provide proof of residency for the county to verify. Dickerson says even with the changes, everything at the polls should run smoothly as long as voters plan ahead.

With the lapse of pandemic-era expansions to mail voting and in-person early voting, New Hampshire is now one of only three states in the country where the only option for most voters will be to cast a ballot in person on Election Day in the 2024 presidential election. In addition, new rules will likely result in the rejection of ballots cast by eligible voters who register to vote on Election Day, according to Voting Rights Lab, who appears to be against election integrity.

Also according to that website:

Georgia voters must overcome new restrictions on mail voting, including ID requirements to apply for, and return, mail ballots. Voters will also encounter new limits on drop boxes.

Wisconsin voters may face significant new barriers to returning mail ballots this election though pending litigation could change the rules before the 2024 election.

While those actions by swing states are a step in the right direction, if they release their "Disease X" before November, Biden could declare a national emergency, or states could declare state emergencies, and make whatever changes they want, knowing court challenges would not occur in time to prevent election fraud.

It isn't only elections that are cause for concern, but remember the shortages and the lockdowns that came after the pandemic declarations.

Protester at the state Capitol in Lansing, Mich.


Two of the things I remember well were the shortages, which preppers have generally taken into account since 2020, and the lockdowns causing stores in states like Michigan to block off their gardening supply section, causing many to order online, and then finding shortages there as well.

Many of our gardeners at ANP will remember an online shortages of canning supplies, especially jars and lids. The lid shortage became so bad that local stores in many states couldn't even keep up their supply of jellies and jams.

Maybe you plant a garden every year, or maybe you started one during the pandemic, and now your garden is bursting with tomatoes and peppers and corn. But if you are dreaming of canning the fruits of your labor to get your family through the coming winter with your jars of peaches and string beans, you're probably hearing this from your local store.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: Unfortunately we're all sold out of all canning stuff.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #2: Canning jar lids? Yeah, no, we don't have any.


UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: Getting my hands on anything in regards to canning has been difficult lately. They just went flying.

OVERLAND: And there's none to be had online either.

Should another pandemic be declared, we can expect the same thing to happen. Since they will be used one way or another over the years, perhaps think of stocking up now, just in case.

Once a pandemic is declared, the shortages will start faster this time because people will remember what happened last time.

KAMOTA Mason Jars 12 oz With Regular Lids and Bands, Ideal for Jam, Honey, Wedding Favors, Shower Favors, DIY Spice Jars, 24 PACK, 30 Labels Included

Mcupper Mason Jars 16 oz with Lids and Bands, 15 Pack Regular Mouth Canning Jars, Clear Glass Jars for Canning, Food Storage and Fermenting, Labels & Brusher Included - Microwave & Dishwasher Safe

150 - Count,Regular Mouth Canning Lids for Ball, Kerr Jars - Split-Type Metal Mason Jar Lids for Canning - Food Grade Material, 100% Fit & Airtight for Regular Mouth Jars

Auzeuner Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer Kit for Wide Mouth & Regular Mouth Mason Jars, Vacuum Sealing Machine for Food Storage and Fermentation,Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer Kit Compatible with Food Saver

Vakumar Vacuum Sealer Machine, 90Kpa Food Vacuum Sealer Machine Preservation Dry/Moist/Liquid Modes, LED Indicator Light, Handle Locked Design, Built-in Cutter and Bag Storage, Starter Kit

Links to other items that saw shortages in 2020 will be listed below the videos at the bottom of this article.


There is no doubt in my mind, and likely those reading this, that Democrats will do anything, including lying, cheating or stealing, during the 2024 presidential election, but the one guaranteed way for them to steal the election, would be the release of a virus or disease.

As we saw in the 2020 election, liberal state leaders make election law changes at such a time, with no worries abut whether they will be declared unconstitutional at a later date.

Some states have done what they could to strengthen election integrity, but every change is challenged by Democrats in the courts.

With constant stories of "Disease X," coming out almost every day, and with the WEF highlighting it during their annual meeting, in my opinion, that is the most likely method to prevent a Democrat) I don't use Democratic, because there is nothing Democratic about that party), a fair election in 2024.

Right now we are just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Thank you and God Bless. Susan and Stefan.


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Covid Shortages - Sources here and here.
Hand Sanitizer
Another thing to remember is that so many people started buying freeze dried foods, that Augason Farms and other emergency survival food companies either put a temporary hold on orders, or had months-long waits for deliveries.

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